The Paz Files
HARLINGEN, Texas - Around here, they like to say that all it takes to start a political fight is for someone to treat someone else like a Vietnamese. That "I'm-better-than-you" game lives in Harlingen as it never has lived anywhere else. Residents fight for the smallest, rottenest of morsels as if to not do it is to die. They take sides and then have trouble sleeping.
Such is the street dance these days in the contest for a largely powerless position on the Harlingen City Commission, namely the seat for District 1. That lady in the photo atop this story wants the job badly. She has two declared opponents, a former city police chief known for his rants against the Catholic church and its many local practitioners and a man who already has served on the commission, but who comes burdened with the fact that he once welshed on paying child support following a divorce.
You'd think they'd fight for better candidates, but life in a small pond is weird, and often beyond weird. That's Gail Moore in the photo above, a transplant from Kentucky who claims some service to her former community and an upfront fondness for her new home - this struggling town of some 70,000 denizens not on the border, but just about. Ms. Moore has served her new home in a variety of capacities, including membership in that thankless and mountainous effort of beautifying dusty Harlingen. She is said to be the favorite in the contest, although backers of all three candidates claim that assignation.
Former HPD Chief Danny Castillo, no relation to the Pope, arrives bearing some heavy baggage. His critics say he was less than spectacular as the chief of police and they pretty much down his political flight by associating him to the so-called local Old Guard, a group said to be comprised of aging Anglos who wish to do anything but cede power to the larger Hispanic community. To be fair, Castillo is only the latest Oreo to help the powers-that-be tame his ethnic community.
The third candidate, J.J. Gonzalez, is the only one who has experience of serving on the city commission. He, however, once balked at helping his ex-wife support his children, a sin said to be unforgivable in the Catholic culture. Gonzalez also has the shame of having called the city attorney while a city commissioner for help in bailing out of jail, a request deemed completely wimpish by local Macho men.
So far, it is early in the race, about a month and a half before the vote, but already charges of carpetbagging have been lodged against Ms. Moore, with her critics saying she is out of her element in Harlingen. Some have called her tiny Kentucky enclave a little more than a dressed-up neighborhood association. She wants to move larger - and much more diverse - Harlingen forward, although her experience with a Hispanic constituency is, really, non-existent. To Harlingenites, Kentucky may as well be Nigeria.
Former Chief Castillo has said little, other than announce his candidacy. And, who knows, he may yet issue declarations against everything from the horrible shape of city golf courses (his passion) to the architecture of the local Catholic churches he is said to despise. Castillo's reputation as a do-nothing administrator may also doom his bid, but, as in religion, politics also grants miracles. The ex-chief did not go out quietly when he resigned earlier this year, leading some to say his campaign may be nothing more than an attempt to get back at his former bosses - a well-known tactic within the Rio Grande Valley's vindictive labor force. Castillo is retired. Boredom, then, also may be playing into this flirtation.
Candidate J.J. Gonzalez seems to be the odd duck here. In a part of America where the culture speaks eloquently to the manliness of maintaining the family at all costs, he is among the thousands who have walked away from a marriage with a grudge. Someone should ask him who is supporting his kids these days. Public service efforts that come carrying such lousy killer baggage are not that uncommon in America, yet something tells me J.J. Gonzalez thinks he is above it all - parenting included.
The race will be decided by the district's voters, but it's pretty damned clear that this trio likely inspires only itself. Gail Moore reminds us of the 1960s actress Donna Reed, and we know her time has passed. In movies, Danny Castillo would be the soulful, introverted killer cast week after week after week on The Fugitive or Law & Order. J.J. Gonzalez? He's the quintessential annoying border Mexican.
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Good post, tell it like it is, but please...Paz-Martinez, the reason J.J. was highly criticize when he landed in the county farm and called the city attorney, was because, A. He should have contacted a personal attorney.
The city attorney is for city business. He abused this privelige, after all, commissioners approve the appointing of city attorney's. B. He wanted to have the child support reduced, because he was broke. He knew damn well, that the ex-wife was a lot younger, and word was out, she already had a new beau. He was taking out his anger on his children.
Gail, was the instigator, on the Elizarde project of multi-housing in a residential area where she lives. She supported G. Merril, when he ran against Boswell during the last election.
And Danny Castillo wants to get rid of Carlos Yerena, who wanted to demoted him to Lt.
If Castillo is elected, Jerry Prep, and Robert Lefty, will be the Minority, Joey Trevino, pretty much supports Korry Marra, if Gail wins, J.Prep and Lefty will have it their way.
Good article up and Thank you.
Thankz. we don't get this stuff from Jerry Deal or that clown. DAMN good article.
This all you got, Harlingen. three losers. Maybe you should ask people from Brownsville to move into your town. LOL!!!
Harlingen already has an outsider - Commissioner Marra. Don't need another one. We can govern ourselves.
Politics in Harlingen is alive and well. Adults playing childerns games.
The rumor is, that the Feds might be looking into allegations of fix time sheets at the HPD. Apperantly, a capt, question the gang unit's overtime pay. The story goes, Dan Castillo blocked the investigation. Nasty, little sucker.
We need to talk about Danny boy Castillo and his failure to arrest the child molestor/ karate instructor and the fact that Danny would not arrest the guy, because his wife is a policewoman Lt, Anderson who is in charge of Sex Offense crimes. Also the Mexican killed under a bridge for starting a fire shot in the back by Harlingen PD. How about letting his policeman go who was caught DWI? How about he was hired not having met the qualificiations so that he could do the bidding of the good old rich boys? Paz you should talk to some of the policeman. He dislikes Catholics and I do not understand that one.
Mr. Editor, your dealing with people who are not sophisticated like uou. These people would be nobodies in Austin. Same for Harlingen's bloggers, all of them. Strickly smalltime people. It;s the valley, you know.
What I want to kno is why you bother with this goofy town. Is it funny to you or what? Do you get a kick out of undressing the poor bordertowns or what? It's a mystery to me, sir.
Thomas: Mr. Paz-Martinez USED TO LIVE in the Valley and now, as an "outsider" looking in, he feels he has a better view "outside in" instead of "inside out". He does this like many other former Valley natives who have left the Valley for better "pastures" but somehow still feel the connection. I agree that 99% of the time he is right on what he writes, but there is also that 1% that he NEVER writes about: The hard working teachers, nurses, office workers, or even clerks at a Walmart or Stripes that work hard, double shifts to support their families in these "terrible" towns (I am being sarcastic), the farm hands that put the produce in our tables so we can get fresh fruit and vegetables (I wonder if he can get that in the big city?). Dont get me wrong, I like that he tells it like he sees it, but once in a while, if he is going to write about Valley towns, he should write at least one GOOD thing about each town going from Brownsville to Rio Grande City. I am sure he could find at least ONE good thing to say.
from Brownsville
~ WOMAN:...Ah, you hit me between the eyes with that day-old avocado gordita. I hear your criticism, but wonder how far back you go with my blogs. Lord knows I've written three Bibles of the Border, as my ally McHale says in Brownsville. Surely, it's got to be fifty-fifty on the good & the bad. I would suggest you read my book, THE WOMAN WHO KILLED ME. It is a border love story... - Editor
what Valley town is the editor from - Brownsville? He writes about it all the time. He's from there or he has a woman there. Just saying.
Jerry Deal says Tony Chapa can't write and that's true, but this is the best written blog. By far. Even Deal knows that. Thanks for doing what you do.
A reader: Tony doesn't write, he just copie and paste someone else articles.
CHapa is a fraud, I am glad Dora Charles and Daisy Gomez hammer him everytime they have a chance.
I bet those two could kick his old tired ass.
Chapa's blog no longer has comments.
Woman: if you want to get the juices flowing while drinking coffee, at the local rest. Just bring up politics, and man, you get an ear full of all the crap that goes in local goverments.
The word around Harlingen, J.J.Gonzalez, has no money to start getting poster's printed. The damn guy is broke, I saw him at el Taquito, having the breakfast special. And he wants to be a Harlingne commissioner, and Gail, well, she is a carpetbagger, she hails from Kentucky. Gail please go back.
Chapa is a fake and a phony, he deserves to be censored from the world of blogs, he is worthless, viejo barato, together with el tamalon, j.j.o.
Mr. Editor: clear this issue for us, is it true, Junior Bonner was locked up, during holloween, I heard he was scaring kids at the trailer park where he presently resides. His eyes look that as a dead man. (and children were afraid)
Nah, Junior Bonner wasn't in jail. I saw him , or a guy like him, at a seafood place in Harlingen with that same Hispanic woman who always carries his hat and pays for the meals. Celebrities like Bonner don't get jailed. ha ha ha
I don't think he editor is from Brownsville. He was a reporter there, however. But you hear all kinds of stuff about him, so
El Cabron: I know I have seen the lanky cowboy eating at Las Casuelas with some short fat woman that wears glasses, and real tight skirts. Junior looks like he is lost. Maybe Cylantra works him out too much, he looks beat.
Yes, I have seen her pay for the food. A friend of mine took a picture of beat up El Camino, parked outside a loan company, and someone said, it was Junior and his girlfriend borrowing money, what a damn cheepskate, he should be working.
I think the editor of this blog is from McAllen, or thats what he wrote on a post. From some of his comments he is well traveled.
According to Paz-Martinez he lives in the Hill country.
He is originally from the Valley.
ANON:...I am originally from McAllen, although who knows where "originally" really is? I do live in the Austin area, and I do keep up with doings in my Homeland. Some say I always talk it down, but people who know me know otherwise. I do wish it had better elected officials, 'cause, really, it would be impossible to come up with a Top 10 of politicians who did their best to do for others and not solely themselves. Brownsville has come to terms with its ambitious Hispanic population, but I fear that Harlingen has not. That upsets me greatly. I do not think its future is in the hands of outsiders, and especially not someone from Old Kentucky. McAllen has shot forward, and it remains the standard, although it too is paying a high price. One day, things will even out. That's always the promise of tomorrow... - Editor
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