The Paz Files
AUSTIN, Texas - As if he didn't have enough headaches, Rick Perry is now facing harsher criticism for his support of proposed state license plates honoring those who fought for the Confederacy following the South's secession from the union during the American Civil War.
The issuing of such plates for Texas motorists is still under review, but opposition in the capital city has been hot and heavy. The NAACP and a host of other groups arrived today to tell state Department of Motor Vehicles officials the Confederacy stood for hate and slavery. Proponents of the tags say they merely wish to honor their heritage.
For Perry, who is mired in his bid for the Republican Party's 2012 presidential nomination, the license plates dust-up could not come at a worse time. Already, he is battling the perception that he is supporting the idea that Mormonism is a cult and that he is not being shy about it. The resulting fallout, say pundits, is that Perry's campaign sails onward solely for the extremist Far Right wing of his party. What it will mean in the long run is anybody's guess, but Perry has been dropping steadily in national polls since a beginning that had him arriving as the answer to the party's political woes. As improbable as it would have sounded a pair of weeks ago, longshot candidate Herman Cain is now ahead of Perry.
A weak performance in last night's debate on the campus of Dartmouth College in New Hampshire did not help his cause. He seemed lost and uninterested in engaging his opponents. Where only a few weeks ago Perry played the darling of the GOP, he is now seen as Bachmann II - a crushing assessment in light of the fact that Michele Bachmann is running well-back in the pack of lightweight candidates.
Perry, it is being said, may be home by Christmas...
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Junior Bonner better wear his cover, if you know what I'm saying. Ha ha ha
It's pretty much over for Rick Perry. he's just going for the ride, somebody else paying the bills. Loser
No wonder Rick Perry refused to debate candidates for the governor's position. He is awful when debating, and he looks awkward. I don't think he will will another governorship, now that he has been seen in the national public.
Man, mr. editor, you are a brave man. Sending Jr. Bonner to scope the cantina life in Brownsville, is like sending the FOX INTO THE CHICKEN COUPE to inspect the screens.
How can you trust Jr. Bonner, he is untrustworthy, the man is a drunk, and don't tell me he is taking the 26 year old, illegal immigrant with him.
Junnior will be corrupted by J. Mchale, no doubt about it.
Please Paz-Martinez, Junnior will scare the hell out of the patrons. They will think Halloween came early, lol.
A night at the 1-2-3 lounge will Jr. Bonners night of his life. LOL
Some guy by the name of Philip Sotelo is challanging Jerry Prepejchal for city commish, in Harlingen. District 4 is one of the poorest areas in Harlingen.
Or so he says, well Philip already made one mistake, announcing on Tony Chapa's blog.
And then responding to EL TAMALERO JUAN ORTEGA's comments.
Philip, you are not going to win, period.
Sotelo is a mini-mind. No ideas worth following. He's already blown it by blogging with the racist Chapa. He won't get that off his back. Poor man.
Please warn Jr. that not all of those girls hanging around the square are girls
I wonder what the response would be if Germans wanted to have a swastika on their license plates to honor their heritage? Some traditions are better left forgotten. I know many southerners want to remember the old south as a place of fine manners, gentleman and their equally gentle women but when all that was built on the back of slavery, there are no manners that can excuse it. If they just want to go back to a fantasy time let them watch an old Walt Disney movie.
Herman Cain! Wow!!! I'm not believing it, no sir!Go, Cainer!!!
I can't believe Jr. Bonner is going to be doing a cantina article on Brownsville, Bonner the half sober, half drunk cowboy. The word around combes is he drinks Natural beer. Cylantra call the beer Naturalmente, Cylantra also pronounces Micholob Beer, as Michalobia, I have heard her, make those comments when buying Jr. Bonner beer at the circle K stores. She looks like his grand daughter.
A comment to writer Junior Bonner; Jr. I know you like to spend your days and nights drinking with Cylantra the illegal.
But man give Browntown a chance. Your attacks on Harlingen have been relentless.
Just stay away, if you do, I gurrantee you a ticket to the 1-2-3 lounge, if you promise the Brownsville crowd you will not be coming down this way again.
Just remember, the attire at the 1-2-3 is formal, it will be a night you and Cylantra, la chapaneca won't forget. By the way, beer is only $2.00, how about it do we have a deal??
Driving around with the confederate flag as part of your license plate, pretty illustrates what Texas has become, a damn racist state. Pinche Rick Perry.
Herman Cain is not going to win the presedency, he is just playing to the white crowd and pushing a book, vato loco. He is worst than Perry, which isn't much.
A more suitable article for Junior Bonner would be an article about the dream act.(AFTER ALL he lives with an illegal Hondurena, who probably wants a visa.)
Come on Junior, hit us with your git word and write about all this crazy stuff. You got it baby!!!!
Mr. Editor, is it true, Cylantra de La Torre is related to Juan Ortega, I hear a private investigator, believes there is relationship.
I heard she, like T/c rode the train to the border. Any truth, please investigate.
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