The Paz Files
HARLINGEN, Texas - I was killing a glass of wine when the call came in. It was some happy-voice cardinal at The Vatican wanting to get some information from me for The Pope. "He reads your stories on The Paz Files all the time," said Cardinal Claudio Cardinale. "The Paz Files is a must-read for us all, especially before the Sunday mass."
Then came a note from Laura Bush up in Dallas. She wanted to tell me she had a crush on Junior Bonner, this site's wild and crazy cowboy writer. "Junior turns me on," the former First Lady said. "I bet he smells like cookies. Hmmmmmm. You bet he's sexy, that old coot."
I wasn't going to write a damned thing today, but something about local blogger Jerry Deal's latest story hit me wrong. What's he up to anyway? He really believes his site is now an All-World website? Ha! If only! Deal's MyLeaderNews.com is only one of - what? - two billion websites available on the Internet? And he claims to be Number One in all of South Texas and "beyond," is that it?
Spare me the quaffing of that entire bottle of Maalox, Deal. That site is more like the Most Boring south of Alice, Texas.
It's always been my feeling that if you just have to say that you're Number One, well, you aren't. Praise is earned and is generally more believable when it comes from someone else. You have to say it yourself and you paint yourself as a rank amateur. That Deal, he's delusional. Who writes one or two sentences and calls it a story? His site is more a bulletin board, because the more sentient info comes from his bloggers, not his stories.
You'd think a real journalist would see that for himself.
But, no, he's Number One. Really? Let's see, an estimated guess here says that a good million-plus other blogs get more visitor traffic than Deal's site. And we're being generous. As for Number One anywhere, well, we'll grant him the Top Spot in town. Not much competition there, because, yeah, someone's gotta be Number One in Podunksville.
Anyway, I just got a text message from Oprah Winfrey saying she wants me on her show to talk about the drug cartel games along the Mexican border. Chubby Ed Schultz of MSNBC wants my opinion on "Occupy Rio Hondo" and Brian Williams of NBC says he'll spot me a cup of coffee in his office at 30 Rock just to shoot the breeze. Oh, and I just Emailed David Letterman that I can't make his show on Friday cause I'm partying in Brownsville with some Real Housewives of Cameron County. Angela Merkle, the leader of Germany, asked to be my friend on Facebook, as did the Rev. Al Sharpton, the singer Maria Muldaur, former Brit Prime Minister Tony Blair and tennis star Maria Sharapova.
But I've gotta chase the news. That's what makes me a reporter. I can't just wait on rumors and innuendo, like Easy Jerry Deal. I've gotta get the scoop, the dirt and the skinny on things such as that recent delinquency involving the semi-pro Rio Grande Valley WhiteWings baseball club Deal so loves and the City of Harlingen. Oh, and I've gotta spell out the facts behind that recent annexation brouhaha. Yep. I'll do all that for my readers before I go around bragging that I'm number one.
Hell, I am Number One...
- 30 -
No, I'm Number One!
Gdet over it. I'm Number 1
Deal is preaching to his choir, a collection of stuff-shirt old timers just like him. He is Number One in his mind. But to say he is biger than his litle circle is absurd, a lie and ridiculous. Poor man.
How about more articles on Jr. Bonner, as worthless as he is and as pitiful looking as he dresses. He is a Texas cowboy, well he thinks he is.
I want to know if he is going to defend Cylantras reputation. I hear La Gallina is talking to Cylantra, when Jr. goes drinking.
Deal is an old man. Cut him some slack. He has to have a reason for living. But he does get silly asking for comments.
EDITOR'S NOTE:...Writer Junior Bonner has his ways. We don't always agree with him, but we do think that bloggers get Big Heads. It's blogging! Nothing more and nothing less. FOR THE RECORD, we've never said we're Number One. And for good reason. On the Internet there is no Number One... - Editor
Exellent article. Deal likes to think he's the best, but he's only one in the crowd of Valley bloggers. He'd not even be Number 5 in Brownsville! A little humble pie for the Old Man. ha ha ha Just saying.
The United States, through the National Security Agency, commonly monitors and samples internet traffic, including blogs sites, which originate outside of the country. This is done to track political, cultural and social trends, to identify dissidents or subversive elements, and to intercept communications being sent to agents of foreign powers operating within the Unites States and its territories. Certain sites are continuously monitored, while most are sampled randomly utilizing software searching for key words. NSA can sample a month of traffic for a web site like My Leader News in a matter of minutes. If the program identifies key words or phrases of interest the suspect material is routed to specialists for a closer review. NSA is not allowed to intercept communications of United States citizens domestically.
The state security agencies of most developed countries operate similar monitoring programs. The Governments of Russia, China, North Korea, Israel, Great Briton, France, Iran and several republics of the former Soviet Union, as clients of Russia, have particularly robust programs monitoring internet traffic. China, North Korea, Iran, Israel, and to a lesser extent Russia, also participate in more aggressive forms of cyber spying and sabotage with the intentional introduction of spyware, malware, viruses/worms and tracking software directed at governmental, military and industrial networks.
For non-security sensitive sites, like MHN, finding regular logins from the same foreign IP address probably indicates an innocent contact by a fan of the site. Occasional hits from the same IP address or several non-repeating IP addresses in foreign a country may represent automatic random monitoring activities by a foreign state security agency. In any case, MLN has nothing to either brag of, or be concerned about.
Now, the guy running Chickenbuckets might be another matter. He post some wildly irrational conspiracy theories that might range from mind control through poisoned hygiene products, to White supremacy over the “mud people,” or that Obama is Hitler reincarnated. I can see where he might be singled by a hostile foreign government as a dupe to promote dissatisfaction within society. I bet he gets some strange e-mail.
As for Chapa’s site, one sampling is all it would take for his address to be placed on the ‘never visit again list’ with the comment “Phew!”
Deal has been known to brag and I see it as the refuge of someone who knows he ain't cutting it, as Junior Bonner would say. I agree: poor guy.
He doesn't really write. deal puts crap out and asks for comments. He's just this side of secretary Tony Chapa. I think he knows it.
Fact is Jerry Deal is all about yesterday. He has no concept of the present or the future. It's just a gang of loose skirts blogging over there. Get real, Jerry!
Glad to see Ron Mexico is writing articles again, now we just need a write up from our Main Man, Jr. Bonner.
By the way what is Jr. Bonner's full name, I heard at Gem's coffee house, his hame was Vic Bonner, any truth???
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