The Paz Files
HARLINGEN, Texas - Jerry Prepejchal had had enough. Things were rowdy inside City Hall and about to go crazy. He sat there, listening to the battle between the pro-annexation crowd and those who wanted to de-annex a poor section of the city's west side. Harlingen was at a loss to provide needed basic city services and Prepejchal was on the side of those wishing to rid the city of the responsibility. He inhaled and then let blathering colleague Kori Marra have it.
In the annals of this city's politics, it will stand as a seminal moment. Prepejchal had called Mara a bitch, or so she now claims.
"He called me a drunk, an ignorant drunk," Ms. Marra told the local newspaper. "I'm not drunk. I was not drinking before this meeting."
Drink she has in the past. Tales abound. It is something of a badge for Commissioner Marra, a rare, excitable and very vocal woman in the usually subservient Rio Grande Valley, where everyone knows it is the male politicians who are quick to go to blows, some quicker to forward erotic photos of male genitalia to a rival. Nothing humiliates a Mexican male more than being sent a photo of a man's erect cock via his cellphone. I heard that in Browntown the other day, so...
The once-passive Prepejchal has backed off the charge. He denies calling Marra a bitch, although he acknowledges that the meeting went south pretty fast. Now, he is facing a challenge for his seat on the commission in the form of political rookie Philip Sotelo, no relation to Dwight David Eisenhower. The city is abuzz. There is excitement again. You can cut it with a dull machete.
Will Harlingen City Hall become the local hot-as-Hell reality show, its shenanigans featured on the blogs and in the pages of the Valley Morning Star? Bitch, he called her! Bitch!
Man, oh, man. You call a woman a bitch and you're saying a helluva lot to her. Say it in a public setting and, well, you may as well be ripping the underwear off all the women in town. Prepejchal is lucky he lives in a sleepy town where women do not as yet have the bully pulpit. Anywhere else and he'd have been tarred and feathered before being strung head down from the nearest goddamned tree. Did Lon C. Hill, the so-called founder of this bordertown, ever call a woman a bitch? Did former newscaster Frank Sullivan ever do it?
It is a game-changer!
WWJSN? What Will Jerry Say Next?
Apparently, the neophyte Sotelo is no Herman Cain, or he'd have jumped all over Prepejchal. Jumped him like flies on day-old guacamole. But Sotelo may not have the guns or balls to take on the suddenly-brash Prepejchal. What will Prep call Sotelo, a cripple? Politics is not for the faint-of-heart. You have to be willing to go to the mat for your job. Prepejchal may have more fire left in him than Sotelo will ever see. But what about the other city commissioners? Did they hear the heated, barnyard Prep-Marra exchange and are still okay with it? The mayor heard it. He says he did. What was his reaction? How do these people sleep at night?
Jeepers, creepers, folks. Even the cussing cabbies are stunned.
It's a new day in town. Gutter lingo is in. Bashing is okay. Bring your harshest words to the fray and let them fly. Fuck it, there's nothing else left to do in this starving town of some 70,000 dispossessed denizens.
And they say my hometown of Combes is a cesspool.
The only bitch we know out here is that drive into this falling town, especially in the rain, when we have to navigate the city streets alongside those chunky, fajita-faced morons looking for the same shitty bars...
Bitch, he said...
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Jerry Prep does have fight in him. That Sotelo guy is about to find out. Sotelo let himself be endorsed by loser Chapa. Bad move.
Diodn't Kori Marra use the F word on Jerry Prep? If she did, she got what she deserved. Poor woman.
LOS FRESNOS:...That alleged comment from Commissioner Marra was noted in yesterday's story here. It was not ignored by writer Junior Bonner. Ms. Marra's poor choice of vocabulary is something the city has likely grown used to. At issue is which of the two commissioners launched the first salvo... - Editor
People are asking for civility, regardless of what Junior Bonner thinks of Harlingen.
I say to the cop's at city hall, let them go to fist city, hell that is all we need a good fist fight. Rubio can film the fight, and send it to CNN.
Don't worry, Tony Chapa will run to the exits, es un cobarde.
In Harlingen, city commission meetings have forever being disruptive. I blame Mayor Rick Rodriguez and now Chris Bozz, for failing to control the comments. The hissing, of record comments, commissioners calling each other names, etc.
It all started during the Frank Puente, Eddie Medrano and J.J. Gonzalez era, who ran unopposed.
I recall J.J. calling Eddie, a burger king lawyer. This isn't anything new. The blogs are exposing all the b/s
Thanks for editing Junior Bonner's article.
Why is Jr. Bonner, using profanities on the blog?? Junior, you are not at a dingy cheap cantina with Cylantra, please no foul language.
I love Junior Bonner! He brings a new voice and tells it like it is. We need that in this crazy town. Other bloggers can't write or wont write. Bonner is a creative man. Thanks.
Brownsville used to be this way. but it's quiter now since mayor ahumada was replaced. Harlingen is in trouble.
Paz, I was at the meeting when trailer trash Kori Marra made her speech. Marra was very emotional about it and then just went off when Leftwich would not look at her? That sent her on that roller coaster bashing to Leftwich and then Perpejchal when he nodded his head negatively. Everyone in the city knows that she has medical issues and takes medication to deal with it. Everyone knows that she also likes to drink and thus mix the medication with the alcohol. I don't doubt that she might have been inebriated to some degree and that just lead her to go off on those two? Everyone knows that Marra will also spread her legs after a lot of drinks and if you get the texting between her and Joey Trevino, you will know what I am talking about. They are blacked out but you get the idea when reading it or it would not have been blacked out. You can take the trailer trash out of the trailer park but you can't take the trailer trash out of the girl!
EDITOR'S NOTE:...This is a website for adults. We allow a variety of comments to make it through to the site in the spirit of community discourse. We do not agree with all comments. Some have relevance to the topic of the day. Commenter CC Watcher makes some strong statements against City Commissioner Marra. They may or may not be true. The reader will decide whether to believe them. It's a sad commentary on her service to the community if any of it is true, but, then, she is an adult operating in a very public position. Rumors will surface, some to be addressed and some to be ignored. We offer the commissioner the full extent of availing this site for her reply. It shoulod be clear that in our free speech society, unsavory things can at times be said. We do not in any way vouch for this comment's veracity, however... - Mr. Paz-Martinez, Editor
It's a really cheap, easy shot to discount and dismiss a woman by rumors about her personal life. How many male politicians could be charged and convicted of being sluts, probably many if not most. But that's okay for men, they can harass, demean and even assault and people just accept it as part of the male nature. I don't know Ms. Marra but if you don't like her political agenda, vote her out, don't cast unproven slurs that have nothing to do with how well she represents her constituents. I think it's also very cowardly to try to ruin someone else's reputation by calling them names when you don't even have the courage to use your own name.
If it is true that coarse words were exchanged between the commissioners then that was certainly a lowering of the professional standards between the two of them and I think they owe each other and the public, an apology but it isn't really fair to critisize her for being emotional when he also was using gutter language. I think we all need to take a deep breath and resolve to be better examples to our children instead of acting like them.
There are a ton of stories about Commissioner Marra and drinking. Part of the problem for her is that she brings much of this on herself. She's an adult, yes. But she's an elected representative and she should act acordingly.
Junnior Bonner, hit a nerve when he wrote the article. Junior Like Marra was probably drunk.
I kind of feel sorry for Marra, but it is true, she brings things upon herself.
I know Prepjchal, and he is a descent man, even when attacked by others, as it was the case in a HEAT meeting when someone question the veracity of his election.
I agree with Blogger M, and Dora Charles who ask for civility from our public officials.
At the end, it is Bozz Hogg's Boswell fault for letting the meetings get out of hand.
Anon; (I love Jr.) maybe you don't know, but Junior is better suited as chicken man. He ran like a chicken without a head when some pimp went after him, for not paying a prostitute in England.
I would like to hire Korry Marra as my maid. That woman belongs, washing clothing, sweeping floors and cooking food.
Mayor Boswell has no power. He let those two weirdos fight in public. It was a pitiful display of egos. And again Harlingen lost!
Texas your gov'ner has been thoroughly exposed as a dumb@ss. I don't think you can classify it as anything else.
Him being gov'ner for so long speaks volumes about those that voted for him and the volume isn't very high.
I'd be very ashamed for my state if I lived there. It's not a good look.
Rick Perry should have pulled a Chris Christie, but his ego got the better of him and he thought he was actually SMART......
To clear thins up. First of all, Lon C. Hill called people Meskins. He did not call anybody a bitch, beaner maybe, but never bitch. As for Frank Sullivan, what a loving man he was. He loved women and would not call them ugly names. As a young man, many a night he spent in one of the cabin rooms at the Sun Valley Motel with a bottle of hooch and some pretty little thing snuggled up in bed. Of course, after he joined AA he gave up the booze, and later married his sweet Hilda – now there was a real lady. I miss them both.
Rick Perry is a republican, and wins because a faction in texas likes him. I think he is ripping the tax-payers off.
He lives in a trendy sub in Austin at a tune $10.000 on rent, a month. And spends around the same on Chef's, plus he draws a salary of over $120.000 a year, not to mention all the damn kick backs these guys get.
A robber barron if you ask me.
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