The Paz Files
AUSTIN, Texas - The road is long, most insiders will tell you when you ask about that often arduous quest for the White House. On occasion, that same exacting road defines the candidate. Rick Perry gave a speech in Manchester, New Hampshire last Friday that has this city talking and re-defining him at a real bad time.
Or asking, really: Was Perry drunk?
The slumping Republican Texas governor delivered a speech that can only be described as being rambling and incoherent. As one GOP member present put it, "He was wasted. I’ve never seen anything like it." (You can see a portion of the 30 minute speech in the YouTube clipping posted on the sidebar to the right of this story)
Pundits who spent the weekend analyzing it spared no words in categorizing it as a strange and bizarre display of either someone high on drugs or dad-gummed drunk. Others labeled it one sure, quick way to lose a political contest. Perry, who is seeking the Republican Party's 2012 presidential nomination, appeared giddy, as if being tickled, and completely loose to the point of looking like he'd had a bottle of Johnny Walker before the speech.
He yaps about gold as the preferred currency, hoots and hollers like he's at some West Texas barn-raising and then, after his speech when he is given a jar of maple syrup representing the Live Free or Die State, he laughs stupidly while taking it and then raises it to his chest to hug it like some Gay man deciding to come out of the closet.
It was a pathetic display of the so-called presidential timber Americans expect in their national candidates. But this is Rick Perry, a college graduate who completed his studies with the bare minimum of grades, who declared he would lead a secession of Texas from the union, who shot at a coyote while jogging, who has played the part of the class dolt in debates held ahead of the nominating convention.
Perry spares no weird move in the speech, lowering himself at the podium to pull out his "easy" tax card while explaining his goofy tax reform plan, then guffawing like a stoned ranch hand and throwing his outstretched arms out like some penitent cowboy at an outdoor prayerfest. The video is wild and looks more like a Saturday Night Live! skit than what most expect from a serious candidate.
That's the real Perry, however - a politician completely out of his element, and one probably wondering what the Hell got him to enter this race in the first place.
He is over his head. And now he's drinking...
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Perry, refuse to debate anyone duriing the last governor election, he is one sorry excuse for a candidate. To think, he is a Texan, is outright enbarrsing.
folks, keep in mind that Gail Moore is a Tea Party backer. She is our own Rick Perry!
It's hard to say whether Perry is under the influence of either alcohol or drugs but he is definitely guilty of being silly and pathetic at the same time and that's not something that's going to wear off any time soon.
Gail and the love of her life, belong to the Tea Party.
She despises the current Mayor, and will vote against the Marra faction. Marra is going to court on Monday. She is probably campaigning for money, to defend herself, she still has IRS problems, She is like Juan el tamalero ortega, who is forever asking for Freebies when it comes to food. Two of a kind.
Her attorney is the former municipal Judge in Harlingen, her name is Valerie Garcia, oh boy, following J.J.Gonzalez foot steps.
Gail Moore is an opportunist. Vote NO on Gail Moore. We need good educated locals, preferably younger. Anyone who can invest a bit of his or her time to the future of Harlingen. Gail Moore is not the answer.
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