The Paz Files
COMBES, Texas - Lately, a lot of people say they see me in town, at their local coffee shops and in this or that bar. Not so. They're all faaaaaaaaaaaaags! I do get out, of course. But any photos taken by aspiring, looking-for-the-legend photogs are certainly not of yours truly. You'll see Junior Bonner here and nowhere else. At least for now.
Last night I was thinking it's strolling time again. I could see Cylantra pacing the floor.
She likes to get out and hear the noise of the night. Something about surviving the music of revolution in her native country south of Mexico. They say that about gunfire, your know. You can never lose the sound of death, absolutely. Like the other day, I ran over a cat without even knowing it. I was just a-movin' up the dusty, unpaved, country road that takes me from my doublewide mobile home here to US 77, the highway I cruise into boring Harlingen.
Anyway, the cat somehow sped across the road and the next thing I know I hear these awful, haunting guttural sounds under my El Camino. I thought I'd hit a landmine that was thinking about exploding and sending me to Kingdom Come. But I rolled a few yards onward and then stopped. When I got out of my two-tone vehicle, I looked back and saw a bloody pulp about the size of a basketball some 20 yards back behind me. I still can't get over the scene, and that sound of death still blows me away. I'm sure you've had similar experiences, especially you women with abusive husbands. A blow upside the head ruins you forever, is what they say.
In any case, I'm headed into Brownsville this morning for some barbacoa tacos at some joint whose name I forget. But I got a map to the joint from my border journalism colleague Dr. G.F. McHale-Scully, the emerging balladeer known for his Martina McBride covers, and he tells me this one place serves the only killer barbacoa tacos in the entire Rio Grande Valley. Cylantra ain't going with me. She drank herself silly last night, downing a crazy-shaped bottle of Chianti I'd bought her for - what? - $9 at that discount liquor store downtown. Cylantra loves her booze. It makes her frisky, so I don't mind it one bit. I sorta assume the Billy The Kid pose with her after dark, and maybe because I sorta educated her on The Kid's lovin' ways, well, she fawns over me until I pat her on the head and she goes on down, if you get muh drift. Yeah, we have some photos of that, but they'll stay personal.
Brownsville hangs on me for a few days after I visit that hellhole. You know, if it wasn't for all those sick and physically-eccentric characters in town, and I don't speak only about the politicians, Brownsville would be Harlingen. I'd bet that if you paired up the citizens of both towns and had them duke it out that Brownsville's citizens would kick ass. Harlingen is the Valley capital of wimps. As they say about Harlingenites in our bars, "Son de San Luis!"
So, barbacoa it'll be on this lovely Sunday mornin'. I've got Johnny Cash tunes comin' of my dashboard CD player, which was a bitch to install 'cause my El Camino didn't come with one. Here, let me singalong a bit: "...I said, 'My name is Sue, how do you do!!! Now you gonna die!!!' " Love that song. I'm sure all Valley Chicanoes can relate to the lyrics. Ha ha ha.
As I once said to my three illegitimate sons (all by different women) in Western Colorado, don't take what others say about you seriously. People will talk, and they will try to be part of your world, 'cause their world must suck Big Time. I'm used to getting yelled-at by strangers from across the street. Critics are a peso a dozen in in the RGV.
They just can't let Junior Bonner walk by...
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Great story, Junior! Love it when you let them have it. Thankz
that's Jr. Bonner. No question about it. I've sen him at Las Casuelas, with that stubby girlfriend Cylantra. Crazy old guy always makes her pay.But I bet she cashes his social security check!
Interesting story. So much else going on, tho. Get back to politics. quick
The other blogs are Dead. It must be Sunday. thanks for all you do.
Harlingen will not make it against the Top 10 teams. Those guys from Houston and Dallas are huge, some 300 pounds. And fast.
Joe Rubio and the politics of hate in Harlingen. If I recall correctly, Joe Rubio has now posted at least two blogs alleging Castillo is anti-Catholic. I believe he was the first to do so. Then other anonymous bloggers echoed Rubio’s remarks. It is reported Rubio is a supporter of Moore and is doing the dirty work for her. Moore needs to condemn these remarks and pledge to run a clean campaign. Perry took a beating for not denouncing anti Church of Latter Day Saints comments directed at Romney. It appears Rubio has decided to wallow in the mud and start a religious war of words. The election should be on based on the ideas the two candidates have for bettering district 1, and for bettering the City of Harlingen. Rubio was wrong, real wrong, to start a hate based campaign. He knew it would be off putting and counter productive to attack Castillo as a Christian, so his only recourse was to try to drive a wedge in the Christian community. As for Castillo, I commend him for refusing to dignify these claims by responding. I want to hear the platforms each of the candidates are running on and decide from there, however, if Moore does not repudiate Rubio’s remarks I will take it she is giving her tacit support to Rubio’s comments.
I don't care who says what, Junior goes to eat at Las Cazuelas, and Cylantra pays. And by the way, she isn't wearing blue jeans anymore, she is wearing a blue jean skirt about a size 3, Cylantra is a size 14, she looks horrible, but okay for Jr.
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