The Paz Files
HARLINGEN, Texas - Who knows about this greenhorn Philip Sotelo? He may be a good and honorable man ready to serve the community, or he may be just another Mexican looking for some publicity to shine over a vacuous, lackluster life. At present, he is an unknown entity, of which there are, well, too damned many in the under-achieving Rio Grande Valley.
As always, we'll say again that the Book of the Border is full of promise. Sadly, however, that promise rarely finds altitude and almost never does a damned thing for the region's all-around needy people.
Perhaps that is why that whenever a new face arrives on the scene, the first inclination is to ask questions in the most direct manner possible. It's a little late in the evolutionary process of this horrible shank of land to grant anyone a free ride from the outset. Questions must be asked, absolutely. Who are you, and what the Hell do you want?
Mssr. Sotelo, said to be an employee of one of those annoying telephone call centers, seeks to replace lately-whipped, but still popular City Commissioner Jerry Prepejchal as the next representative of District 4. Fine and dandy. It's what we do in this country, either we do our civic duty and go for it or we let some other bozo do it. Sotelo appears primed for a run. His seriousness in doing it, however, is the mystery.
Blogger Jerry Deal, editor of MyLeaderNews.com, wants answers. He questions Sotelo's motives and is hard on the rookie for daring to make his announcement on the worst possible blog he could have selected. Deal is right, of course. Sotelo's initial decision has quickly branded his style suspect. Does he not know of that pedestrian website's penchant for being hateful and racist? Does he not care?
Thankfully, there is still much time left before the contest gets to the eventual finish line. And, yes, Mr. Sotelo made his points in responding to a quirky Email sent his way by Jerry Deal. The local blogger's motivation was dead-on as a Journalism stab, but it failed miserably in conveying the importance, mainly because Deal used the missive to unnecessarily diss his blogging opposition.
A list of pointed questions, prefaced by a calm, intelligent introduction, would have done the job a bit better. Deal had the man's Email address and it is getting answers to pertinent questions that should have been his goal. Sotelo is a novice, perhaps unsophisticated in the way of the press. But he, too, is a human being and human beings normally dislike and distrust impromptu interrogations from unknowns that come armed with seeming anger. Deal's Email fit that description, yes.
So, we wish Philip Sotelo the best in his coming efforts and hope that he finds the better path to accomplish his mission. He's not the first Valley would-be politician to do things differently. Ego flashes hot & heavy in the RGV. Elected officials feel they have gained some higher social standing just because the people entrust them with a government job. Most of them, the record shows, fail and fail quickly. One of the main reasons for this is that they invariably find that serving the public conflicts with their ability to serve themselves. It is the anvil shouldered by too many Hispanic elected officials currently allegedly serving the Valley. If it's not booze, its someone else's wife or husband. The story always has a bad and sad ending.
Jerry Deal will recover from this misstep and keep on trucking. He's done it enough to now know the drill.
As for candidate Philip Sotelo, well, we'll have to see and learn more about this fellow before we pass final judgment. So far, there is nothing to indicate he's something new...
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Jerry Deal is eating humble pie this morning. Poor old guy has dropped to Chapa's level now. He spots a guy and he quickly makes his judgements. He doesn't like Sotelo. Is that it, Jerry?
Sotelo is a guy from the Barrio of Harlingen. Not a deep thinker. Not the answer. Sorry, Felipe.
I read Jerry Deals's blog every now and then. But it is getting too boring. His writing has no life and he makes too many mistakes. The editor needs an editor.
Philip Sotelo should have gone to the Valley Morning Star. Going to Tony Chapa's indicates he is no knowledge as to how the news operates.
I hear one woman and two men are checking with consultants, the Sallie Gonzalez position is going be challenged. According to some at mi rancho she is the longest elected jp, with no challengers.
I hear their might be some polling, I wonder who is pumping the bucks. Now the judge can play the machines all day long.
One guy, wants to hire a public spokeperson.
Is it true that your editor is coming to Harlingen to run Leftwich's mayor campaign? Heard it at the coffee shop this morning. Would you even tell us?
Jerry Deal has fallen in the last few weeks, since baseball ended. It loks like he has no energy. can't remember a real story he wrote. I mean with info and quotes. Nothing. he's now way behind this blog for example.
deal is no beter than Chapa these days. Both are addicted to comments from readers and they don't write news. Chapa can't cause he's not an educated man and Deal is too old. 80 years old. He's lucky to get out of bed. Just saying
Bush should be arrested. To much is left behind for him and the country to be able to go forward. Bush is a stain on our conscience.
Jerry Deal's run is almost over. He is leaving the Valley and moving to the hill country. He wrote that awhile back and maybe that's why his blog has slowed down. He's out of gas, man. Give the old guy a break.
Once a candidate claims moral superiority due to his religious affiliation something happens to the minister where he attends church, making the minister believe that he is now in charge of making moral proclamations that define right and wrong for the nation. Before Robert Jeffress goes crazy dreaming about how much power he is going to wield, he should realize that his stupidity, and the fact that Perry agrees with this stupidity could result in both of them becoming the laughingstock of the nation.
Anita Perry looks awful. Totally West Texas farm stock. Poor woman.
"Anita Perry Whines..."
Obama is going around the country complaining about the Republicans not wanting to pass to his jobs bill when in reality the democrat stacked senate killed the bill with their vote.
Who is the real whiner here?
Perry comes across like some retard. And his wife looks like one. ha ha ha
Dan Castillo is running against Gail, for place 1 in Harlingen special election.
What business is Gail Moore in? What does she do besides complain? Do we need someone from Kentucky to tell us how to live? More answers and info about her needed.
Former HPD chief Dan Castillo is running against Gail Moore. A local versus a woman from Kentucky. I say it'll be Castillo winning that District 1 seat.
The word around the coffee shop, Gail is a member of the Tea party and close to a former Minister, who burnt his bridges all over the city.
Good luck to both, Castillo and Moore.
The local is the one who left a child molestor out of jail for months and the one who put the camera lights in the city to send money to other states and who does not talk to the policemen in his department, Yeah he stands a great chance of wining or whining I don't know which but Harlingen have had nothing but deal makers and quiters in that district.
Deal has no news today. Poor old man needs help. Watch him go to press releases next. Just saying.
In a town that has had to much rabble rousing, the last thing we need at City hall is a Gail Moore. Yes, she can nose around and find the problems. But it's answers we need and she's too burned to be effective. Harlingen needs "brand new" blood.
Jerry Deal is writing nice words about Gail Moore just because she bought an Ad on his website? My, my. Somebody get Philip Sotelo to buy one and Deal will also lay off him. Deal has lost all credibility, like Tony Chapa. Anymore criticism from Deal about Chapa is meaningless.
Philip sotelo is not going to win, I don't care if he advertises in the Town Crier, or the Heraldo, he is not going to win.
He is just wasting time. He is posting comments on Chapa's Blog. Otro pinche loser.
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