The Paz Files
AUSTIN, Texas - Rick Perry was in South Carolina calling for tax reform that would greatly help the rich get richer and every other American falling farther and father down on the national economic ladder. Perry, a candidate for the Republican Party's 2012 presidential nomination, took the stage at a Tuesday afternoon news conference to announce his 20% flat tax plan, one he said would balance the American federal budget by 2020.
This Perry fighting desperately to stay in the race is the same Perry who graduated at the bottom of his class at Texas A&M with a D in Economics. This mental failure talking taxes is the equivalent of a minor league baseball manager from the Rio Grande Valley talking about who should and shouldn't get into the Major League Baseball Hall-of-Fame. Laughable.
But Perry is struggling mightily. He is eating the party's frontrunner's dust. Yeah, Mitt Romney's and Herman Cain's. Humiliating.
Yet, there he is doing his damndest to re-energize a stalled train on political rails that just won't help him. This week, he also came out as a "birther," as someone who does not believe President Barack Obama is an American. Perry not only asked to see the president's birth certificate, but also said he wanted to see Obama's college grades. It's a no-brainer to say that the president's achievements at Harvard likely further-pale Perry's slacker achievements at AggieLand.
Perry's tax plan would largely gut the federal Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and greatly reduce the country's revenues. He also wants to reduce the Department of Education by half its staff and scope, something he told his South Carolina audience he is familiar with because he did it in Texas. This, also, at a time when Texans are screaming for better state agencies and employers following suit for better-educated job applicants.
It'll be interesting to see how Perry, no great communicator, will push his tax plan on the campaign trail. His details are, as he put it, forthcoming, so who knows what he has in mind? Perry has made a career out of getting big breaks, beginning with then-Texas Governor George W. Bush's ascent to the White House in 2000, when, as Lt. Governor, Perry assumed the position. He has done well for himself.
But it's the Peter Principle every week for this guy. He has risen to his level of incompetence. Well, to be factual, it happened a few years back...
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Perry's goal now, being that he has reached his own level of incompetence, is to dumb down the rest of the nation by cutting education to the point where no one has a chance to better themselves. This will leave him and his "D" average looking, maybe not brilliant but at least, competent. He might not believe in evolution but he'd just as soon have us back living in caves, just as long as he can keep living in larger mansions with somebody else paying the bills.
He will play every card in the book to try and win. But Perry is not the answer. He's not smart enough.
One reason Perry didn't debate anyone during state elections, was because he is horrible candidate, he lets someone else speak for him. He was a "yell" leader at A&M. He is still is.
Does anyone know if Chapa is endorsing Rick Perry, because if he is, Perry will lose. He is already losing. Thank you, useless, Chapa.
Agree 100% with Jerry McHale comments about the Brownsville Mayor.(Side Bar)
Side Bar: Mr. Ochoa who is 28 years old will face, a long, long, very long time in prison.
If guilty he must serve 35 years before elgible for parole. He will be 63, he will be a senior citizen.
Ohio welcoming immigrants? Wow!!! that's a surprise.
who's the blondie in the picture of Perry? She's looking for something.
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