The Paz Files
HARLINGEN, Texas - They say much can be said about a community by the manner in which it practices its neighborhood politics. They say that in Smalltown, USA, every time an issue so small that it takes a microscope to find it makes mush out of local brains.
Such is the case in the recent dust-up at City Hall here between factions seeking to annex or de-annex a small piece of the city's West Side. You'd have thought someone had proposed changing the city's name, or posited the idea that a few local banks needed to be charged and burned to the ground. Not even close.
But there was Harlingen appearing in the form of elected officials at City Hall, some throwing fire & brimstone into the night winds, practically screaming against the idea of losing the acreage in question, lands everyone agrees are not on the so-called better side of town. Equally vocal were the proponents of the idea that this land, poor as Hell worst alleys, but valued just the same, should remain under the city's banner, lack of basic services and all.
It was a community embarrassment of the first order, one that not only made cheap hamburger meat out of the affected residents, but brought out the worst in human beings. If it's true that City Commissioner Kori Marra used the "F" word when addressing older colleague Jerry Prepejchal, then she should resign posthaste. Such barnyard lingo is better suited for the midnight hour at a local bar, at about closing time when the last-second hunt for a horizontal treat requires such words. Ms. Marra is being roasted in town, and it's not the first time. Too bad. Those, too, are dots to be filled-in on that childishly-sad drawing that is today's struggling Harlingen.
The issue is one corporate cities have grappled with since the advent of modern cities. How and when do we annex areas, so that we can grow and prosper, so that the community of haves and have-nots can work toward something better? Here, all of last week, annexation was treated as if fornication. A few wanted it badly; a few did not with just as much vigor. Happens all the time. But they're rarely as contentious as the issue was here in recent weeks. Longtime friendships were torn apart and cut-throat betrayals ruled. It was Harlingen gone wild. But, then, that's what comes of hizzy fits thrown by amateurs, by the ignorant and by the close-minded.
We asked City Commissioner Robert Leftwich a few questions via Email. He did not respond to them individually, but did write this in his reply: "What makes this really bad about this deal is that the recommended fire station that the city did intend to build years back was built to support Marra's Treasure Hills area (Glasscock 2009). As you can tell, the west side is at great risk. By their resistance, it appears the Old Guard could care less."
Leftwich refers to Commissioner Marra, a strong defender of the annexation - with or without police and fire protection. Leftwich opted to de-annex, saying the city's failure to provide basic services left it vulnerable to a lawsuit. The "Old Guard" is that group of locals who in the past decided things for everybody, generally in their overwhelming favor, however.
Leftwich went on: "Between you and me, though state law is just as demanding on providing police and fire services, I erred in my presentation by using the general law section and not the home ruled. I plan on correcting the presentation later."
By all accounts, Leftwich's presentation at the City Commission meeting was a careful defense of the de-annexation posture he and Commissioners Prepejchal and Gus Ruiz took that night, this despite hooting and hollering that lowered the discourse practically to a domestic brawl between an educated husband and an uneducated wife. Life is that way in the Rio Grande Valley, although no one worries too much about it.
Elsewhere in the land, major issues moved the government and the business world. Political candidates seeking the Republican Party's 2012 presidential nomination kept up their relentless attack on Democratic President Barack Obama. In the streets of most major cities, protesters gathered in numbers that grew by the minute to damn the nation's corporate greed culture and its resulting stomp of the Everyman's voice.
Here, in dwarfish Harlingen, the fallout was both laughable and, again, yet another spectacular display of what can only labeled as being immature brains. Selfish remains the region's most popular adjective.
Asked about his future in city government, Commissioner Leftwich said this: "Still two years on my term, so I'm too far out to decide on a fourth term."
It makes you wonder why he would even bother...
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It was a sad week for my hometown. We just cannot get over the hump, Mr. Editor. We try and try but we find ways to screw ourselves.
Harlingen is what it is, a city divided by factions. In the world of blogs, the chicken buckkets and Myleadernews are on side of the equation, Chapa blog and his brother el tamalero Juan Ortega, are on the other side of the ring.
Where is Dora Charles, Daisy Gomez, and Olivia L.Richardson, they have gone silent. Maybe they were threatened, I heard a rumor at Gem's the other night. Weird things happen in Halinchon.
Our stupid bloggers, Old Man Deal and Ignorant Chapa, blew it out of proportion. It was small potatoes. Good article. was needed.
If anything Deal and Chapa fanned the fire, elected officials are voted in to vote their concious.
Remember, nothing goes in this dead town.
Harlingen appears to have no friends. Jerry deal won't report and that newspaper may as well shut down. Needs new blood.
Paz, the only reason that Harlingen is in this type of mess is the "old guard" did not get their way? Now, "don't want to be conservative Boswell" wants the city to expand but wanted to do it without following the rules and got caught AGAIN! You have Mara and Trevino texting each other and Trevino admits that annexing done wrong. Trevino voted against deannexing because he is bought by the "old guard" via his employment. That's how the "old guard" works in Harlingen. They cannot stand that there is finally a majority against the shady deals that have always been financially beneficial to selected individuals. Racism, alive and well in the Capital City of the Valley! Thanks to the likes of Boggus, Ulhorn, Wagner, Boswell and those who support them like Medrano, Farris, Meade, Consigilio, etc.... These closet "racist" have no desire to share the wealth with anyone but the circle? Those who support, I guess like being used by them? These same so-called visionaries are the same ones who gave away millions to Bass Pro and Reese building! These are supposed to be the businesses that are supposed to lift Harlingen out of the "winter texan haven of the Valley" to being the place to shop, HA! Unfortunately Paz, a lot of people have blinders and don't want to accept the fact that Harlingen is a "dump" thanks to the "old guard! Now, they are trying to get former chief (loosely)Danny Castillo voted in as commissioner. Always taking one step back instead of forward just to get a win and prove that they still control Harlingen! I would move but I really like the peace and quiet!
What bums me out on Harlingen is its people. They are not attractive people, Mr. Edsitor. Insecurity everywhere. How can we progress? The Old Guard has its claws on everybody. Look at blogger Chjapa. He is now Old Guard! Just because some old coot bought an Advertisement on his website. Which no one reads or respects, by the way.
completely agree. But Harlingen is not alone in all of this. Most Valley towns have these problems. It's small people acting big.
Someday Harlingen will make a comeback. We're not Brownsville. just a few faces at city hall and after Old Guarders die. Just wait.
About Harlingen, yes the newspaper is dead, but it is the lousy bloggers tjhat also ruin things. Jerry Deal writes like a forgetful old man and Tony Chapa never had the education to offer an informative blog. Deal is 80 years old. Chapa acts like he's retarded. That's our lost harlingen right there
CHapa is 70 years old, as is Cholona. Chapa looks worse than JUNIOR Bonner. (No Offesne Bonner) I mean, he looks pale and wears cheap ass clothing.
Juan ORtega is around 68 years old and he calls Jerry Deal el viejo, Chapa and ORtega are old guard. They are Kissing as to a banker, Chapa is a coward and always kisses ass, to the old guard jokers.
Heard some rumors about someone who advocates against the city now under the pockets of the edc, is it possible? At Gems coffee house and Las Casuelas rest. all kinds of things roll out.
Paz-Martinez is Jr. Bonner for real, man he looks like an actor on the, "night of the living dead".
I saw, a cowboy motel in Big Spring Texas, about 5 years ago. The place was a dump, well by Jr's. appearence, why would I expect a 5 star Hotel.
The boss tells me not to make comments about your comments, but, Bubba, some of youse get my goat. I am from West Texas and I do talk and write in my own way. So I like younger women, well, so what? Ya'll can take all the old ones. How 'bout them apples. And, yeah, I know I can take Jerry Deal. That Chapa varmint is just a sad case of the bad genes, if you get my drift. Look for my story this week, you whippersnappers. Git me? Ya'll be good now, you hear? Gotta go hit the bars with Cylantra, my old lady.
Leftwich will never run for mayor. But people forget around here and two years is a long time, so he may. we'll see. He had the right idea on this annexation.
Robert Lefty, can't win for mayor, he is darn good man, I like him and I think he has done good for Harlingen.
But the establishment hates him, literally hates him, specially the screwed up old guard.
Paz-Martinez, I hope you edit Bonner's write ups. He speaks horrible. I think Juan ORtega and Chapa write at his level. Ya'll cow poke.
Jr.Bonner, won't need a mask for halloween. He is creepy looking. Parece muerto.
What is this gotta, git, varmint, and ya'll what kind of lingo is that, damn, that Jr. Bonner sounds like a beat up truck driver.
The rest area on E street and Harrison in Harlingen, or El Cisne Bar, would be right up your alley.
Bonner is a unique dude. cut him some slack. at least he is working and not letting his woman pay the bills like some people in Harlingen
Tony Chapa doesn't work he lives of the Blog, la Sholona supports his wobbly old ass.
Mr. Editor, not that I like rumors, but at the Combes truck stop, I heard someone who's nick name is, "La Gallina" likes women from San Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua, I hear he is eyeing that doulble wide, he wants to make a move on Cylantra, his real name is Epifanio de al Mancha.
Please pass on the word to Jr Bonner. He might have to prove his manlyness, if la gallina moves on Cylantra.
Re: The Topeka Ks City Council decriminalizing domestic assault. I would think that a murder case would be much more expensive to prosecute so why don't they just decriminalize murder and save even more money. After all, that's what you're doing when you assault a woman, you're murdering her soul. Or maybe they could decriminalize sexual abuse of children because children don't pay taxes, have little power in society, and use up quite a few resources. Remind me not to travel through Kansas anytime in the near future. It doesn't sound like a safe place for anyone unless they're rich white men. l
Junior Bonner looks like he's always looking for a fight. The word in the coffee shop today was that he and Cylantra get into it in the backyard of his mobile home and that she yells at him Spanish. Real bad words. And they say Junior just laughs and laughs.
Even in the Valley law enforcement goes after domestic violence offences.
If Jr. bonner was to pick a fight with Cylantra, or beat her up, he will go to jail.
I hear keystone cops at Combes are real tough on female abusers. I know they sent a guy to prison, and then was deported, for beating up a Nicaraguan waitress.
I think Bonner better becareful, la Gallina is after Cylantra con Tomate.
We will see if Jr. fights for his woman, or runs like he did in Amsterdam. When the Pimp shot him on his rear.
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