The Paz Files
AUSTIN, Texas - Something utterly silly happened in Washington, D.C. today. No, Republican Michele Bachmann did not say something smart or profound. And, no, Republican Speaker of The House John Boehner did not cry, as is his wont when he goes teary-eyed over the emotional side of his public service.
What took place was an agreement in Congress said to have resolved the issue of where the nation's debt ceiling would be placed this budget year. Well, they set it with the future in mind, but, then, that's Washington, D.C.
America has debt it incurs and must pay. It meets its investor dividend responsibilities by way of payments. Foreigners investing in this country like to get paid on time. Congress holds the country's purse strings, so Congress must ratify all expenses. The president submits his budget and Congress - the House and the Senate - ratify it. Every year, the administration frames its revenues and expenses. America has the revenues to pay its bills, but it also needs to get the yahoos in Congress to approve it.
In our crazy politics, however, there always are the two dominant parties, the Democrats and the Republicans. Each, as can be expected, wants to say it sets sway in Congress. And we've seen it happen all weekend. President Barack Obama goes on TV to have his say and Boehner follows forth with his, followed in kind by lesser types. It's an old ritual in our nation's capital.
The details are many and will eventually be forthcoming.
For now, just know that all that cutting of social programs and other entitlements the Republicans are crowing about will not take effect until 2013, or about the time the infamous Bush Tax Cuts also get a review. Republicans are smiling when they point to the current agreement's lack of tax hikes.
They'll see things a bit clearer in 2013.
That's politics, boys and girls - always the unseen angle...
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La politica as they say at las casuelas, politics is everywhere.
Hopefully the nation will get going, man, there are no jobs, when you think, one of Tony Chapa's supporters is bumming food, things are bad.
Yes, everyone knows he is a smooch.
Okay, common guys leave Jerry alone, he promotes the local league because he is an employee of the league.
We all the know the wings play horrible, so my good man Jerry has to put a spin to it.
Paz-Martinez, so you really keep up with the Valley. MVEC magazine had an article on Donna Football, it was from the 2010 campaign. The article was written by some writers from Austin. Good post and thank you.
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