The Paz Files
AUSTIN, Texas - Rick Perry's talking tough in Iowa. On a campaign stump through the Hawkeye State, Perry has taken hard to the lingo of the Lone Star State, saying he'd get "ugly" with those steering the struggling federal treasury. It's vintage Perry, a woeful college student who has forgotten his lumbering past and now believes he is presidential timber.
"We need a president who loves America," he told a mob of sympathetic Republicans yesterday. "I'm running for president because I love America."
The 61-year-old Perry tends to forget things, like that it wasn't but a few months back that he proposed seceding from the same America he now so dearly loves. This kind of Hypocrites have no problem lying. Ask Dick "The Creep" Cheney. Ask Donald "Duck" Rumsfeld.
What self-serving politician won't throw out that "Love America" line? All of them will do in a jiffy. But we cannot allow Perry to forget his past. It's too fucked-up to leave behind, Ricky.
Lately, Perry's been crowing long and loud about his role in what he labels a rosy Texas economy that really isn't. He claims to have created jobs. Ha ha ha. Here's what smarter Texas Congressman Lloyd Doggett says about that: "Twenty-five states have lower unemployment than Texas does today. We're tied with Mississippi for more minimum-wage jobs than anywhere in the United States."
And Perry ignores the huge billion-dollar budget deficit rosy Texas has on its hands, a deficit that has cut programs aiding the elderly and schoolchildren. Wasn't he the Republican who wanted to mandate vaccinations against the human papillomavirus, a cause of cervical cancer, for Texas schoolgirls just because one of his biggest financial backers had some connection to the drug's manufacturer? Ah, yes.
What is emerging quickly is that Perry is a liar.
He cannot be trusted, and that's the cancer in his campaign. You cement the diagnosis when you know that a die-hard Republican prankster like Karl Rove has not said one word in support of Perry. Nothing.
We're pulling for Michele Bachman to send this poser packing back to Texas. We do that because we know flighty Bachmann is going nowhere, either. Those two diminish the essence of anyone running for president. Rick Perry likely can't even understand the dynamic of a national contest. His grades in school were not good enough to brand him a visionary or an analyst.
It says here that his claim to accomplishing anything in Texas is suspect, and for good reason.
The State Fish Head is loose in the Midwest. That's all this silly presidential campaign is about, nothing more...
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It's true. Perry is a liar and he cannot be trusted. he is emabarassing every Texan with his tough hillbilly act in Iowa!
A hillbillie from Paint Creek, Texas, and yes very questionable grades.
He isn't going to win.
Mr. Editor, I like the ladder built around the sign. Good for them. I like Taco, myself. Well, some tacos.
Roy Meggard is being hammered by Treto Garza and his little group. I hear some of the member's of the city advisory board are not very happy with him either.
Time to go Roy.
By the way, I agree with your comments, whinning Vet's journey to a med. hospital. Cry babies, nothing but cry babies.
Paz-Martinez, just why would anyone take a picture with an uncle that died years ago. Emiliano Zapata is History, and his nephew ought to be ashame of himself saying he is in the US illegally.
I SUPPORT LEGAL IMMIGRATION, but I am not to crazy about people who are here illegally. No sirriiieee.
Do it the right way, just like everyone else. (side bar article)
it's ALWAYS the Vietnam veterans doing the crying. Just say you served! Buncxh of crybabies.
The best tacos in the Valley are found in the little towns like La Feria and Rio Hondo and San Juan. Alton west of McAllen has a Taco Row which is a sort of Disneyland of tacos. You can find cheap food if you look for it.
Maybe Rick perry's people can form a support group with the residents of Wasilla.
ALL:...The word from his hometown is not good. Some residents have been telling the press they don't realy like Rick Perry and will not be voting for him. They note that he has abandoned Haskell County and laugh when he claims to be a farmer. Records show he has earned income of barely $800 as a farmer on land belonging to his father. Rick Perry wants desperately to be something he isn't, a Somebody... - Editor
This guy Perry is getting old real fast ...............
How much longer can any of us put up with this a$$hole !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He is beginning to sound like G.W. Bush, with his bullshit of treason, yea, yea, first he spoke of leaving the 48 and now he loves America, dumbo. Which is it?
Perry sounds like he is on stroids, he is not going to win, I can you, he is not going to win.
Michele Bachman got caught fibing, man that bitch is plain ugly. She told the press she was at a family gathering, that was why she was late for a rally. Her mom told the press was not at the family re-union as she clamied. Lies, lies, lies,
Mr. Editor: The Editor of the Austin Stateman is doing what necessity mandates, I own over 40 rent houses, and it is hard to maintain occupants in the homes, just when things go well, something happens and back to 50% occupancy, man it is hard, this economy is, pardon the word all F#%^&ed up. I mean all messed up, and taxes are one month away, October 2011, city, school, and county, I swear, times are hard for everyone, and the stock market is all over the map. We need something to happen, I don't know what, but something.
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