The Paz Files
McALLEN, Texas - When he came here earlier this year to manage a start-up, semi-pro baseball team, Matt Stark was ballyhooed as a professional with some Big League experience. He'd batted a few times in the majors, not many, but enough to have local sportswriters write that he had faced prime time pitching. It is par for the course in minor league baseball, where an ounce of Big League experience counts for tons.
Stark, shown in photo above, is gone as manager of the woeful McAllen Thunder. He was relieved of his duties last Monday by team management without much of an explanation. Something happened during the team's visit to San Angelo, Texas, where Stark's squad recently faced the local Colts. What that was the team is not saying, and reporters in the Rio Grande Valley are not asking. It is a weird way for Stark to exit the field of play.
What happened?
The Thunder has left a slew of questions many here are asking: Did Stark get drunk? Did he abuse a player? Was he busted by San Angelo cops for something or another? Was a prostitute involved? Drugs? What happened? It had to be something serious.
Smalltown baseball is known for giving fans a show. Teams often pump-up player resumes or arrive making grand promises and characterizations. The McAllen Thunder, which actually plays home games in neighboring Edinburg because the team has no field, held a press conference upon Stark's hire, telling story-hungry reporters he had a way with young players and enough experience to bring credit to the team. Reporters and bloggers up and down the Rio Grande Valley bought into the fairy tale.
Baseball, as played in the North American Baseball League of which the McAllen Thunder is a member, is not even A baseball, the lowest rung in the established minor leagues. But there was the proud-as-punch Stark, once a hero to a few million Mexican League baseball fans during his playing days in Aztlan, promising great things for ambivalent McAllen fans.
Something happened.
The Team is not talking and area bloggers are uninterested, the same bloggers who religiously shill for the local NABL teams here, in Edinburg and down the road in Harlingen. They merely report that Stark is gone and that no explanation will be forthcoming from team officials. End of story, they agree.
But, of course, it isn't. Stark was offered to local fans as a consummate pro, as a name to be identified with by fans, as is Manager Eddie Dennis of the Rio Grande Valley WhiteWings in Harlingen. To merely swallow the nothingness coming from The McAllen Thunder is absurd.
One of the Bloggers, Jerry Deal, editor of MyLeaderNews.com in Harlingen, even counts major Journalism experience. He has not asked the Big Question about why Stark was let-go. Deal has taken his seat and pocketed questions he knows should be asked, questions any self-respecting reporter would jump to ask, to get info, to then write it for the same fans sought by this league.
Ask it: "Why was Matt Stark fired?"
It is as relevant as when these same reporters asked: "Why was he hired?"
They asked that one, and they got glowing words about Matt Stark, which they then raced to print...
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The valley minor league is just what it is, a side show. They are asking sponsors because no ones attend the games. I was there and very few people were at the game. They have some stupid bird that monkeys around with grown ups and kids.
The games remind me of a low rent carnival.
McAllen is known for failed dreams. This guy was probably fired because the team never performed. But fans should be told. Teams cultivate fans, but never square up with them. Good article.
Jerry Deal is almost 90 years old. Maybe he forgets he should cover the baseball stuff. He goes to the games with his old dog. We all know he won't write negative news about the league.
I have a feeling if the wings don't improve they might be out the door. Or if they don't pay their bills.
Man, I swear Harlingen is just so screwed up, it is miracle people still live here.
Yes, I was at the baseball game the other night, Thursday is thirsty Thursdays and beer is cheap, mostly draft. Me and my lovely wife Candice from Honduras drank 6 glasses and 4 hot dogs.
Then of course headed home, for more wine and a good night sleep.
I strongly recommend a night out at the game. Mr.Editor you and your lovely wife will enjoy it, I guarrantee it.
excellent article. THanks. baseball is big down here, but the news media sucks.
@ to Brother Jonesy. Please don't take this as criticism, consider it as relationship saving advice. I noticed in a previous post you described Candice as your "living" girlfriend when I'm sure what you meant was live-in, describing your cozy domestic arrangement. When you call her "living", I'm afraid many people are going to assume that you also have a non-living girlfriend, like a mannequin or blow-up doll. This false impression could really upset Candice if anybody ever teased you about it in front of her. Just a word to the wise.
Blogger M, Stand corrected, sorry, but no blow up dolls for me. I am very happy in this relationship. Very Happy.
What's the problem with Jerry McHale, he sure is getting vocal, on just about everyone, city commissioners, and now
he is picking on the staff of UTB/TSC, he is hard with words.
Paz-Martinez we know you know him well, maybe you get him to take Xanax and calm his anger.
Jerry McHale is a phony, I can't believe he is actuallys serious about Brownsville Texas, man he needs to get a life, "Brownsville", you can't revive this losing town. I don't care if you elect Juliet Garcia as Mayor.
Does anyone know what happen to Emma Peres Trevino, she was writing for the Valley Morning Star, suddenly, zero articles. Please, don't tell me she got the axe.
FYI, Chapas blog is down to 2 comments. That fool doesn't get it, he is finished, the new mhnblogspot. did him in. Viejo bruto, the word is that his blog will come alive during the next city election.
AAYYaayyy, se le acabo al mamon de chapaneco, se te acabo cabron.
Jerry Deal never responded, huh? Por bastard. He has his hands tied by the WhiteWings. Some reporter. CAN'T BE TRUSTED, is what I say. Write the truth, deal!
Hey I was at the wings the other night, man, the score resembled a football score. Double Headers start at 4pm, I don't know about the other cities. But at Harlingen Field there is no shade and it is hot, I mean hot and humid.
What did happen to Stark? It would be interesting to know what the famous Stark was doing to make him lose his job.
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