The Paz Files
HARLINGEN, Texas - They play a mean brand of insignificant sandlot ball here. Hustle moves around the bases and player perspiration flows as if dripping down dog-tired farmworkers' bodies. Managers scream for victory. Fans sit up and rub the lump in their throats. The local team is fighting for first place in the Southern Division of the obscure North American Baseball League, battling a squad of sun-baked cowboys from San Angelo in West Texas for the top spot. It is pro baseball, but only because the players, mostly rejects from the major leagues and former college players unable to give up the dream, get paid a lowly wage.
By name they go as the Rio Grande Valley WhiteWings, but they could be the Harrison Ave. Hellfighters or the Ed Carey Drive Dummies or the Seventh Street Killers. The baseball they play is barely better than high school ball, below even A ball, the lowest in the established minor leagues recognized as incubator for Big League baseball's future. Still, the WhiteWings continue to take the field in a city-owned ballpark carrying the city's name - Harlingen Field.
That is important to the team, because without the field, they'd be playing either at the high school or in some pasture outside of town. They should thank their lucky stars that Harlingen avails the facility and even extends a generous contract for utility services, rolling costs the city has apparently had to lump in the past. No one talks about a certain delinquent debt the WhiteWings owe the City of Harlingen to do with the provision of electricity at the field. It is, some say, being paid on the installment plan and may have at one point reached the $40,000 level.
Now come rumblings that perhaps a new stadium is in order.
Like Hell!
Residents of this struggling, oft-whipped Rio Grande Valley community have so many other needs that it would take a fleet of dump trucks to transport their dreams from the neighborhoods to City Hall. A new stadium for a baseball team owned by some guy in Dallas? Obscenity!
Poor Harlingen is still awaiting payback from a huge investment in the drawing of a Bass Pro Shops to the city limits that may or may not pan out. Building a new stadium so that a team of mediocre players can lay claim to something good is bad politics and worse economics. Yeah, let the team build it with its own cash!
Harlingen Mayor Chris Boswell and his secluded city commissioners should go on record as saying such a proposal rivals that idea of a few years back by some other out-of-town dreamer to build the biggest topless bar over by Los Fresnos, the one that was going to employ more than 5,000 women of all ethnicities and include a runway for small airplanes. Pipedream!
The WhiteWings would be wise to thank Harlingen residents by opening the gates to the ballpark and playing the last week of the season without charging admission. Free hot dogs, free beer, that sort of thankee. Have the players wash and wax fans' cars in the parking lot. Have the team owner appear at a City Commission meeting to personally thank the local taxpayers. He's the owner, and owners, as we all know, are in it not for the love of the game, but for the money.
New ballpark?
Only a town full of suckers would go for that deal...
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What a crazy stupid idea, does Harlingen really need the whitewings, I don't think so, the biggest cheerleader is talking about moving to the hill country in about a year, Jerry Deal, common, how about paving 21 street by Bonham elemetary and posting no trespassing signs by the mess the contractor is doing by the drain ditch. Give me a break.
Harlingen is so full of stupidities, there is nothing wrong with the stadium, the aluminum addition does look kind of stupid, but remove the damn things, and if the Wings don' like it, I will pay the first $5.00 so that they can leave.
they should show their apreciation. A few free games would do it. But the team won't do it. They just like things the way they are.
jerry Deal has backed this lousy team all year long. he has not covered it like a newsman! get real, jerry!!!
Exellent article. Not all Harlingen residents fall for that basebal crapola. Need better reporting around here! help.
Jerry Deal, works for the Whitewings. Everybody knows that, or does write ups for the league. I hear through the coffee talk, they want Eddie Dennis the manager of the wings in the Valley hall of fame.
What, common, guys, I almost burnt my lips, that is so rediculous.
Mr. Editor, they ought to be glad they have a baseball stadium to play in, thank's to the Valley Giants.
Otherwise, they would play in some empty lot.
(Side Bar), Mr. Editor: Ron Paul was on tv today, mocking Rick Perry's stance on everything.
I can't wait to see Rick Perry debate someone. He refuses to debate anyone at the state level, es un cobarde. (a little coward)
Rick Perry is using religion to promote his political agenda. Plain and simple, Ricky, leave religion out of politics, bro.
Side Bar, Wow, are we to expect a bomb shell, hey, I will contribute to the fund. Most of these guys that promote fidelity, are the worst ones. Specially the Republican party people.
Harlingen would be stupid to build a baseball stadium. It's not needed unless the Yankees move to town. ha ha ha
ROY:...The fabled NY Yankees are not moving to Harlingen. Any proposal by the City of Harlingen to seek a new stadium would likely lead to riots in the streets. A new ballpark is needed in town only if every resident has a good job, a good home, good streets to drive on, competent politicians keeping their needs in mind and something telling them the future will be kind. One abandoned, decaying building in town is one too many... - Editor
Jerry Deal is too old anymore. He seems to forget things, like being fair in covering the basebal team. he is like a groupie. ALWAYS nothing but good news about The Whitewings. Doesn't help the community when he ignores stuff.
Just what exactly does Jerry McHale do??? He writes, plays guitar, does this guy works at all??? Or is writing his only job???
ANON:...Mssr. McHale is employed as a classroom teacher by the Brownsville Indpendent School District. That's his day job. By night, he fights corruption... - Editor
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