The Paz Files
HARLINGEN, Texas - They say it with great verve, as if no one could ever dispute its veracity. There are, goes the line, 10 rubes for every smart person in this town. Being easily swayed is the burden residents carry as if a 5-ton anvil around their necks. Rarely, and perhaps with only Babylon as the exception, has a town walked the edges of the cliff.
Now comes the latest blowback.
Yesterday was a good day for local business. The director of the city's Economic Development Corporation stood up and announced the arrival of a fast-food joint as if announcing the dawning of a brave new world. Panda Express, the poor man said breathlessly, is coming to Harlingen. Put down that plate of tacos, boys; it's Chinese grub from here till Christmas.
Panda Express is a business run out of a little hellhole in California known as Rosemead. It is a town known for nothing. But the company owns more than 1,300 eateries across the land, offering a cheap version of Americanized Chinese food. It is "gourmet" only if you have no damned idea what gourmet is. Throw that word out in Paris or New York, but not here, not here where the struggle to find the word "paradise" in the dictionary is one of those never-did-get-there things, like Russians dreaming of landing on the moon and Mexico resolving its bloody and shameful drug war.
Panda Express has bought a building here, and the plan is to offer this town of some 70,000 culinary eclectic folks something else to munch on for $5.99, like greasy orange chicken or somesuch supposed mandarin dish.
It is, to be truthful, in the same league as Long John Silver's and Wendy's and Jack-In-The-Box, food to fill, but never for the discerning palate. That's a fact, Jack. And we don't mean Jackie Chan.
Here's this from a lawsuit filed in California against Panda Express.
"For months [the manager] treated me like a worthless employee," Aremy Lomely, a former Panda Express employee, told the Oakland Tribune. "I felt so ashamed when the Asian workers watched me obediently run from the bathroom to the tables to the counters, cleaning when they did not have to."
As reported by the Associated Press, the young lady "is part of a federal court filing against a San Jose Panda Express restaurant that allegedly forced Latino employees to clean toilets and perform other menial tasks while Asian employees of equal ranking stood by and watched. According to the suit, the manager of the restaurant also punished Latino employees more often and more harshly, frequently cutting Latino employee hours and awarding them to Asian employees instead. The allegations occurred from 2008 to 2009, and the restaurant has since hired new management."
What Panda Express is accused of doing is violating the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which outlaws discrimination based on ethnicity.
The suit was announced by the U.S. Equal Employment Commission on Wednesday. It seeks monetary damages for the affected employees and will force the company to enact strict anti-discrimination training.
As happens with these lawsuits, a Panda Express spokesman said the company will not discuss pending litigation.
For Harlingen, it is something to wonder about. Abuse of local employees may not sit well with the large Hispanic population and a few select city leaders. Will Harlingen monitor Panda Express and its personnel practices, or will it go down the same path it's sought in its questionable dealings with the Rio Grande Valley WhiteWings semi-pro baseball team?
It's not a reach to say that local Hispanics will not take any crap from out-of-town Chinese-Americans. In fact, we believe Panda Express woud be wise to keep its abusive supervisors closer to the West Coast...
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hey, we get excited about anything coming to town! That's how bad things are in Harlingen.
harlingen is hillbilliesville. No one takes that town seriously anymore. Too many losers there.
about rick perry: He was born fairly poor, but Rove recruited him to run against a very liberal democrat in 1998. Rove pulled out all the dirty tricks and Perry was bought over to the dark side with a winning campaign.
In any case, there are gay rumors swirling around him-have been for years, so that's why sex is the issue. It's not so much if he had a heterosexual affair-it's a question of whether or not he has an appetite for cock.
That's why this ad makes Perry's hypocrisy the issue. Perry is pretty terrible with gay rights, just like his supporters.
Karl Rove called comments from Rick Perry innapproiate. Mr. Perry is a windbag nothing more nothing less.
I can't wait to see him in a debate.
Mr. Editor: The morbidly Obese Aurora De La Garza and Joe Rivera, both county elected officials are not to happy about all the ongoings.
First Aurora had to pay for a portrait that was placed in the County Annex in San Benito.
The other bastard refuse to pay for his share.
I hope in the next elections, both of these pricks get thrown out of office.
I noticed the County is going to put the court bailiff's under the Sherrif's sleepy eyes Lucio. The word is that Lucio is 76 years old, 3 year's younger than my good friend Jerry Deal.
And that he gets lost around Brownsville. Lucio makes $94.000 a year to sit in his office and do nada.
I use to eat at Chinnese rest. and Philipino eateries, untill I went with a health inspector to inspect a kitchen, and I will never eat in anyone rest, ever. NEVER.
Tony Chap's blog is without any comments. hahahaha, viejo inservible, he is posting news releases only. Release's no one reads.jajajaja
Anonymous said...
I use to eat at Chinnese rest. and Philipino eateries, untill I went with a health inspector to inspect a kitchen, and I will never eat in anyone rest, ever. NEVER.
August 19, 2011 9:52 PM
Many yrs. ago I knew a guy that worked as a busboy cleaning tables at a restaurant next to the burger king by the expressway in B'ville. He told me that the cook was a heavy smoker and that he actually saw him throw the ashes of his cigarrette and mix it up with soups and meats. Personally, if I am going to have "junk food", I will have a burger from Spankys or Wings from C&C wings or if I want food from my culture, I WILL COOK the tacos, tostadas, pozole but I rather have fruits, vegetables and nutritious foods that will not make me pay the consequences later.
ALL businesses provide JOBS, but I guess this is what the public wants.
WOW! Another Chinese restaurant, Harlingen has almost as many Chinese places as it has Mexican restaurants, and that is not counting the Thai and other Asian eateries. Definitely more Chinese than pizza places. What Harlingen needs is a good Middle-Eastern restaurant with a halal menu. The two here now (if they are still open) are not very good and their menus limited. How about a true kosher delicatessen, or more cafes with varying menus of home style cooking - with no fast food.
tony chapa consider's his blog a worthwhile piece of news, what a bummer, news releases from other outlets. He can't write or read, he is from La Colonia Benito Juarez in Reynosa. LOL, LOl,
Lamont, I am with agreement, the truth is that because there isn't any form of entertainment, harlingen markets nothing but eateries.
Look a good example is Cholona Chapa, she eats menudo, and taco's galore and is Obese under current standards. Bigger than Mr. Big Dawg, and Mr. Dawwwgg is kind of hefty.
But you are right, I want to eat something different besides, tacos, burgers, enchiladas, and french fries.
Anon, fruits and vegetables;
The tex-mex food is okay everyonce in awhile, but I to try to eat healthy as much as I can.
ORiental food has too much salt and it is way too greasy.
Tex Mex food is just as greasy. The best food to eat is at your house, at least you know it is clean. Apples, berries, water Melon, cantoulope, spinach, green beans a small baked potatoe and a 5 oz stake. It doesn't get any better. (if you can afford it hire a maid and have her fix good healthy food.)
Sorry Anon, Tony Chapa was borned in a cow chip filled colonia known in Matamoros as la colonia Modelo. Viejo stupido, biejo invecil.
Editor's note, some of the blogs are okay, a little slanted, but that's all we have.
Jerry's myleadernews is okay, the other Harlingen blog is worthless, and the other blog is satire.
Here in Harlingen we don't much of a choice.
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