The Paz Files
BROWNSVILLE, Texas - It doesn't take a week here before any visitor gets the idea that he can write a world-beater corrido to just about anything, from tales of failed romances, to thrills from a bloody shootout, to the soulful lament about a plate of bad beans at a hole-in-the-hole eatery.
Music, and we mean local music, feeds the ragged soul. That's the line in the streets and in the bars and in the motels and in the schools. This town loves a bad story.
Lately, the tune has been taken hostage by a strolling guitar player by the name of Juan Bob, an 80-year-old unemployed mechanic who loves Johnny Cash songs and does his best to ruin them with his 3-string guitar, a piece of crap someone threw at him back when he would sell the local newspaper outside City Hall. That was earlier this year, at about the time the Packers were winning the Super Bowl. Juan Bob, who looks strikingly like what the Olympic skiier Spider Sabich would look like at 82, takes tips for his performances.
One humid night last week found him strumming Patsy Clines' "I Go To Pieces" as a string of wandering locals moved past him along a cracked downtown sidewalk. He would stand tall, guitar held close to his upper chest like John Lennon liked to hold it back in the 60s, when The Beateles were fab, and plunk away, his songs always off-key and his guitar sounding like a moaning prostitute unable to find the lost chord. But he stayed with it, even as women urged him on and men told him to go kill himself.
Juan Bob is as Brownsville as anything could ever be, and he's tasted good and evil ranging from booze to local women who took him down and then forgot about him. They say he has 10 or 12 kids in town, none of them who even acknowledge his DNA. Another woman, who does his laundry and will fix a sack of flour tortilla tacos for his evening on the job, calls him The Last Picasso, a local treasure the town ignores with extreme prejudice.
We watched him put on his act under a full moon the other day. Juan Bob played all requests, including pretty sad versions of Proud Mary and Penny Lane.
But that's this bordertown, forever striving, and forever wanting to belong.
If there was an ounce of Bob Dylan in Juan Bob, well, we never saw it. He was playing an Elvis song when we drifted away, and the small group of night owls moving past him were likely thinking of all-night sex and not his music.
Music gets little attention here. It is low on the list of needs, far below tamales and condoms, although it is used to gauge membership in some sort of bizarre civilization where a few boos heard on the streets are also considered attention.
Juan Bob, beaten mercilessly by the people of his own town, threw his battered guitar across his back and walked off looking like a wasted boxer who'd somehow believed being back in the ring was as good as it had been in the old days. The booing followed him all the way home...
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ha ha ha ha ha. You got it, bro. This story fits Brownsvile. still laughing.
Wwow, are speaking about Jerry McHale, who actually believes he can play guitar???
Yeah, this story is about jerry Mchale. No way it isn't!
Mr. Editor: Is this one of your fantasy island stories, or is this Brownsville Lore, or are you just making an anology with this made up name of Juan Bob, that name doesn't sound normal, maybe Billy Bob, or Billy Ray, or Mary Allen, Jim Bob, John Boy, Juan Bob sounds way to weird.
Another Novel maybe????
I have Jerry McHAle play guitar and he better keep his day job, if he even has one.
Are you saying Juan Bob is really Jerry Mchale? okay, i see it now.
I think Juan Bob and Jerry McHale are the same person, only McHale plays an electric guitar at the bars, and as Juan Bob he plays an acustic guitar on the sidewalks, good observation.
Go get them Jerry!!!!
someday, brownsville will name something after mcHale. it may be 14th street or it may be the sewer plant. just saYING.
McHale will have a street name in el zumbido in Matamoros. I don't think politicos like him in Brownville.
Just Kidding Jerry M.,,, On second thought, I mean it.
ALL:...The story is not about any one individual as much as it is about the Brownsville collective. It is a weird town, one where you can feel the vibration of a thousand dildoes being abused all across town and smell the essence of death as soon as you drive in. But I'm not telling you anything you don't know... - Editor
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