The Paz Files
BROWNSVILLE, Texas - They say that if he hadn't gone into law and made his millions, Tony Martinez likely would now be a snot-nosed waterboy for some semi-pro football team over in McAllen some 60 miles west of this throwdown town.
But he did go to law school and he did make his money, so that's why Martinez is now mayor here - the latest former street Vato to rise from a hardscrabble beginning to rule the local political roost. And it is now apparent that Martinez, a short and stocky man with a penchant for blinking when in lengthy discourse, will not be the politician to turn things around for the city's oft-whipped residents whose sole remaining dream is to one day see a non-Macho take the reins at City Hall. Tony, Tony has let them down.
The grade at mid-semester is not good.
Well, there's this, as reported in town by excitable blogger Bobby Wightman-Cervantes, a disbarred lawyer who has made a reputation for outing the outs of those who like to out others. Earlier this week, Wightman-Cervantes dressed-down the local justice system for being easy on another blogger. That one would be Juan Montoya, a one-time journalist who openly puts himself out for hire, offering his advocacy journalism for a fee. Wightman-Cervantes wonders why Montoya remains free after a few DWIs and after being trageted for non-payment of child support sought by the mother of his three kids.
But that's a story for another day.
Suffice it to say that Mssr. Wightman-Cervantes, on his blog http://www.brownsvillevoice.blogspot.com/, is angry at the mayor, a man who replaced former Mayor Pat Ahumada in the last election. If the blogger's assessment is correct, the new mayor is an uncouth cad, a novice at both politics and class. By looking at Mayor Martinez (that's him in the photo atop this story), you'd think: Here's an educated guy, a politician who knows its the Year 2011, a man among men, a mayor who knows the gender score.
But, he doesn't.
To back up: Last July 19th, during a rather wishy-washy meeting of the Brownsville City Commission, Commissioner Melissa Zamora was doing her duty by asking questions of a lifer city bureaucrat (Larry Brown) to do with the municipal airport. According to blogger Wightman-Cervantes, the mayor took umbrage and sent the discussion down the toilet.
Wrote the blogger: "Tony, being the consummate dick he is, decided to insult Commissioner Zamora by asking her 'any more questions, girls?' "
It remains as the blackest of stains in the history of this city's governance, a phrase Mayor Martinez is said to have stolen from Neanderthal literature written on the walls of newly-discovered caves in some remote part of the world. As could be expected in a bordertown owned part & parcel by the me-first Macho culture, neither Ms. Zamora, nor two other female city commissioners attending the meeting quarreled with the dim-witted mayor. The offending phrase merely hung in the air, there for all to inhale deeply and all to damn in silence.
"Any more questions, girls?"
The Geek had not stammered. The Geek had not blurted it out and then fallen back in his own disgrace. The Geek had not coughed and then blurted-out an apology. The Geek had merely nodded and gone on with his evening, leaving his female colleagues feeling like worthless sacks of beans and those in attendance thinking, what's with this boring pendejo?
Witnesses said the only person in the commission's chambers to laugh at the mayor's classless remark was the city's animal-control officer...
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Tony Tormenta Martinez, is some weird Mayor. I saw him in youtube and he is pretty laid back, unlike Patricio Auhamada who was a drunk.
Has anyone seen Tony Chapa lately, he looks old and frailed, saw him and la cholona, damn she looks older than him.
He looks older than Jerry Deal.
A comment about the editor of mhhgnews.
Tonie Chapas is a drop out, attended HHS back in the 50's, never knew how to spell the word college.
Employment; as collector, later in his pathetic life went collecting for a mortgage co.
Had problems with the police after a relative was shot outside the Maryland apts. in Harlingen.
Current status: Operates a third rate blog, no one reads, esta pelon, wears attire from Falla Paredes, beat up old green jeans and a white shirt.
Born: Matamoros, colonia Juares near the cementary, 2 blocks from the Rio Grande.
He can't write or spell, we believe he has special needs, he is worhtless and useless.
ha ha ha ha good story about the mayor. he's done nothing!
Did anyone see that Farenthold rep, for the Rio Grande. Whe asked about the jobs they promised during the election of 2012. He answered, NONE. Pinche Republicanos.
Tony Tormenta, the Browntown mayor will learn how to deal with politics. Right now he appears to be lost.
This mayor is older than dirt. Maybe that's why the ladies are still "girls" to him...
I remember Othal Brand used to call adult male Hispanics "boy" all the time, much as people used to do with African-Americans back in the 1950's. It's a way of diminishing someone else, to show they are not quite equal at least in the speaker's view. If Mayor Martinez wants to be treated with respect, he needs to afford that same respect to those working with him or else one day he will wake up and find that no one wants to work with him.
Tony Martinez will be a one-term mayor. Loser.
Everybody wanted wild Mayor pat ahumada out. well, Tony Martinez has turned out to be a marshmallow.
Your article is a big JOKE like our mayor and our comissioners.
We blame everybody and never look ourselves in the mirror WHY we have the people that govern us is because we allow ourselves to have the type of government that we currently have.
It is not them, it is us. WE allow them in, WE believe in them and when they show their true colors then we throw rocks at them because we dont recognize that WE WERE WRONG.
* Woman
ANON*Woman:...The article is not a joke, although it is whimsical. I agree that the citizens of Brownsville are to be credited or blamed for their government. As for the throwing of rocks, well, barbs is more like it here. BTW, it is THEM. Look away as you might, it is THEM. Really, the voter does recognize when he/she was wrong. Sadly, it is always after the fact... - Editor
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