The Paz Files
BROWNSVILLE, Texas - When the book of border love is finally written, it'll include a long chapter about doormats, not the ones sold in local department stores, but the ones kept at home, in the bedroom and in the kitchen. It'll be a doozy, replete with tales of men who chained their women, who snuffed-out their lives, who used and discarded them like worthless taco wrappers. This familial tale is not one often told in Brownsville, yet this town could claim the crown as setting for the worst of wanton female abuse.
The other day, it was the portly mayor dressing down the three women who serve alongside him on the city commission, swatting down questioning that came from the usually-forward Commissioner Melissa Zamora. The mayor went code, completing his stompdown by way of a clearly Macho question of his own: "Any more questions, girls?"
We're guessing here, but Ms. Zamora likely is the youngest of the three women on the commission. And, at - what? - 34 or 35, she is no spring chicken, not springy enough anyway to still be addressed as "girl," a lookdown term used by men when seeking to put themselves above on the gender ladder.
So, we ask: What is it about women of the Rio Grande Valley? Why do they take so much crap from their men? Why is it women always fronting the pages of the local newspapers in stories that tell of beatings, whippings, bitch-slapping, knifing and, in some cases, murder? What's that all about? Why would Valley men abuse women as if kicking a mangy dog that's ambled into the backyard, as if smacking down a fly swooping in for the Guacamole, as if shooting at a burglar trying like Hell to steal the family Buick?
It is an amazing cultural stain.
The questions posed here are not new. College professors at the local schools write alarming papers about it. Reporters occasionally rip the scab off the mess, as they did in the story to do with the killing of Rio Hondo schoolteacher Sonia Perez. The press has done its job, forever reporting on spousal abuse that comes straight off police reports. Woman battering is the sport of the Valley. Forget football or pitiful minor league baseball. A daily score on female whippings ought to be published in the front pages of every newspaper in the region. A blog should be created to monitor and record every single instance involving a man taking hand to a defenseless woman.
No one dealt these women a bad card.
No one singled them out for verbal and physical abuse.
No one said they alone should bear the brunt of their mate's bad finances, spurned adultery romance, a lost business opportunity, defeat at the polls, refusal to work or pay child support, etc., etc. These women have been so devalued that to try and gauge their current position in civilization is to try and see the farthest star in the universe. It's enough to say that their lot is not a pleasant one, rivaling that lived in the poorest of ejidos in neighboring Mexico.
And still they try. Still they go for romance. Still they fall for the fairy tale. Still they stay with a losing hand for the sake of the kids. Still they rise in the morning to go to work. Still they smile when they should cry. Still they willingly turn out the lights in the bedroom and do their sexual duty...
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excellent article. All true of course. The valley is bad on women.
Common Mr. Editor, the Mayor was having a "blond" moment, I think, Tony sees himself, more of a fatherly figure than anything else.
As for the domestic problems, well beleive it or not, there are many abusive relations, where men are victims.
They are to embarrassed to report the verbal and mental abuse.
If you look into National Statistics, domestic abuse has no racial or color barriers.
I agree with the editor. It has no racial or color barrier, but this is about the geography of the valley.
Anon, for Christ sake, the editor, has focused on the Valley, but abusive relationships are everywhere.
I am not condoning domestic violence, I'm just saying the problem is through out the 50 states.
Side Bar: Yep, that sounds like Donald Trump, expressing good old American greed. And then Americans wonder why they are not liked.
What!!! Jerry McHale, promoting more cantinas, Hey, Brownsville is full of them, siete mares, la movida, palms, sportsman, el dime, 1-2-3 bar, their are way too many to list.
Drunk man goes home broke, wife complains, and someone gets hurt. Husband goes to jail, Sunday, wife bails husband out and blames herself. And the cycle continues.
Wife gets ready for next week-end, yep, another beating.
Side bar picture, why would a woman be out during the hurricane or storm, in shorts, getting wet, and yelling, oh boy, publicity maybe????
We have a guy in town who likes to hide under womens skirts. his son-in-law was murdered by a hitman. I think most women of the valley could beat him up!
Mr. harlingen, sounds like Tonie Chapas, el Perro Rabioso, he ran to his ex-wife house and hid from Police when they were looking for him.
His son in law, some drug dealer got whacked at the Maryland apts.
Tonie is old, pale and is a weakling, a coward. The word from the Police was that he wanted police protection 24/7 after the incident. He hid under the bed, or the ex-wife skirt, cobarde.
Thats not all, he left Sholona to fend for herself, miedoso faker, loser faker, junto con el Tamalon, and everyone knows who he is. HahahHAHAHAHA.
He to is an abuser, the bum doesn't work, he operates a 3rd rate blog 24/7, cholonona has to go and earn a living to support him. Yes, any woman could beat his dwarfie ass all over the floor, e. viejo no vale madre.
I saw him at a restaurant the other day, he eats like a hog, scarf's the food. Oh,
I forgot, Tonie is a perro. What can we expect, es loser.
I hear, Chapa wanted to shine a lady detective's shoes, when they came to ask him about threats from a computer towards a Hgn. commish, any truth???
I am sure he did, es un miedoso, cobarde.
Maybe the mayor knows something about the girls that we dont know or maybe he is just another male CERDO. These are "educated" women; they allowed it once, it will continue to happen. It is the way you are brought up. It doesnt matter if you are a male or female, it doesnt matter if you are hispanic or anglo. I always address people by their title or "Sir" or "Madam", and I EXPECT the same.
I dont know about the other ladies, but Mrs. Zamora is comissioner to my district and she has not done ANYTHING in the time she has served. Needless to say, I would not vote for her again.
ANON:...We also wonder about Commissioner Zamora, a candidate we roundly endorsed when she campaigned for the position. It would be interesting to see what she would list as her major accomplishments since taking office... - Editor
Melissa Zamora has been a huge disappointment. She has no vision, other than that of being a commissioner. To bad. She
will not get re-elected. Others are salivating already.
Melissa Zamora has been there for two years. She probably spent most of those two years trying to prevent Charlie Atkinson and others from pumping more money into that money pit of a sports park.
Melissa was Charlie's biggest obstacle and she took some major heat for it. I would venture to say that she brought transperancy to his shenanigans and contributed to him not being reelected. That's a major accomplishment in my book.
Getting rid of Atkinson was big. That guy was a loser. If she had a part in his defeat, that's good for Melissa. Huge.
So it all boils down to getting rid of Atkison as her major accomplishment? I thought the people from the facebook Cheezme got rid of Atkinson. I venture to say that the VOTERS got rid of Atkinson and if that is her major accomplishment then no wonder Mr. Martinez calls her "girl" instead of "madam".
M.Zamora behaves like a girl, I still say, give the mayor a break. Tony tormenta Martinez had a slip of the tongue. No biggie, as for Mel Zamora, she bette enjoy her 15 minute fame, because it is coming to an end.
Melissa wil be melissa. That's all there is to that.
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