The Paz Files
AUSTIN, Texas - Two things will surely happen if Rick Perry decides to seek the Republican Party's presidential nomination: the incredibly ditzy Minnesotan Michele Bachmann is gone, and Mitt Romney will humiliate him in any debate down the road.
The 61-year-old Perry, a former Democrat and current governor of the Lone Star State, is said to be pondering the idea of going national. This weekend, he is praying in Houston at a confab said to be christian in nature, but already being damned as just another move by the Far Right extremists.
Oddsmakers in Vegas have yet to set the line on Perry's prospects, but there are signs the cannons are being moved and aimed his way by those supporting Romney and a few others, including the lost missile Bachmann. No one is giving Perry a chance against Democratic President Barack Obama, at least no sane American.
In Texas, Perry has his supporters who whoop and holler everytime the former Democrat from West Texas either goes for his gun or talks of secession. Others hope he decides to run, just to see his ass get whupped, as they say in Rap music.
Bachmann, the flighty Tea Party congresswoman, stands to be the first loser if Perry goes for it, Georgia Black businessman Herman Cain being another who saw the light at the end of the tunnel, but failed to make it there. Both will live long lives remembering their silly flirtation with the highest office in the land; both eventually will fully know their bids were laughable.
Perry, meanwhile, has crowed long and far about the state's "glowing" economy, yet he must know that other candidates will focus on the state's budget deficit, low performing education system, high unemployment and a number of other smoke & mirror profiles he has offered that quickly fade when placed under the reality microscope. Perry is toast, but he, too, knows that this is America, land of the free and a place where anyone can run for president, even someone like Perry whose academic record at Texas A&M makes Texans frown. He received a C in gym and graduated with a 2.1 GPA - the bare minimum.
But it's still early, as they say after round 1 in boxing, so let him wrap his fists and strap-on those gloves. The ring is an over-sized venue that allows for dancing, for bobbing and for weaving. Perry has never worked a day in his life and, for some reason, he seems ready to go 30 rounds under glaring lights that get hotter as the rounds add-up and the punches begin to sap even the hardiest of energies.
Rick Perry won't make it.
There are too many questions about this guy, including rumors of infidelity and of homosexual activity. He may have been able to survive that lack of scrutiny in the gray 1950s, but he can't in today's ever-bitching society.
Rick Perry will go down in an avalanche of punches, badly-bloodied by the time his corner throws in the towel and the crowd both gasps and cheers. No one gets out alive in politics. You're lucky if you weather the endless storms and can live to say you served and you went home with some semblance of your mental capacities.
Rick Perry is lacking in that, so what he faces and gets in the Big Ring may not be pretty...
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It is a dirty road for Perry. He is not smart enough to be president. He's going nowhere. You're right about that.
History shows that we've elected stupid presidents in the past so that doesn't mean he couldn't win. The question is really, have we learned from the past or will the nation mistakenly think, once again, that if an idiot can run Texas then he can run the nation.
Excellent article. thankz. Been gone a bit, but I'm back in town.
Rick perry is going nowhere. he may run, but his campaign will be a losing campaign. he'll be out soon after he enters the race, when the press uncovers all his BS.
I hope he runs for the presidency, maybe we can get a real governor. Rick is worthless.
chapa may be arrested as early as monday: http://chickenbuckets.blogspot.com/2011/08/south-texas-independent-journalist.html
He won't get anywhere, Rick Perry, thinks that because he has won in Texas, people from other states will vote for him. Heck, he spends most of his time in California.
Perry you are phony.
Mr. Editor: In response to the editor's comments section.
If the Monitor was to expose the owners of Businesses in the US owned by Mexicans. Wouldn't that action put the proprietors in harm's way???
superb article. Rick perry is going nowhere. just being perry.
For NELLIE:...It would simply be information the community might want to know. Fear, however, is another thing. Do you allow it out of fear. Most of Reynosa, Mexico's best restaurants have relocated to McAllen - El Pastor, La Fogata. These were two of the most popular with Americans before the drug thugs took over. McAllen is in for a surprise when the tables turn once more, as they always do, and it won't be pretty... - Editor
Mr. Editor: I didn't think Jerry McHale had it in him, McHale wrote a scathing editorial on his blog.
I bet the Brownsville political machination is twirling on their chairs, not that they have any concious
I agree with you on McAllen. It has all its eggs in the Mexico basket. Poor town. It can't go back now. Good story on Perry, as well.
Mr. Editor, I thought it was 20% on tips.
Waitresse's in the Valley get paid $2.18 hr.
18% of $20.00 is $3.60 cents. I don't mind tipping when the service is good and the place is clean and the food is warm.
Many places now ask for tips for the bus-boy.
Coffee in may places is $1.75, heck, I think I will start buying coffee at the circle K's.
Mr. Editor, what's going on Jerry's Blog, Dora Charles and Daisy Gomez are going at it with Tinker Shay and BOF.
Those crazy women, need a real man to control them. I wonder if they are as tough with housework as they are with words.
(No offense to the lady blogger's Mr. Editor, no pun intended either.)
I like my women spicey.
Soldier Boy, is right, you buy food at rideculous prices, like the new fancy rest. in Harlingen, then you still have to tip.
Two steaks and two $14.00 Margaritas, how does $80.00 smackers sound?? Hell, with those prices, I barely afforded the food, can't afford $16.00 tip.
Someone needs to tame Daisy Gomez, she remind's me of a wild philly.
@ Valentino.
So just because some women have different opinions then you, that means they need to be "controlled"? That's a pretty misogynist statement. And implying that they should be spending more time doing housework is pure idiocy. If you disagree with them, fine, get in there and argue your side. Going to another site and calling names and insults certainly doesn't prove that you're right or even superior. If you're an intelligent person, make your case. And who cares how you like your women? If you like them spicy, put some salt and pepper on them but I have a feeling you'll have to pay extra for that. As for your allusion to horses, the correct spelling is "filly" unless you're talking about Philidelphia. You might wonder whether either of them would take a second look at you if they were shopping for a stud.
Wowowow, I think Valentino pissed someone off. Easy...Ms.M, Mr. Valentino had too much gin and tonic and the Reece lounge.
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