The Paz Files
HARLINGEN, Texas - He is an inconsequential lout lucky to be in this country, and, still, local blogger-wannabe Tony Chapa seeks the darkest reaches of obscurity. His blog - www.MyHarlingenNews.blogspot.com - long ago stopped being relevant. Today, it is merely an annoying pest in the bowels of some deserted ballpark. The Internet has not known as insipid a clown as Tony Chapa, shown above in a workabout Sears shirt.
Chapa has made more enemies in this town than any Anglo who came to rob the poor and steal their land. There are those who insist he is the most hated man in town. We say man, but we know he stands barely 4' 7" tall. His education is suspect, as is his work history. What is known is that his son-in-law, J. Villarreal, was gunned down by an alleged hitman who arrived at a local apartment to off Villarreal on orders of someone.
Was that someone Tony Chapa?
City cops are not talking. The murder is still an unsolved case, subject to being re-opened for the purpose of getting answers, getting to the bottom of the killing. Villarreal apparently was no choir boy, his life also to be found in the outs of society, perhaps in the jaws of drug-dealing and drug-use. Chapa won't talk about it. He is a man easily scared, by police and by this story.
Lately, he has seen readers drop his blog like they'd drop a prostitute battling Gonorrhea. Comments, once the pride and joy of the diminuitive Chapa, are non-existent, left only for him and his two last bloggers, a loser named Jake who claims former employment with the federal government and a dude not above ofering his wife to other men, and a former Army paratrooper by the name of Juan J. Ortega, a resident who's knowledge of anything local goes only to the locations of the day's free food at civic gatherings.
It is nothing for Harlingen to feel proud about; these guys are a stain on anything that could be called civilized contribution. Indeed, it is a mess. And perhaps the citizenry has tuned-in to the hatred and racism Chapa favors and said, "Who needs that swine?" Chapa counts barely 20 viewer visits to his site these days and his comments are down to 1-to-3 per day, usually from him, the moron Jake or Ortega.
Still to be answered by Chapa is the question everyone throws at him: Is he a U.S. citizen?
Some say he is really a citizen of Mexico, and that his aging, hunch-backed mother runs a tortilla factory in Reynosa on the Mexican side of the river south of Hidalgo. He won't say it, but it is said that his father ran away with another man when Chapa was 12 years old. It's stuff swirling across this city of almost 70,000 residents. Chapa is seen as the City Clown at this point, his endless posting of press releases the object of scorn even by kids in junior high.
"He offers nothing worth a damn," said a former mayor. "Chapa epitomizes the sort of resident we wish we could kick out of town. He is not a person fitting the idea of a civic role model. Actually, we hope none of our children ever hear about him. I laugh my ass off everytime I see him in those green jeans!"
Chapa, like the proverbial little, fat boy in high school no one befriends, merely smiles and looks as if he's thankful anyone even talks about him.
The questions surrounding his son-in-law's murder will linger.
As will the one about whether he is a U.S. citizen.
Tony Chapa must be in agony, wondering when the cops will again knock on his door...
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Hey,The US Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency is after Jake to deport him back to Mexico. Why do you think that when he even mentions ICE or the Border Patrol, he shows nothing but sheer disgust. On top of being a homosexual, es mojado el buey.
Excellent post, I hear some of Chapa's friends have ask him to remove them from his e-mail list. At Mi Ranchito, they were mocking Chapa's comments. And there was talk if the homo jake, really exist.
I wish you could see Juan Ortega at city hall. He is always looking for someone, as if he was important. He won't look into the big dawg's face. Ortega and Chapa are afraid of the dawg.
The reason they go city meetings is because they know there is a policeman at the entrance of the assembly hall. And if the dawgg makes a move at them they can run like cowards and hide under the cop's pants.
I to have seen Chapa wearing some old dark green jeans and work shoes, with an old stripe shirt and is always looking toward the ground.
Sometimes he wears some old red polo shirt. He has about 4 people that sit with him at mi rancho and listen to his bullshit, that is all he is, bullshit.
The word at Las Casuelas by a couple of cops, was that J.Villareal was shot in the mouth.
Maybe he was mouthy like his father-in-law. LOL
Mr.Editor, Tony Chapete is endorsing some high school grad. for Sherrif of Willacy county.
Okay, Mr.Candidate, you just lost the race.
It happen in Donna, history will repeat itself. People despise Myhgnnews worst than diahrea.
ALL:...Apparently, that Jake homo sapien does exist. He has said he is from Brownsville. BTW, he (Ralph Garcia, ral-phy15@hotmail.com)) is listed as one of Jerry Deal's friends on Facebook, as is Tony Chapa... - Editor
Mr. Editor, why do you waste your time on someone like Tony chapa. He is so far beneath you. Ignore him.
Agfree with all the comments. Ignore that clown.
Tony Chapa hates being ignored. He needs the controversy. But his blog is DEAD. No news there. just a million boring press releases and his dealings with some Gay dudes. IGNORE HIM!
Chapa whines that at least he doesn't attack other people's family, no, he just allows and encourages Jake to do it. It doesn't even bother Chapa that Jake talks about Chapa's wife. Where do you draw the line Chapa? If Jake talked about doing your daughter, would you draw the line there? Or maybe you'd stand up for one of your dogs? Maybe if you add more Bible blather, it would make it okay in your twisted mind. Just remember that when Jake is throwing garbage around on your blog, the stink sticks to you forever.
CHAPA HAS BEEN DISBARRED BY The South Texas Independent Journalist Association FOR LEWD BEHAVIOR
Out of 15 comments 10 are Chapas, and Jake. Isidro is jake, fakers, losers, fakers, losers, fakers, losers,.
What Cholona was eating with Jake the Flake, at taqueria, "la pansona". HAHAHAHA. Pinche vieja fea, eat's menudo three times a day. Has dog breath. What Chapa was paying for the two.
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