Survives the sacred purple bird
Himself his father, son and bride
And his own word..." - Howard Nemerov, The Phoenix
The Paz Files
AUSTIN, Texas - Dastardly Dick "The Creep" Cheney is back and talking tough again. His memoir hits the bookstores in a few days and he's spilling the beans on everyone who served around him during the horrible George W. Bush presidency.
In his new book, and as he has been doing since leaving the vice-presidency in shambles, Cheney beats up on General Colin Powell, the then-Secretary of State who was dispatched by Bush to go lie in front of the United Nations ahead of Bush's wild and costly invasion of Iraq. And he dumps on Bush advisor Condoleeza Rice, who later replaced Powell at State, calling her a ditzy and wishy-washy bureaucrat who fought him early-on and then came crying to tell him he had been right all along. About young Bush, Cheney says he twice offered letters of resignation when Cheney's role in the war brought public relations problems for Bush.
Cheney was the rat who pushed for use of the ridiculous claim that Iraqi strongman Saddam Husseim had weapons of mass destruction as a reason for the misguided attack. His book is titled "In My Time," but it could also be titled "In My Grass-Whorled Brain."
So far, those who have received advanced copies say the book is a laughable congratulatory goodbye to himself. They add that Cheney comes across as the brains in the Bush White House, and that it was Cheney who pulled Bush's strings all along, going so far as to say that he was in charge of the country during the Sept. 11, 2001 attack on New York, because, he notes, Bush was flying around the country on Air Force One fearing the next terrorist attack would come on him.
Cheney also lashes Donald "Duck" Rumsfeld, the Secretary of Defense under Bush, for being a wuss unwilling to go hardline against critics of the invasion. Rumsfeld has issued no comment, and Condoleeza Rice is expected to tell her side of the dealings with Bush and Cheney in a memoir still in the writing stages. Bush has largely ignored Cheney, but those who know him say he is not happy with Cheney's constant attacks on the truth and on current President Barack Obama, a Democrat.
The artful draft dodger (Cheney got 5 student deferments during the Vietnam War) has been quiet of late, but this book will again prove an embarrassment for all Republicans, who would rather forget the lousy Bush years. Cheney, however, seems bent on leaving a legacy not exactly loyal to the truth. His time has come and gone and today's crazed Republican Party does not interest him, or so it would appear.
It would be so much better if Cheney somehow found himself in Europe with his former boss and Rumsfeld.
All three Republican standard-bearers are considered war criminals by the international community and would be subject to immediate arrest...
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Chenney, Bush and Rumsfeld will not travel abroad, because they could get arrested and tried as war criminals.
Karl Rove, can call anyone anything he wants, he is now an anylist for the fox news, he is no longer a consultant.
I agree, Rick Perry and Sara Palin are two bit messed politicians. They say things just to be in the news.
What is all the fuzz about Sara Pailan, that damn hillbillie, is no more than a news hound. Vieja no vale madre.
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