The Paz Files
BROWNSVILLE, Texas - Our friend, Dr. G.F. McHale-Scully, is whipping on some local citizens once again, and the sight of grown men and women moaning and groaning is not pretty. This round, it is the Hernandez Family taking a beating, the patriarch Ernie being the main target of an onslaught that has to rank right up there with the best offered by Genghis Kahn and Muhammad Ali during their prime.
It's easy to find fat, juicy targets in this falling bown, where the physically-eccentric somehow find a place on the governing bodies. Hernandez and his daughter, Erin, will never be on the cover of People magazine (that's them in the photo atop this story). Daughter Erin is labeled the "Hyena" by McHale-Scully in his blog, http://www.browntownnews.com/ with so much relish that the always-sensitive hot dog business in Brownsville has filed a complaint at the police department. Nothing spices up this town of some 140,000 lost souls like a public whipping in writing that comes with enough adjectives to fuel a Gay parade.
Cameron County Commissioner Ernie Hernandez has been around. He's been a city commissioner and candidate for this and that, and his reputation in town is that of a manipulator who manipulates money into his pocket. At face value, that isn't such a bad thing, except that Hernandez has done it while serving in some sort of public capacity; that is, being paid for being a public servant. His ilk lives in similarly strange bodies elsewhere in the Rio Grande Valley, a land where a fat stomach will never cost you a job. You eat a plate of 12 tacos and you're county judge material, goes the line in the streets. A tire-sized bowl of menudo? You're ready for Congress.
Lately, ruthless McHale-Scully is taking full liberty in his lashings of the Hernandez family.
And it's not the first time, nor will it be the last. If nothing else, McHale-Scully is skilled in going the 15-round route while hooking non-stop to the body and jabbing just enough to the head to land headaches on his punching bags. Ernie Hernandez will take it like a Brownsville man, without reply and without retort. He has no weapons against the biting barbs being launched his way, and, really, not even a bottle of tequila would assuage his disgust. Whipped, he will be. Until the cows come home, or until the Titanic is raised to the surface.
Browntown News, begun as a respectable blogroll spotlighting decaying Brownsville and its well-hidden attractions, has taken a turn for something or another. It reads like a newspaper on crack, its writer hellbent on not only afflicting, but on total destruction.
"If Hernandez went into the ring with McHale, he'd meet a rain of leather unlike any ever seen on the goddamned planet," said a former editor for The Brownsville Herald familiar with both men. "McHale will pummel him to a bloody pulp, but Ernie's wife will likely throw the corner stool at him. That couple is as closeasthis..."
And so it goes in a town known as the state's only community-sized barn...
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beautiful. Everybody hates Ernie hernandez in Brownsville. good story.
Ernie is the most hated man in Brownsville, and his daughter she sure is kind of unattractive. Poor child, did anyone ever tell her: "Though shall not lie."
Mr. Editor: the Hernandezes are known for knowing how to work the system.
Didn't his father, use to own a wrecker and work for the city, or had a city contract.
Jerry McHale took the gloves off when he went after the Hernandez family on his blog.
Those are fighting words.
Jerry (the wannabe musician) is pummeling Ernie, Erin and his wife. On the Browntownerblog.
Just like Dora Charles pummeled Tony Chapa into submission, how good it is......
The recycling tire company, hopefully will do good in Harlingen, but then nothing goes well in Hgn.
Brownsvillevoice, is picking on Juan Montoya, what is with these blogs, why can they get along???
Blogs should fight corruption, not fight each other.
ALL:...We see Jerry McHale as a modern-day Modigliani, a writer and not a painter, but a writer very interested in the edges of the canvas. His targets are his characters, posers for his Art. His work should not be denigrated, as it is a work-in-progress... - Editor
We like Jerry McHale, just we like all the web-masters, that keep Goverments honest.
We only kid when we make fun of his guitar playing, need a little humor, here and there.
Ernie "The scam artist" Hernandez adamantly standing his ground about not raising taxes, taking money from county employees, etc.... What a joke??? Of course he is doing all this for the public eye??? He is making money as a commissioner and as a vendor in "secret." Except that he is claiming that his "slant eyed" daughter is the owner of his "supposedly" vending machine business??? Hello, doesn't his "slant eyed" daughter reside with him??? IF indeed he sold the business to her, he made out or is making out with the "supposed" payments made monthly for the sell of the business??? Hernandez and his family are nothing more than the crooks that are being Indicted in the Limas ordeal??? Too bad, Armando Villalobos is not investigating these type of allegations or much less doing his job since he is out politicking??? Too bad for the taxpayers of Cameron County??? No one is supporting law enforcement to make sure that ALL crooks are convicted or put on hold??? I guess Congress is more important to him than the "loyalty" that is owed to the ones who voted him into office for two terms???
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