The Paz Files
HARLINGEN, Texas - If a bordertown ever had a right to say it wanted better candidates for its city government, it is this one. Struggling to survive in a down economy, little Harlingen can only sit and watch as three of its less-than-stellar citizens posture themselves for the important District 1 seat, and, perhaps worse than that, many in town seem to have settled on voting for one of the trio.
They are not visionaries, they are largely novices and they are simply not good enough.
Not one, not relative newcomer Gail Moore, not former city police chief Danny Castillo, not ex-City Commissioner J.J. Gonzalez deserves the position. Harlingen, home to some 70,000 proud residents, is in dire straits. It needs to pump-up its sagging economy, it needs to generate jobs and it needs a transfusion of new political blood - the younger, the better.
The election rolls around in a few weeks.
Residents should be asking themselves if this is the best they can do. Can they afford another commissioner arriving without the promise of even hope? Can they afford another Kori Marra (That's her in greenish dress in photo atop this story), a commissioner who came here from somewhere in West Texas and delivered a string of Wild West-like episodes of nothing more than self-immolations and hardly an accomplishment benefiting her constituency. Is that what Kentucky transplant Gail Moore portends for District 1? Outsiders rarely succeed in the Rio Grande Valley, their service generally marked by positioning that eventually alienates. Moore is a rookie in every sense of the word. Harlingen needs pros, not yet another commissioner who will learn on-the-job.
Opponent Danny Castillo is no pro, either.
He is an administrator with skills better suited for a jail or detention center where his constituency would seek no aid or bitch about his indifference. Gonzalez is being raked over the coals because of his reluctance to pay child support to the mother of his children. Neither man seems to have a creative bone in his body able to identify the town's problems, much less solve them. From what we've heard and know about the two, Castillo would seem to be better suited for a position as manager of a finance company and Gonzalez for chief of concessions at the local ballfield. Neither has the brains to serve his neighbors. Buying a suit and then putting it on is no skill. Railing against a certain religion (Castillo's crusade against the Catholic Church) merely labels you a fool. Daring to seek office after failing at serving (Gonzalez) is the height of absurdity, rivaling a taqueria's desire to stay open for business after serving spoiled food.
No, none of these three should gain the people's vote.
Not one is ready or qualified.
We repeat: Harlingen needs do'ers and shakers. Its had its fill of clowns and characters...
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Kori, needs to shave her under arms. Too bad she doesn't look like that nowadays. The hard life of drinking is taking a toll on her. Her personal intimacies are also taking a toll. Kori is no longer that piece of a@$ that guys would look for after she becomes inebriated. Everything on her body is like jello now.
Milagro Beanfield War, wow, I loved all three books in theseries.
the president has been outstanding. So many crises and he's got us through. Those freakin' Republicans gave us Bush and now they want to give us Perry? Wow!!! Talk about losers.
Obama in 2012! those crazy Republicans are a mess. Go Demos!!!
Well, I couldn't agree with you more.
Korry looks old and beaten up. She is illed tempered, and at one time came after Yolanda Shofeit. She wanted to beat up Yolanda.
Fortnuately Yoli, doesn't frequent the bars, otherwise these two would end up on an a dark alley.
And you are so right, on District one candidates, J.J. Gonzalez is a has been, as is Dan Castillo, as is Gail Moore.
Oh well, I think Harlingen is or was cursed by the old guard, nothing goes right, nothing.
Herman Cain and his 9-9-9 bull/S. is not going to win the election, someone at the Fox news, said it was Rick Perry who tipped Politico about the sexual harrassment. I wouldn't doubt it. Rick Perry, looked stoned, he looks homo, my opinion only.
Oh it was Bob Beckel, who believes, Rick Perry blew the whistle.
The skinney guy, looks like Nick Consiglio, Nick has supported Korry and continues to support her, I believe he rents a space from her.
Korry was the daughter of a Sherrif, and former husband was in the some Fed, law enforcement agency, I think it was the border patrol, but I am not to sure.
You are correct, none of the candidates bring anthing to the table. Again neither is qualified or as you so eloquently put it offer any "hope". You would have thought we would have learned our lesson when we elected Obama. Just look at what inexperience and rhetoric has accomplished. Puro perica!
Hey! I saw Kori Marra on Monday, she is a good looking woman and stimulating to talk with. The next house I buy will be from Kori Marra.
Herman Cain, is toast, he should have never made comments to anyone about his wife, or suggestive comments as it is alledged. Rick Perry did him in. Rick has the most to gain from Herman's fall from grace.
Why is the Backman lady still in the race, she is far behind, she sits on the rear of the bus. Pobre vieja sonsa, she belongs, with Daisy Gomez and Dora Charles, and let us not forget Leti del Angel, talking about instigators, these six that hangout at I-hop are something else.
Castillo administered several budgets at the police department totaling more than $10,500,000. He had more than 150 people working for him. That is a lot more than Moore can say. Then there is J.J., he can’t even balance a checkbook
Korry is overweight as hell, I hear that at a city banquet, she took away the mic from Gabriel Gonzalez and took over. Some of the people wanted to know who she was. Untill somebody said, she is city commissioner.
Joe Rubio filed a complaint against Nick Consiglio, because he was getting paid with funds from the edc. to our catwoman, Korry Marra's real estate office.
Korry, you are a Harlingen city commissioner. Helloooo!!!
Mr. Brownsville ease up...Brownsville has quiet a few ladies in the commission. And Browsnville has plenty of Politiqueras that get paid to fix elections.
At least the "Lady" Bloggers on Deal's blog are working people that contribute to the local economy.
They aren't beaurecrats that live of Tax-payers.
WE need more comissioners like Leftwich. he is the model. don't need out of town skirts or incomptetents.
About time someone went after Jerry deal. He uses his age to play the part of the little possum. But his motives are Old Guard. He defends all white candidates. Marra? He defended her for months. Then when she was indicted he said she should resign. Way after the fact. Jerry Deal cannot be trusted. Is he a US citizen? Just another Chapa is what he is. Same style.
These valley bloggers are small potatoes. They drink and get in touble with the law. They take sides and act a sif we don't see it. they can't write or spell or think. The articles here make you think. And I recall the editor did not defend Sallie Gonzlaez the Justice of the pecae. He just said that the women on Deal's blog and Deal were grossly unfair in tearing Sallie apart. Deal needs to raise the bar and I don't mean the one where he drinks.
Hey, I asked a bunch of people at the coffee shop today if any had voted on Chapa's poll. NONE. Not one said they voted. Chapa has huge numbers, so that makes me think it is Chapa voting on his own poll over and over. LOSER.
Excuse me, Anon (Valley bloggers), Jerry Deal pays taxes just like you and me. And if he wrote an article after Sallie G. Who was asking for a raise for doing what she gets paid for, is not unethical.
Many bloggers, wanted to write letters to the local newspaper, VMS, but it takes almost 4 weeks to get a letter published.
So they expressed their views on Jerry's blog.
Why anyone would defend her actions is beyond me.
First of all, Joe Rubio, the guy that had to leave the police department under a cloud of corruption and facing criminal charges if he didn’t resign, is always claiming he is investigating or initiating complaints. The problem with his claims is - they never stick. Rumors, lies, twisted facts, pipe dreams and wishful thinking make up the bulk of what he claims. He now is threatening an exposé, just before the election, full wild theories about one of the candidates. Joe needs to remember his own history, and that certain events in his past, here to now not widely known, could prove him much embarrassment.
Secondly, Jerry Deal has a fascination with younger women. I guess there is nothing wrong with that except at his advanced age it makes him appear a sad, old, would be Lothario. He had a fascination with former city manager Natalie Prim. Later he lauded the lovely Kori Marra. Now he has gone gaga for Gail Moore. True, she is much closer to his age than the other two, but still…think about it, he is ancient.
First of all, Joe Rubio, the guy that had to leave the police department under a cloud of corruption and facing criminal charges if he didn’t resign, is always claiming he is investigating or initiating complaints. The problem with his claims is - they never stick. Rumors, lies, twisted facts, pipe dreams and wishful thinking make up the bulk of what he claims. He now is threatening an exposé, just before the election, full wild theories about one of the candidates. Joe needs to remember his own history, and that certain events in his past, here to now not widely known, could prove him much embarrassment.
Secondly, Jerry Deal has a fascination with younger women. I guess there is nothing wrong with that except at his advanced age it makes him appear a sad, old, would be Lothario. He had a fascination with former city manager Natalie Prim. Later he lauded the lovely Kori Marra. Now he has gone gaga for Gail Moore. True, she is much closer to his age than the other two, but still…think about it, he is ancient.
The issue about Sallie Gonzalez is that Deal and his kitchen mavens decided to stomp on her without giving her a fair hearing. Deal claims to be a Journalist, but he failed in that sad episode. Gonzalez is not a great JP, but the voters will take care of that. Jerry Deal hung her out to dry cause she's not his kind. You get me?
Deal hates someone and he writes them down. Deal likes someone and he ignores their failings. Some newsman.
Get serious, Anon, what neighborhood did you come from?? (Sallie is not Jerry's kind,) LOL LOL, well tell us about her, where did that Mermaid come from? Primera, a community that Harlingen turned down, because of it's infrastructure, where the chief of police was caught sending, dirty pictures from a cell phone, and what about the story going on about someone taking exams for a constable, was she related to Sallie??
Please, don't make me dig further. She needs to go, she needs to be defeated.
What, what, Tony Chapa endorsing Sallie Gonzalez, pleeaasseee, go for it Chapa everyone you endorse, usually looses.
He has her on his list, pobre viejo pendejo.
Kory Marra looks good on pictures, but when you see her in real, she looks rough.
She is saying she isn't running for a second term.
By the way, chapa has no comments, idiot, no read's you blog anymore
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