The Paz Files
McALLEN, Texas - I got there late. When I spotted her, she was with this other smarmy dude, a rough-looking, older man who looked sickly, although it could have been the night's hard booze. This party town at 2 Ayem is a sight for gerontology nurses, that army of aging hipsters parading younger chicks is as visible as are the bouncer's bulging muscles. Romance, Valley-Style. I'm learning the ropes, man. It's all I can say now.
She looked black from where I stood at the bar. Pretty black gal, legs like the lovely actress Juliet Prowse, healthy, energetic, like they could go all night. What she was doing in the City of Palms was the mystery for me.
Was she from Houston, or Dallas? I should've walked my ass over to her side and asked. Something, however, told me the frown-faced bozos at her side were there to keep cowboys like me off her. I swear she looked like those black women in Paris, all ready for a night of lights, an hour-long dance on the dusty, wooden floor, noisy, webby love in a darkened room.
Men go through this all the time is what I hear, even here in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. Beauty pops in at the wrong time, like when you're at Taco Palenque on N. 10th Street here, or at The Vermillion bar in Brownsville. And, invariably, these pretty birds, are with the wrong man, forever, scruffy, leather-bound clowns whose bodies and faces belong elsewhere, like in Mexican drug trade movies or the pages of a Central America nature magazine.
How does a guy make his move in the Rio Grande Valley? It's not like it is elsewhere, is what the locals like to say. In Dallas, a wink is as good as a nod; in the Valley a wink at some woman can draw gunfire. In the Big Apple, where beauty is beauty, the hook-ups at midnight yield a better crop simply because the crop is all-good, as they say.
In the RGV, a good-looking woman is as rare as a good avocado at HEB. It's a crapshoot, yes sir. So I drank on into the noisy night. A band onstage wailed away at a Rod Stewart song I hadn't heard in years. Rod Stewart in the Valley? Okay, why not?
I expected George Strait even at the tortillerias. Him, or Selena. Can't dance to Selena just yet. We'll see next year about this time. I should be dancing like the frontman of Little Joe Y La Familia. Put me in jail, baby, ha ha ha ha.
Yeah, well, I'm headed to that same Entertainment District bar tonight, to see is she's there again. What are the chances? None, I tell myself. Just another Valley mirage, a beautiful moon-lit scene in a clear driveway puddle. She's back in Chicago, for sure.
Maybe it'll be another doll catching my eye. I roll with the night, like a good ranch hand...
- 30 -
That Sexy Black - Beauty is Cherry Sanusi.... Oh brotha is She a hot Chocolate !!!!
The article is pretty cool, although, it is a cut down on the local women scene.
Junior Bonner you dumbo, you couldn't make it with a regular woman.
Stick to your unhealthy overweight, short, non-speaking English mojadas.
With your looks, the 1-2-3 bar will be the hi-lite of your life. Yoli
Mr. Editor, where do you find these people, a drunk who was fired, a cowboy who admits of adultery, a former Nazi relative of who knows who, I am sure there are good journalist that can stay sober and do good work.
Or is it, that Journalist are womanizers and drunks. Just saying, no offense.
Bonner, should be writing about picking up waitresses, I don't think he can have a conversation with an ordinary lady.
Bonner is a country hick with no manners and use to low end individuals.
Why is Bonner implying that women in South Texas are not attractive, Junior try looking in the mirror, fool.
This article is well written, Junior Bonner did not write the composition, what happen to, skeered, aint, weemin, nuthin, edikation, varmints.
Sorry, Mr. Editor, Junior paid someone to write the story. (fire hims immidiately)
Bonner, have you ever thought, you scared the bejeesess out of attractive women, with your dead-man eyes, only Cylantra could love, hell anyone, would stay away.
NUthin wrong with Valley weemin, Boner. HAHa.....
What is Rudolph Van Bulow going to write about, the Aryan race? (side bar)
Rudolf and junior. What a pair? Locos!
Junior Bonner is Loco, waitresses and house cleaning weeminn are his type, vato loco.
He also takes cialis, he has to, esta muy viejo.
Anonymous is right, that is not the way Junior writes, and cylantra thinks a microwave is a Television set. She can't type or turn a computer on.
Junior you are a fraud, yes, agree, (fire him today, right now. )
Junior, forget about rolling with the night, go roll with the cows like a real ranch hand in Weatherford Texas, you luusuu. Shooing tubaca, cowpoking puncher.
The word around town, Bonner didn't wear a mask during halloween, he "skeered" the kids away, just by openning the door. LOL.
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