I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly, for you tread on my dreams..."
- W.B. Yeats, The Cloths of Heaven
The Paz Files
HARLINGEN, Texas - The pulse of any city, its heart and its soul, always comes from the young. Look into their faces and see the life of a community. Look into the eyes of the elders and see a past moving down the drain. There, pilgrims, that's my stab at poetry for the year. I come here to talk football, high school football, and the dream that plays out in a field 100 yards long by 50 yards wide, ground where battle takes place, not for the salvation or ruin of a planet, but for a simple, little town with little else to cheer for, a town like this one.
The Harlingen High football Cardinals carry the community pail of magic. They are an undefeated, once-tried squad that has largely slaughtered its oposition all year long, enough of them to claim a gaudy 11-0 record as they head to Del Rio next weekend in their bid for the state playoffs.
It is a dream, yes. But this one portends a better ending, not one of great hopes dimmed in the late evening of another San Antonio night. These Cardinals, lads all of them, have carried this struggling town on their shoulders for an entire season. Their charge is simple: take to the grid iron and keep winning. Gone for the moment will be that cruel shade of reality, the one that has spelled economic woe for one and all in this town of some 70,000 fun-starved souls.
An election looms. Business has been absent. Jobs are as rare as lasting marriages. Politicians face jail time. A ground-level cloud of darkness fills the streets and alleys like an old Army blanket in the dead of a Korean winter.
Football will save the day.
Without question, football will propel this community through the Holiday Season, perhaps bringing a prize so rare around these parts that grown men will cry and abandon hatred and bigotry, if only for a day or two. That is the great promise of this particular high school season, a season of grand dreams.
Can the high-flying Cardinals deliver? That's yet to be decided. History's record for teams from the Rio Grande Valley shows a steep hill, one that still carries the half-buried, beaten carcasses of numerous other teams, of other regional dreams.
This one will continue to unfold in the Cardinals's next game against Del Rio, a one-game playoff that has the winner moving on and the loser packing it in, kissing hopes goodbye. It could all end, of course. That's why they play the games.
But Harlingen is due a victory, in anything. That, we also know...
- 30 -
this story is a winner! thankz
The football team will do well, I heard Daisy Gomez was dancing with the Pep squad, prior to the game, hey she still has moves. Sorry, Daisy, as the commercial use to say: Only Tunas that taste good. Not tunas with good taste. Your days are gone. But you're still okay.
By the way glad to see, you guys are back on line. I thought the editor had abondoned the blog. Good post.
To the editor: You forgot Bass Pro is coming to town this coming week, Okay, maybe things will pick up some.
Mr. Editor: I saw Junior Bonner, with a different WOMAN today. He bought her breakfast at las Casuelas, he was living as, I was going in, it was around 10;00 am. You are NOT going to believe this, Junior was holding the baby, UNREAL, Jr. was walking out toward an old gray truck. quien lo mira al viejito.
Paz-Martinez, fire the geezer, he is womanizer, he is two timing, Sylantra. Fire him tomorrow morning.
This is writing, not like the stumbling crap we get on other Harlingen blogs. Jerry deal spelled television "tevision" in a post about local TV coverage of pro football. Poor old man.
Mr. Editor, I meant to say, when Junior was "Leaving" las casuelas, yes the two timer was holding a baby, viejo manoso.
Herman Cain is the Junior Bonner on a different shade, Cain likes white blondes, Junior likes, short, fat dark complected women who can't speak English, illegals to be exact. They are both two timers, I wonder if they are related to Chapa.
ALL:...Writer Junior Bonner is a single man. From what he tells us, he likes to play the field, or, as he put it: "Those little, chubby weemin from Harlingen sho do turn me on." Is he any different than other local men?... - Editor
Agree that Bonner can woo any woman he wants. He's not married. But it's not his image to be cradling babies at our local restaurants. HE'S A COWBOY!!!
I want to be clear, I saw Bonner, craddling a baby at las Casuelas. The short fat woman was wearing glasses and was speaking to him in Spanish.
And it was not sylantra, this was taller and had Jean's three sizes smaller than her size.
The editor of this blog fired a reporter for drinking at work, Juniior is messing around with women, during working hours and the editor, turns an eye.
Every local blog has comment's spouting all over, Tony Chapa's blog has 0, yes, gooze egg, 0, no comments, even Benton, and el Tamal have deserted him.
J.J.Gonzalez, can't write, so he isn't posting comments.
Juniior Bonner's, name should be Junior Boner, all he does is mess around with women of Mexican or South American descent, agree with previous comments. He is the Herman Cain of the Cowpokes. Holding a baby, man how much cialis did he take.
As old and raggady as he looks, he must have taken, 50mgs of cialis. Is he the lanky tall dude who wears a gray or black hat? He looks dumb, and he does eat frequently at Las Casuelas with different woman.
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