The Paz Files
BROWNSVILLE, Texas - I used to think this town, this town, was the one town in America run like some low-rent laundromat in the bad side of a Mexican town. That was a few years back. These days, my image of it has mellowed. There must be a good side to it, I tell myself whenever my mind sends me that way. No, there's been no great change here in the past 50 years, nothing anyone could look at and say, "Well, now..."
Brownsville remains a town unable to bridge into the 1980s. It is a stuck 33 rpm album playing the same two tunes it has always played: I, Me, Mine and Everybody's Somebody's Fool. That's it, and don't let that online buzz about a resurgence in downtown nightclubbing fool you. That is as much a mirage as is the idea that city government will do something for the oft-whipped citizenry. That hasn't happened in modern times. Nothing of note, anyway.
Politicians still gather and laugh among themselves at the way elections are run and won here. It is a smoke & mirrors undertaking fueled by dollars slipped into some old bag's purse as the days near the voting. How many of the city's better-known politicians know of that game? All of them. Not one is free of shame, free of the stench more often associated with teh Mexican towns across the Rio Grande.
You'll notice that Brownsville never takes its fights to the streets, never raises its voice to its elected officials, never does anything to turn the wagons around, to breathe new air. It is the petri dish for a kennel full of stomp-me humans. There is no move toward something better, not at City Hall and not in the schools. The bars are refuge for the has-beens and never-weres. One cold beer erases the pain, they shoot at each other while seated on broken-down bar stools, while making excuses, while noting their aches and pains, while telling tales of how they once had a plan, a plan no one endorsed.
That is Brownsville.
If seen as a waitress in a border bar, Brownsville would be the woman in the ragged nylon dress and strap-sandals, a pink blouse and too much makeup. Brownsville would smile the smile of a weary prostitute still believing she can ply her trade, even as her legs and arms and breasts betray her. Send in the shrimpers; they're only passing through. Love is relative, a litttle is better than nothing. It's one way to know you're alive.
Something happens when one thinks of the Mexican border. It all melts into one, both sides of the mess. The reason is obvious: It is one and the same. Those people are our people; our people are their people. Si, que tal? Como esta usted? We're okay over here. Still blowing it.
A few years ago, someone threw out the idea that Brownsville could've been so much more. It could have been a world-class seaport, a tourist destination for all world travelers, a French Quarter of the sort that New Orleans offers. Never happened. The town remains the best line in a sad ballad to failure. It is a song sung only on Sunday mornings, in local churches, where the congregation is told suffering is part of the journey to Heaven.
Suffer on Earth; find glory in the Kingdom of God.
They really fell for it in Brownsville...
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[Editor's Note:...Blogger Wightman-Cervantes, editor of BrownsvilleVoice.blogspot.com for many years, has ended his crusade against local corruption and apathy. His blog went dark Friday night...]
All true. All true. Thankz
Sooner or later citizens of Browntown will have to strap the boots and fight for their town, fight for changes, Harlingen took the fight to the politicos, and we are still in middle rounds. Thanks to the Paz files, myleadernews, and myharlingennews.blogspot, who have allowed the masses to speak freely.
The Mayor of Brownsville controls the Commissioners and the town is going now where, like the old beatle song, a now where man.
To me Brownsvile is a lost city. what is it? What is trying to be? Where is it going? Nowhere, man. That is so right.
Oh, man. that guy is going to kill Junior Bonner! (right sidebar) Mexicans who look like that guy don't like anyone messin with their women. Or weemin, as Bonner writes it.
know wonder, Bonner is not going to las Casuelitas, coward show your face and see if you can sweet talk yourself out of a beating. Ruby's husband looks like he is ready to rumble.
Bonner, likes low end weemin, as he say's, at the breakfast eatery the other morning, he told a cashier, he likes pretty mesican weemin, because they are loyal.
Something Boner, doesn't know anything about. Bonner, look at Webster's Dictionary for the defenition of Loyal.
The people from Brownsville won't fight the political machine, they just won't do it. They allow politicos to do as they please.
Look at the county, operated by family dynasties.
Bonner wasn't at La Cazuelas this morning. Hmmmm. Is he scared? Poor cowboy. That Mexican guy is going to kick his behind.
Junior is in hiding. And that's good for him. Cause he'd have his butt kicked by now. BTW, Brownsville is dumpsville.
The word is out that Bonner, made a move on a waitress at Rosita's. restaraunt, and when informed by the Nicaraguan waitress that she was married, "he answered, he wasn't jelous".
Why is the editor of Files protecting, Bonner the Adulteror.
Dismiss the duffless imidiately.
Bonner is hiding in Browntown, probably under McHale's skirt, he was playing guitar for peanuts at the browntown festival. Cylantra cleanned his wallet out, no corras, Bonner, you can't run forever.
Bloggers come and go. that guy in Brownsville will take a few days off, maybe a week, and then be back. Especially if he is unem,ployed, like Tony Chapa. that's the way it is.
Has Jerry Deal said anything about the taxes thing? He should post a story about it.
Any word from Jerry Deal? I knew it. They just look the other way.
The cards won by the skin of their pants, Del Rio missed 2 field goals, LUCKY, Warren has a passing quarterback, they won't win again by the skin of their teeth. (Warren 37 Harlingn 14) Manny Gomez your luck is running out.
The Valley high school football players play like tigers in the RGV, but they fold like pussies up nrth. San Antonio will send Harlingen packing. Too fast, too big.
I was at the La Villa, Mason Game, and they gave up 28 points in the first quarter, they were behind 42 to 0 at the half, the guys were bigger and faster. And had good sportmanship. La Villa players with the exception of two, displayed no urgency in winning.
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