The Paz Files
HARLINGEN, Texas - He drove all the way from his home in the Colorado Rockies, just to scold the Hell out of his son, but Hank Bonner, father of writer Junior Bonner, also blames the local culture for his son's errant ways. "He never had a chance in the Valley," the elder Bonner said in an interview conducted by this reporter at a local taqueria.
"Everything I hear about Harlingen is bad," he said more than once. "If it's not the men foolin' around, it's the women. I'm just glad Junior's not into that Gay Thing I also hear is, more and more, part of the local lovin' ways."
His son, perhaps the best blogger in the region, stands accused of adultery by his girlfriend of two years, Cylantra De La Torre. It was Cylantra, a native of El Salvador, who alerted Hank Bonner to his son's shenanigans. "Yeah, she called me and said she was about ready to blow his brains out," Hank Bonner said as he chewed on a fajita taco. "He deserves it, of course, but I'm down here to see if I can resolve this mess."
Junior Bonner, meanwhile, has been fingered by a third woman who says he promised to be faithful during what she alleges was a 5-year sexual affair. The woman, from Los Fresnos, does not want to be identified yet. In a telephone interview with this reporter, she said: "I loved that man, cause he was kind and he always smelled like cookies."
The two apparently met a convenience store on the road to Port Isabel, a business that employed her at the time. She now works as a hairstylist in Brownsville, where she also resides, mainly because her mother is being cared for in a local nursing home. "I may give you my name at some point," she went on. "I'm not happy that other women are coming forward, and that chick in the bikini looks like a real dog. What was Junior thinking? That effin face? She looks like she's been chasing parked cars!"
At The Paz Files, senior editors were meeting this morning to discuss Bonner's continued employment with the news website. "He could be toast by noon," said Sports Editor Willie Boy Hernandez. Political reporter George Will Garza said this, "I can overlook his penchant for booze, cause we reporters all drink like fish. But taking advantage of women is not something to be proud of, not these days. Too many Valley women fall victim to playboy wannabes, and I'm not saying that Junior is a wannabe, cause he can back up his rap, but we should not be endorsing adultery."
When told about that, Junior Bonner said, "All I can know is my own time..."
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Bonner is fired! Bet on it. No organization can survive something like this. So long, Junior!
Anon, what a man does after hours is his business, okay, so the scoundrel messes around with all these crazy women, or "weemin" as Junior calls them.
Having said that, I am surprise Cylantra is still hanging around.
Bonner is to old for advise he needs to be horse whipped.
Agree, Bonner dismissal should be immidiately, no excuses, sign up for last pay check....
Cylantra is illegal she has to put up with Junior serial sex behavior, falling out of bed, sounds weird, Junior must see cylantra as an old worn out horse.
Cylantra is not done. I bet she takes out those other women. She may be short and fat, but those women from El Salvador can kick tail. Bring it!
ALL:...After much discussion, we have decided to keep writer Junior Bonner for the time being. He should be afforded an opportunity to explain himself. Hopefully, that will come soon... - Editor
That's the right decision, Mr. EDITOR. UNTIL SOMETHNG ELSE COMES OUT. HA HA
Mr. Editor: how can you possibly keep that sex addict, sex deviant, who commits adultery and thinks it is okay.
Ruby, must have been crazy to go out with a weasel like Bonner. Bonner, your day is comming and this editor won't help you, Cylantra and tomate will do you in.
Speaking about Bonner, he hasn't been at las casuelas lately, maybe cylantra beat up his scrawny ass.
I hear through the vine Junior is staying at a cheap hotel in brownsville. His compadre McHale got him a room, I also hear that places is patrionized by whores,pimps,, and transvites, or as the song use say, Bonner found yourself a home.
Is Bonner crazy? Does he have a death wish. That woman he is messing with has a husband! And he is probably a former Pachuco who will be very angry. Junior, get away from here, man!
There is a man named Curtis Bonner in Harlingen. Is he related to Junior? Ben wondering that. Oh, well.
Junior is just living in his element. The Valley is about adultery, so why not Junior? I'm not surprised by any of this.
Junior Bonner seems to be on a self-destruct kick, somewhat like Herman Cain. You can blame upbringing or environment but ultimately it's the fault of the individual. If the only thing that's important to you is the thrill of the moment instead of caring about how much pain you are causing, then you are going to go wrong every time. Doing the right thing isn't always the easiest path but if you don't develop some control over yourself you end up alone and unloved by anyone. My advice to Junior is to check in to some sort of sex addiction clinic and learn how to grow up.
Junior is to way to old to be going to clinics for sex deviants. He needs to be taken behind the barn and given 10 whips with a cane made out of leather.
Mr.Editor, while eating breakfast at Las Casuelitas, I asked the waitress about the goofy old man who wears a black hat, and eats with different women.
I was told that he (the old weasel) yes, Junior Bonner, made a move on her, yes, on the waitress.
And when the waitress asked about his companion, Junior answered she can't speak English, she thinks I am asking about your food.
He invited the waitress to Houston, right in front of CYLANTRA.
I also hear he was bragging about a new Continental and was making a move on a cashier.
This guy is hound, he is on Viagra most of the time, what a smooth low life, know wonder he is stayig away from las casuelitas. The husband of the married woman is looking for him, for all we know, the baby belongs to Junior. What a con artist, he should be dismissed NOW, today,, for his indiscretions.
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