Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Being Junior Bonner...

The Paz Files

HARLINGEN, Texas - I had been assigned coverage of the electrifying Kori Marra mess over at the courthouse in Brownsville, but things came up. I'm sure you folks know about those annoyances. Well, someone vandalized my 1967 El Camino and there I went, over to the body shop, where they told me someone likely took a sledgehammer to my beautiful, crappy vehicle.

It happens.

Some days you get up and it ain't what it was yesterday. Know what I'm sayin' to ya? I wonder about that sometime, what with the low-level of edgikation around here. You tell a joke at the bar and no one laughs. I love those people, they only laugh when you're springin' for a round. Happens daily at the Palm Lounge in Brownsville, which is sorta in the neighborhood of the courthouse.

Marra is in hot water, but why do I throw images on my head about hot water in a jacuzzi and not on legal terms? Must be the late-in-the-year sun and humidity we can't seem to lose. Jeeeezzus, when will the weather turn? Global warming is real! Those Republicans don't get it cause all of them bastards stay in their air-conditioned holes all day long.

Hey, is the Kori Marra legal entanglement hotter news than the Herman Cain disaster?

I know, I know. I shouldn't ask. Cain's stupidities aren't playing in the Rio Grande Valley as they're playing elsewhere in the country. Happens with all big news around here. You drive a pair of 100 miles north and that stuff is all over the papers. Front page!

Here, it's the lousy weather. Even the Chrstmas trees already in the store lots smell like mobile home mold.

Me? I'm wearing my t-shirts until it gets cold.

Dang it. Somebody get me some ice for my brews. Packing'em in my styrofoam thingee and throwing it in the back of my rental, and Audi convertible, for that drive to the courthouse. Think I'll ask Kori Marra out if she beats this rap.

Yes, sir, take her over to the Three Little Pigs Lounge in Port Isabel. I love fairy tale endings...

- 30-


Anonymous said...

Junior is just a white Pachuco!

Maria Elena said...

You're right. This silly stuf only plays in the VALLEY. Marra is a nobody. Poor woman. It is truly boring.

Anonymous said...

That guy is not Junior Bonner, he looks fagoty, Jr. Bonner looks like a truck driver, in fact, he was at las casuelas this morning along with some fat, ugly, darked skin, about 4 ft tall woman.

Anonymous said...

Paz-Martinez, you are up to your old tricks, but you're not fooling anyone, that guy on the picture has his haired tinted.
Jr. is too much of a man, to try and look cute.
Quit playing games with the bloggers.

El Buttinskiii said...

Damn, that Junior Bonner writes horrible. He writes like Sara Palin.
Mr. Editor, please fire Junior Bonner, fire him now.

Anonymous said...

Is it true, Junior Bonner applied at Tony Chapa's blog?? Maybe he should, I had never heard a word, edikation, what the hell is that.

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling the author of this article is Cylantra de La Torre.
Bonner is to drunk to write anything, I hear, he fell sleep at la Movida Bar.

Anonymous said...

Junior Bonner is too skinny and has ugly eyes, this guy looks to well fed.