The Paz Files
COMBES, Texas - Rat now, rat this moment, I'm just a-chillin'. Drinkin' this cold beer Cylantra brought me to the side of the doublewide we share, to a spot under a craggy, dying mesquite where I have a table where I have my laptop where I write muh stories. Been hearin' some serious crap about me, so I've been workin' out, as you can see in the photo of yours truly above. Never know when I'll have to throw the next uppercut.
Don't rightly know where ever'one got the idea they can just take shots at Ol' Junior. Must be some dog urine masqueradin' as beer out there, 'specially in that thar vulgarity known as Brownsville, land of brain-dead fishheads with nuthin' better to do than try to take a sack of beans to Junior's back. That's how they train wild mustangs, ya know. Hit'em with satchels of dirt or flower or beans. Takes the fight outta their muscles, yes siree.
Anyway, just want all to know that I've been a-lissening to all the bullshit comin' from the peanut gallery. I hear ya, Jim Barton, you cranky sodbuster. What, your Ol' Lady ain't givin' you any lately? That's why you're throwing chicken bones at me? Let me set you straight, you Goddamn Resaca Rat: Stay on it and see who'll be bellydancin' on your lard ass.
Don't mind a good laugh, but sumthin' tells me you ain't right.
No, sir. Man don't just get up one mornin' and decide to dump on a man he don't even know. No, that's gotta come from somewheres, like bad Marijuana from Southmost or fleamarket Viagra originally bound for Vietnam. That yore problem, Barton, you bottom-feedin' flounder?
Get offa me, son!
Yore makin' a fool of yo'self, thas what yore doin'. Don't you see it yoreself? Are you impaired? Must be. Why if anyone asked Ol Junior what I thought of youse, I'd say you look like some white-bread-fed no-account who just has no business talking 'bout rough & tough cowboy. You too nerdy lookin'. Dude, get ahold of your ass and keep it in stir. That cayuse yore ridin' musta inflicted some seroius hemorrhoids on yore arse. Ouch! Take a seat in the No. 9 Galvanized tub, son. I'll fill the damned thing with warm water and salts, so that, who knows, maybe those hemorrhoids'll move up to yore throat and give you more of a man's voice.
Bet you sound like some fat-fuck using way too much of his chest, talking like some punk-ass bureaucratic lifer workin' for some social service agency that ain't doin' shit. Gotta be. Why else would you want to throw yo'self into muh world? Clear case of penis-envy, iffa you ask me. Just another loser thinking of going Gay. Guy out to pump-up his going-nowhere life. Going Pendejo takes no talent, Jimbo. Think about it. Buck up and clear your colon and get back to writin' about those Nobodies in Browntown. You some sort of pale-faced Skin & Seven Holes?
Hey, hey. You, you. Get offa my cloud!...
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Damn, what happen to Junior Bonner, did he get chased from Las Casuelas for not paying and trying to pay with an outdated credit card.
Junior, you're bi-polar, the interview with Barton was completely different than the stuff you write today.
Is it true, the goverment is subsdizing the double wide. Goverment housing, wowowowo,Jr.
What, what is going on, Junior Bonner talking about buying aa Jaguar, maybe a horse name Jag.
Playing guitar in corners won't buy you a taco at la Mexicana taqueria on Grimes.
I have seen LaCandrelle Jefferson somewhere, from Jamaica, Damn, that is a long way from here. Are you sure, he wasn't killed somewhere in Cuba during the Castro uprising.
Some blogger is saying Bonner wanted to dance with the belly dancers and got his rear end kicked out of the night club.
Rumor is he had a belly ache, but Chilantra couldn't explain. They thought Chilantra was the cleaning lady.
Junior Bonner trying to Belly Dance, LOL, he can hardly walk, or speak.
There is nothing wrong, Jimmy B, exposing Bonner for what he is, a panhandler, Boner was trying to marry an American Indian and was turned down, no wonder he chases people from South America. Chylantra, give Junior a Bush beer.
I don't know about that Bonner, and why his articles are not filtered or edited. Junior writes horrible.
He sounds like street people, or Carnival people. Sorry Bonner, the truth had to be said.
I know Boner vcan take out Jim Barton. Barton is an office guy who hasn't been ina fight in decades. Junior fights all the time!
agree. barton looks like a cheap-ass flounder. LOL!!!
stop giving Barton so much attention.
Bonner, I didn't know you like the Rolling Stones, "Get offa my cloud" sounds like a rolling Stone song.
Oh, I forgot, you play on street corners, sorry Junior.
Anon, (raza) the story here is Bonner, or Boner, whatever, (it is not Jimmy Barton) Bonner has declared himself, a playboy. Barton has written a blistering article about Bonner and his bi-polar life.
Barton is promoting Brownsville as a club heaven town.
Barton is feeling small again. His attack o the editor of this blog is childish. Combes is what it is, a down and out town. And what the hell is Barton moaning about. He took the fight and then complained. Pendejo!
Damn, Junior writes horrible, send him back to school. Junoir how many beers did you drink, befoe, you rote thee article, ooops I am speaking like Bonner now.
A harlingen blog is reporting Junior Bonner doesn't exist, I think the editor of the blog goes by the name of, El Chapo.
HHHuuummmm, there is going to be many upset bloggers. Some swear he eats at Las Casuelas every other day.
of course there is a Bonner. Right there in Harlingen. we see him everyday at Las Cazuelas. We're being set up for a bigger fall!
Went to la colonia of Combes Texas, looking for a double wide, I found one on Dishman street, it was empty.
The neighbors are saying some goofy looking dude and a woman that looked like a street woman, live their but left, because they could pay the rent.
Maybe Bonner and Chylantra and tomate left the Valley.
Tomorrow, I plan to ask the old geezer who eats at las Casuelas if his last name is Bonner, and what he does for a living.
Someone post a blog, in a Harlingen Blog admitting the Bonner thing was a joke, what a fraud. Called bloggers brainless.
LaCandrelle Looks like Juan Jones. Is it possible, wondering!!!!
Lived in Jamaica for over 15 years, don't remember the Trenchtown Times, LaCandrelle Jefferson, was he a baseball player??
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