The Paz Files
HARLINGEN, Texas - He's been known to go off on a tangent when he gets a whiff of something gone awry, like the actions of a corrupt politician or criticism of his beloved Rio Grande Valley WhiteWings, but former newspaper editor and current blogger Jerry Deal also likes to stir the pot of bad menudo.
At present, he has let his Objective Journalism guard down and gone after Justice of The Peace Sallie Gonzalez in an indirect way, but gone after her just the same with what some would consider extreme vigor and a wholly underhanded manner. Deal has not played fair with Ms. Gonzalez.
It is not the first time Deal has wondered about her job performance or her ability to hold the job, but now he's piling on with stories (posts) in which he alludes to her, but doesn't name her. It has allowed a litany of anonymous Sallie Gonzalez wolves to attack her without mercy. We have noted Deal's approach to this particular woman before, primarily on the fairness front, writing in earlier stories about how Deal throws his ethics to the floor and simply goes after her on supposition and innuendo.
We do not endorse Ms. Gonzalez. We do not know her.
But it, too, is clear that Deal has burned her at the stake on flimsy hearsay he continues to post on his blog as credible information. Fairness would indicate that he visit with her, interview her on the issues he finds lacking and perhaps even review her caseload record to offer readers facts, not sloppy writing.
Ms. Gonzalez may indeed be the worst justice of the peace south of Kansas, but when Deal purports to be a reporter, he needs to follow the tried-and-true tenets of the profession. When we carped about the WhiteWings baseball team and its delinquent utility bill at the city-owned ballfield, Deal returned fire by asking us to "give it a rest." He never did bring pertinent info about that to Harlingen residents he insists he serves. When the team went off to the league championship in Canada towing nine players from the rival San Angelo Colts, Deal laughed it off as an "immigration" issue, one that kept a load of Hispanic players from making the trip.
That's baseball, entertainment.
His unrelenting salvos aimed at Sallie Gonzalez would be more meaningful if he included facts that would tell a reader why she is no longer fit for the job. To merely lob stink bombs at her feet and call it a citizen revolt is absurd and the game of an idle child.
Bring the goods. Hang her on wrongdoing. Note her faults. Ask that she step down or ask voters to reject her next bid to keep the office.
Only, for the sake of honesty, do it with facts. Be a real reporter.
And leave your prejudices at home. They have no place in journalism, as you know...
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