The Paz Files
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Obama Administration has championed human rights when confronted with harsh anti-immigrant laws passed by the states, but it, too, has worked hard at deporting undocumented immigrants.
According to a report, the government deported 400,000 immigrants in this country ilegally in the year 2010, the first year of what critics say was the administration's initial push at reducing the number of such newcomers. At present, it is believed that there are some 11 million undocumented residents living in the U.S.
The deporatations, however, have not appeased conservatives who want all such people deported. That has never been an option, but the president now has a positive "talking point" as he prepares to go full-gear in his re-election bid this year ahead of the November election...
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I love the anti-conservative jab, Mr Paz.
The bottom line is that no matter how many deportations, Obama can count on unquestioning loyalty from hispanics like you.
That's why democrats never deliver on immigration reform, they can ignore it with impunity, except at election time.
Face it, Obama cares WAY more about unions than hispanics.
Unions bring in money, hispanics cost money.
Anti-conservative jab? It's not a jab when it's true. Or, better yet, it's a good jab!
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