The Paz Files
LLANO, Texas - We're expected at Cooper's Barbeque here for lunch. It's one of those Smalltown, Texas restaurants with a stellar regional reputation. Great brisket, killer ranch beans, super real fries. Ice tea to drown with. It's been a wicked week with that Tuesday storm that knocked a few fences and trees down, but the morning has broken bright and sunny, so we're out and about. Lake Buchanan awaits a few miles down State Highway 29.
The map shows a generous sprinkling of little towns all around Austin, from Lockhart to Blanco to Marble Falls - each with its own stake on the best of country living. Think I'll switch my usual Oldies channel on Sirius Radio to C&W today. Just one day. Too much of that stuff and, well, too many brain cells'll die.
So, enjoy your day.
Put Newt Gingrich's crapola aside over the weekend. Get out. Eat well, make friends. It's early in the year, too early to get too serious about any damned thing. The Super Bowl is next weekend and it's still a bit before you have to get cracking on those federal income taxes.
Life is a long, long series of decisions, some more serious than others. It's cool and the Big Blue sky is clear of clouds. Lucky spin of the planet. Nothing to do but enjoy it. Next week will be here soon enough...
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Have a great day, Mr. Editor. the Hill Country is great this time of year. Barbeque sounds great for today.
hill country. nice place. used to hang out there when I was in college.
The hill country is nice no doubt about it.
I was at the Reece, speaking to the protesters who picketed the Mayor's speech.
Someone ask, about Tony Chapete, the operator of mhnews, someone said, Chapa doesn't go out, because he is afraid someone is going to kick his ass, and will have to run to the police like his son Ortega, who filed a complaint because some hillbillie wanted to beat his ass up, pinches cobardes, they talk crap in the blogs, but in real life, son mamones. cool-arrows.
Juan Ortega, was walking like an old man, man, that guy looks like crapola, he looks beat up. Loser with no life.
The harlingen Mayor once again spoke to the Rotary's club for their annual fun raiser. The Big Dawg was leading a group of protesters, with signs where are the jobs.
This damn crappy town, is decaying slowly.
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