The Paz Files
BROWNSVILLE, Texas - Juan Caledonio Perez dropped a pair of headache pills into his mouth and chased them with a glass of lemonade, trying like crazy of rid himself of images that have his uncle, Chili Perez, being tortured or, worse than that, buried in some spot along the banks of the Rio Grande.
Chili Perez has been missing for more than a week.
The Brownsville police detective has not been seen since he departed the department's employee parking lot in his battered 1980 Volvo. At the time, he had just been named lead detective in the apparent murder case involving local college student Louise Herrera. Perez had replaced Det. Alfred Alpaca, who was taken off the case after crying during a press conference in which he gave graphic details of Ms. Herrera's killing. Alpaca remains on leave and in psychiatric therapy.
"He checked in with his supervisor and said he was going across to Matamoros," Juan Caledonio said during a fajita cookout at his family's home in the poor Las Prietas subdivision here (see photo above). "That's the last anyone heard from him, or about him. My uncle is not like that. He's everywhere, man. People see him at H-E-B and at the Toddle Inn and at The Vermillion and at The Herald and at the movies. He's very public."
The Hererra case remains unsolved, but one aspect of it is over - rape allegations made against former Paz Files writer Rudolf Von Bulow. Cameron County District Attorney Arnoldo Villalobos has declined to pursue a trial against the German-born Von Bulow.
In earlier info, Ms. Herrera had alleged Mr. Von Bulow had raped her at his South Padre Island condo after a long, long night of drinking at various island nightclubs. She had given authorities a detailed description of all Von Bulow had forced her to do during a four-hour sexual assault that included falling off the bed during sex, ice cubes in her mouth during oral sex, Japanese beads and several rounds of anal intercourse. Von Bulow denied he'd raped Ms. Herrera, characterizing the acrobatics as being consensual.
Louise Herrera,a 23-year-old paleantology student at Texas Southmost College, was found dead at the base of a craggy mesquite near a ravine known as a haven for coyotes. No arrest has been made the case.
Chili Perez, a 20-year veteran of the bordertown's force, is known for his unorthodox investigations. Once, while working a case involving a deadbeat father who refused to pay child support, Chili donned a Zorro disguise and caught the wiry, high-throated man behind a 14th Street bar and beat the Hell out of him. The man, who still has a huge "Z" carved on his chest, never missed another payment.
Donatela Perez, a cousin, believes Chili Perez is in trouble.
"He's not the kind to hang low," she said in a cellphone text message. "If you ask me, it was the Von Bulow family. They got a contract on him and who knows where Chili may be now?"
At police headquarters, the detective's disappearance is cause for concern, said Chief Charlotte Garcia. "But we're not panicing, not yet," she went on.
An officer who spoke on condition of anonymity said this: "It's possible Chili is behind this vanishing theory. For all we know, he could be holed-up at a Central Boulevard motel with Louise Herrera's mother. Everything is on the table for that guy!..."
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Chili is in VEGAS!! HA HA HA
Chili Perez is living with a hooker in Harlingen, he was chased away from a prostitute after he tried to hood wink her over a $10.00 bill. He is a screw-up, a low life police officer from the arm pit town called, Brownsville, Texas.
Mr. Editor, some guy name cavazos who was the editor of the Brownsville Herald is now the editor, of the Valley Morning Star. Man, the Rio Grande Valley is all f**&ed up.
Cavazos isa wimpy journalist. No gain for Halringen. LOL!!!
Perez has to be deep in the murder inevstigation by now. Isn't he known for solving cases quickly? why would the German woman come to the Valley? Poor Chili. man, he's in deep doo-doo, ese vato.
That Lina woman is bad news. Chili is history. bank on it.
Side bar: You would think that a guy didn't get to be the 8th richest man in the US by throwing millions away to someone who doesn't have a chance but I guess when you have that much, you can afford to gamble and lose. He looks like he might be pretty high up on the ugly list too.
Chili Perez is sleeping in a box car in the switching rail yard in Harlingen. Probably trying to cheat a drug dealer or a prostitute. He is a low life from the Blues bar known as the Crescent moon. Esta bien jodido el viejo sonso.
Sometime back, the editor of the myharlingen.blogspot, criticized R.Leftwich for posting an article in Chapa's blog. It wasn't untill someone informed him, the letter appeared in the letters to the editorials, at the local daily. Once again someone has posted a comment on the Paz-files about a character name Dan Cavazos who was appointed as editor, VMS in Harlingen. Mr. Losoya has added his spim.
It seems that Mr. Losoya is good to cut other people down, when he uses information from bloggers who post comments on this blog, coincidence, maybe, does this character exist, can't find anywhere, not the engineering dept. at Pan Am, not on facebook, not in google, hummmm!!
do you exist, anonymous? Who are you? Who are you to question someone who gives his name?
Losoya's site has a lot more class than that low rent piece of crap Chapa runs. As for Leftwich, he has directly used Chapa's blog many times in the past to spew his propaganda. He has so much promise but we all now know him to be just spiteful and angry with no place to go except out of politics.
Lasoya's blog is nothing but rumors, the characterization of others is of redicule, and redicule only, no substance what so ever.
@ midnight anon
Don't let yourself get all wrapped up in some sort of blog stalker/conspiracy obsession.
DP-M is not Losoya or vice versa. I know it's fun to get into the different characters and scenario's but just let them go where they want and enjoy the entertainment or don't follow it if you don't enjoy it. Trying to track somebody down because they write a blog is just a little too creepy. If Losoya is not writing under his real name, it's probably just to protect himself from stalkers but I can tell you for sure that it's not DP-M.
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