Special to The Paz Files
HARLINGEN, Texas - Occasionally, The Paz Files likes to take soundings of its reading audience. As the editors put it in a note regarding this assignment, they like to gauge the reader's intelligence to better budget the editorial stories posted here. And they also want to know how much you know about other area bloggers. Here goes the quiz:
1.) A man with notable Journalism experience, he's the most senior of all Cameron County bloggers?
a.) Dr. G.F. McHale-Scully
b.) Juan Montoya
c.) Gerald "Jerry" Deal
d.) Jim Barton
2.) This blogger likes to throw daily stuff at other bloggers.
a.) Bobby Wightman-Cervantes
b.) Sam Losoya
c.) Gregg B. Wendorf
d.) Gerald "Jerry" Deal
3.) I made a career of of throwing crap at then-City Commission candidate Melissa Zamora.
a.) Bobby Wightman-Cervantes
b.) Juan Montoya
c.) Jim Barton
d.) Dr. G.F. McHale-Scully
4.) Until I was disbarred, my career was in law.
a.) Jim Barton
b.) Gerald "Jerry" Deal
c.) Juan Montoya
d.) Bobby Wightman-Cervantes
5.) I blog against corruption and elected officeholders who let the people down, but I was arrested for not paying child support.
a.) Jim Barton
b.) Gerald "Jerry" Deal
c.) Dr. G.F. McHale-Scully
d.) Juan Montoya
6.) My words serve the people, but I lost when I sought to be Brownsville's mayor.
a.) Gerald "Jerry" Deal
b.) Bobby Wightman-Cervantes
c.) Juan Montoya
d.) Dr. G.F. McHale-Scully
7.) I was sports editor of The Brownsville Herald back when Oscar "Ringo" Bonavena was still boxing. In fact, I boxed in my younger days.
a.) Juan Montoya
b.) Sam Losoya
c.) Bobby Wightman-Cervantes
d.) Dr. G.F. McHale-Scully
8.) My critics say I blog only in favor of those politicians who buy Ads on my free blog.
a.) Sam Losoya
b.) Gerald "Jerry" Deal
c.) Bobby Wightman-Cervantes
d.) Jim Barton
9.) My blog is relatively new and still making headway, but I was slammed for stealing a character (Junior Bonner) from another blog.
a.) Gerald "Jerry" Deal
b.) Juan Montoya
c.) Jim Barton
d.) Dr. G.F. McHale-Scully
10.) I have had the most blogs of any of my contemporaries, springing one on defenseless readers at least three times a year.
a.) Jim Barton
b.) Gerald "Jerry" Deal
c.) Juan Montoya
d.) Dr. G.F. McHale-Scully
It is said that information is king. The more you know, well, the more you know...
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IS the story';s writer Heinrich Carvajal the Heinrich Carvajal from San Benito? If he is, I lknow that guy!
No pants on the subway? Nice!
If No. 10 is Mchale I think I aced the test! Wow! I've been on the Internet too damned much!!!
montoya was arrested. i know that one.
I thought Weightman-ce5vantez had ended his blog? Is he back?
Maybe you should have the list 1-6. Chapa beat Deal to the punch today on a couple of stories. Wow, deal behind Chapa what a gas!
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