and the hallways,
where are you?..."
- Tommy James, Mirage
Special to The Paz Files
BROWNSVILLE, Texas - The blogger boys have gone on to something else. Politics. Something about torn political signs and fat women seeking office and still more trouble in the public schools. The Blues, ballyhooed for weeks as the Next Big Thing here, have turned a rotten brown. The Blues have died on the vine. Pick your cliche; it applies.
It wasn't that long ago that bloggers Jerry McHale and Jim Barton plugged away at trying to set the tone for the town's nocturnal hula-hooping. In serial, maquiladora journalism, they pumped-up evening scenes of outright fun and frolic, each taking their turn at noting this or that band shaking the town to its bones. It was the music, they said. That's what was new, that's what had come to this dusty outpost at the colon end of the Rio Grande. Some guy with a guitar sent Barton to the outs of fandom as he typed breathlessly about a sound he'd never heard before. McHale followed with a story about the latest bar venue, a novel joint sure to catapult Brownsville into the Blues heavens.
So, what happened, boys?
Not a peep has come from either blogger about - what? - the demise of the Blues?
Jeepers, creepers. Holy, moly, me, oh, my, what became of the apple of my eye? But, who knows? Things appear to take shape here all-too-often before they evaporate into clouds of doubt and of what-might've-been. It's part & parcel of the story of this bordertown. Someone gets a wedgie in their pants and off they go to spread the news from Ghent to Aix, from Milan to Minsk. It's an ingredient in the local joke. You know the kind - no punchline.
McHale is a known prankster. We expect such exaggeration from him. Barton we do not know. Perhaps he's captured by McHale's zen, by merely wishing to belong, even at the expense of credibility. It happens in blogging. Sooner or later, the smoke & mirrors influence becomes influence-peddling. They'll write: I was at the La Ultima Cumbia Blues Bar on Boca Chica Boulevard last night and the fuckin' place was rockin' like nothing I've ever seen befo'! It's a heavy chain bloggers wear around their necks, this desire to spread the seed. Some soon discover that making it up throws you onto another stage, that of fiction writer. Nothing wrong with that, is what I say. Blogging is 90% entertainment, 5% rumor and 5% fact. Know that and you're with the program.
The Blues are what they've always been in Brownsville, just another sound to hear. Buy a record, take the ride. Something stupid like that. I know I'm cheating you already. Life is funny that way, especially here. It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway - music is everywhere, all kinds of music. You can hear Tejano in Berlin, country & western in Afghanistan, classical in Mexico, rock in Moscow. All musical roads have been paved, in other words.
The problem for Brownsville's ever-reaching bloggers, in this case anyway, is that it is simply too damned late to write that the Blues are now, suddenly, here. They've been in town all along...
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Those guys in the picture look like they would know the blues. Our guys are pendejos. Corridos is our music!
ABout the only blues Brownsville knows, is being blue because you can't find a job.
Jim Barton and Jerry McHale have been smoking the peace pipe too long. Blues, Blue's in Brownsville, Olivia's L. Ri**&^%s ass.
Brownsville is pure Matamoros, quit trying to make it, what is not. It is a dead town, full of unemployed people, like Tony chapa, viejo arrastrao.
Brownsvile gets mad when you continue to dump on it. But it deserves every goddamned whipping!
Damn, who are these character's writing for the Paz files???
What is next?? An article by Losoya, or LaCandrella Jefferson??
The picture on this post remind me of South Carolina's red light district, while I was in the Army.
Cheap beer, ugly women, lousy music, yukkk, is this what Brownsville wants???
No, only McHale and Barton are seeing these visions. Pobres vatos mensos.
Are you saying Brownsville no longer claims the Blues? Ha ha ha. Those guys bare dopes!
I heard the Blues in San Benito. Right under the water tower with Freddy fender's picture on it. IS THAT WHERE THE BLUES ARE NOW?
there are no blues in San Benny. Just a lot of Browns. LOL!!!
Brownsville, doesn't know the meaning of blues music, they think is cantina music.
Mr.Editor, post a picture of Pablo Fanquez, he sounds like a Braziilian, who use to wash dishes in West Manhattan.
The picture showing three characters beneath Editor's journal, look like
wino's from the 1-2-3 cantina. Montoya's drinking buddies.
Mr. Emigrante, or mojao sonso, what does Olivia Levier's ass has to do with Browntown Blues bull sh**&t?
The woman has class, you are probably a dish washer or waiter at a cheap Brownsville greasy restaurant. Puro low-life.
ANON:...Pablo Fanques is a direct descendant of the a Black man whose circus toured Europe and was memorialized in the song "For The Benefit of Mr. Kite" by The Beatles. Writer Pablo, however, added an "s" to his last name when he moved to the Texas-Mexico border. We have asked him for a photo and will post it as soon as we get it... - Editor
Something is wrong with the guy on the side bar, screwing a horse, damn, there are plenty of hookers, tranvites, and who knows what else in Brownsville Texas.
Who is this Olivia El immigrante is mentioning? Is she a local knockout? Photos!!! Hijole. Sounds like one of Junior Bonner's weemin!
Is he Spaniard or Brazilian, sounds French to me, oh well, we will see.
Junior Bonner's weemin are all illegal, mostly from South America. Puras viejas feas.
El emigrante is talking trash, he doesn't know Olivia, or as my dad use to say: Immigrante esas pulgas no brincan en tu petate, sonso.
Cocodrilo, Junior Bonner is hiding after he was confronted by three readers of the Paz file outside a restaraunt in Harlingen, he high-tailed it to New Mexico. The word is, he is back in Harlingen, but he now eat's breakfast at Don Betos on West Tyler st. in Harlingen.
Looked it up on Wikipedia. Pablo Fanque was a Black man who owned his own circus in Britain in the early 1800s. He performed early in his life and then owned his own show which toured Europe. He sort of looks like Nate Newton the old lineman for the Cowboys. Round face.
I use to know a guy with a name like that when I was station in New York, I was in the Air Force, he was from Brazil and work as a dish washer and waiter at a local diner in Manhattan. He use to give us free coffee, after a night of drinking and "weemin" chasing.
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