today. Saw a city in a fog
and an old church tower
where the seagulls play..."
- STING, All This Time
The Paz Files
BROWNSVILLE, Texas - The pirujas in short skirts pussyfooting around me all looked stupid, as if in a psychotic trance of the sort you see in darkest Africa, their lips in natural pouts and their black makeup on the run. Lapping-up next to them were short and stubby, heavyset men in thick mustaches, all wearing polyester shirts adorned with flowers and little cars and trains and planes. It was Disco Night at one of this bordertown's newfangled Blues Bars.
A ruckus has come to town, all dressed-up and ready to go, like a young, mullato prostitute on her first night of serving a string of rough-edged men with few sexual skills, but carrying all the desire of a powerful panther. That music is being offered as "Blues" is the kicker, for everyone who has been to this part of the world knows the blues have been here for centuries. Indeed, it is often said - and written by anthropologists - that no one wears pain and suffering better than a resident of the Texas-Mexico border. Blues? Black & Blues, is more like it! Are they celebrating spousal abuse? Wife-whipping? Neglect of the region's children? The color of another dead-end year?
What's with the recent attraction to the Blues anyway? You'd think that any of a dozen genres of Mexican music would be more suitable for the locals. Conjunto? Sure. Banda? Absolutely. Corridos? Of course. Traditional? Bring it. Tejano? I'm inside Selena.
The Blues?
I'm no Count Basie wannabe, but it's gotta be a joke on somebody. There isn't a worthy piano within 250 miles? Blues Guitar? Spare me the laughter. Blues, they say. Da' Blues? That's funny. I see a dude at the dingy convenience store in a pair of ragged, brown slacks and an orange Mervyn's shirt and I don't see the Blues. I drive onward, spot a fat woman with a gross overbite selling tamales at the corner and I don't see the Blues. A high-throated bartender at a bar on 14th Street laughs in my face when I ask about Blues on his dusty jukebox. "Que te pasa, buey?" he asks from behind a row of corn-yellow teeth. Blues? Where!
This town moves on cooking oil, used in the making of eggs for breakfast at the downtown, Tex-Mex cafes, for those tasty refried beans, for those killer tamales, for the fucking, Sunday morning menudo. Blues? You cannot be serious. Play me something else by Mahalia Jackson, sonny. What's that? You want me to hear local blues? Indulge me. Keep looking. I'll know it when I hear it.
Atop this story you'll see a photo of a happening town in action. True, blue stuff, not some imagined bullshit thrown about like rice pilaf at a Gay wedding. Get me a photo like this one of a local scene and then we'll talk. Chase that lunkish broad up the sidewalk, lad. You tell her the Blues at midnight'll set her straight. She'll turn around and look at you as if you're the next moron to hit on her before she tells you to scram, to get lost. You don't know shit about the Blues, cause you're from this falling town.
So, there's my Story of The Year, a non-story, really.
That's what's breaking here, becoming the nouveau addiction, cutting up the town's craggy, fajita-like face like some teenage acne episode. Blues? You're still with that?...
- 30 -
ha ha ha ha ha. Great story. True & vicious. Blues? Where! ha ha ha Thankz.
You guys are heartless. Brownsville tries its best and you dump on it. How can it ever progress?
If you dont live in Brownsville, WHY do you even give an opinion? If you live in Brownsville, I hope you do more than criticize because if not then you are part of the problem by not providing solutions.
I suppose the rest of the state, and for all that matters the rest of the country, has no problems at all. The Valley is a "dump" and everywhere else is rosie and perfect right?
ANON:...Writer Ron Mexico resides in Port Isabel with his girlfriend, a sprightly gal from Brownsville. They party together in Brownsville and sometimes Ron parties alone. He neither loves nor hates Brownsville. He tells us that for him it's just another story. Hope that helps... - Editor
Don;t blame Ron Mexico for all the crap he sees in Brownsville. It's there or he wouldn't see it. Duh!
Paz-Martinez, you are forever dumping on the Valley, do us a favor stay in Austin and don't come back no more.
It's either Harlingen or Browsnville. Give it a rest.
Maybe we ought to pitch in and buy Ron Mexico some clothing, let me ask, was he dressed in women's leotards?? Yep, just what I thought.
El Primo, get over it. The Paz Files writes things we do not wish to read. But it's on target, bro. Why are you so touchy?
Where's the city commission on this? what's Melissa Zamora saying about why Brownsville is a dingy hole? Why doesn't anyone speak up? The mayor couldn't care less. Primo, I could go on, buey!
The editor of the Paz-files ought to offer solutions to the problems he observes, anyone can write b/s on any city.
Hello, Mr.Editor, we are waiting for solutions, duuuhhh!!!!!!
Let me guess, Louise Herrera. Hooks up with Ron Mexico, Sylantra, hooks up with LaCandrelle Jefferson, Klement and Rudolf get married. And Patrick Alcatraz, moves with Marquita Jefferson at her double wide in Paris, Georgia. Oh, I forgot, Junnior Bonner, marries his horse Champion at Las Tortugas, New Mexico.
Surely, Ron Mexico could have written something worthwhile, writing about Brownsville is like eating greasy tacos at don betos rest. in Harlingen. (same old, same old)
Common Mr. Editor, this story should been rejected.
It belongs on page D-4, wanted ads. section.
New Orleans ain't the Blues. Sure you can find the Blues in New Orleans. You can find the Blues in New Orleans and you get the blues in New Orleans, but New Orleans ain't the Blues. Count Basie ain't the Blues; he was Big Band/Swing composer and conductor. Mahalia Jackson, may she rest in peace, was a Gospel singer not a Blues singer. Muddy Waters is the Blues. Little Walter is the Blues. B.B. King is the Blues. Ruth Brown and Koko Taylor are the Blues. The Blues can be found anywhere people suffer, go blind, lose a lover, their momma dies or any other sad condition of the human existence. Brownsville ain't the Blues but you sure enough can get them there.
You're lucky anyone writes about Brownsville. Corruption is your only business! LOL!!
Mike hit the nail on the head, puro scrape, que blue crescent moon, y que nada, just look at the county court and local "Silly Hall", puros inservibles.
Brownsville got its feelings hurt? boo hoo hoo
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