and soon hit the harder stuff..."
- Bob Dylan
The Paz Files
TAOS, New Mexico - I was on the front page of the Taos Times last week, there sprawled like a sack of beans on a street curb after a night of boozing with some newfound pals, one being Louella Ceballos, daughter of Old Spain whose ancestors have been in this part of the country for some 250 years. The damned-shitty caption under the photo was not kind, no sir: "Waiting For Rain."
Other than that bit of self-imposed humiliation, things are shakin' out for me out here. Can't say I miss the Rio Grande Valley, 'cause that hellhole beat me up daily, and I'm not just talkin' about the semi-attractive weemin, most of whom I'd still hang with, if only for part of a lonely night.
What I said to Cylantra there near the end, after she'd thrown a match into my closet of the doublewide we shared in Combes and sent my western garb to Blazing Hell, was this: "Ammo shuffle outta yore life, little girl. Ana ah don't want you to think it's cause ah don't love you no more, cause I could. But, as my editor likes to say, things have to end so that sumthin' new can begin."
She threw a bottle of Tabasco at me, I ducked and it hit a moose head I had nailed to the hallway wall rat 'tween the eyes. A man can't live with a rag-crazy woman like that. You gotta have some of that peace & quiet in the home, man. Shore you know what Ol' Junior's talkin' 'bout rat here. Anna if yo don't, well, yo gotta be some kinda sick puppy who just cain't get a new woman when the times call for that.
Ah would like to say sumthin' about that other Harlingen woman who befriended me for those three years. She shore can squeeze, iffa yo get my drift. Buddy, that was some vice. Hard to get away from, and just a downer for me to even think 'bout it anymore. Love with that woman was not only daily; it was danged near celestial. Of astral proportions, son!
So, we're fine here in northern New Mexicao, Land of Enchantment. I walk across the lovely little plaza on my way to the bar, where I'm becomin' a known figure. Do I miss the Valley? Maybe if a dog can miss a flea. Ha ha ha. I kill myself with my wit.
Take a whiff of life, kiddoes. Thas what I'd say at yo. Don't let the bastards wear yo down. Keep fightin' like a sumbitch and don't take it all, 'cause ah do want my share. Go ahead an step outside your abode and let out a holler toward the northwest and I'll hear it. Always good to know some people miss you, is what my unfaithful Pa used to say.
Heard this story at the bar last night: seems a traveling salesman made the rounds out this way and, well, a local waitress fell for the slick dude and the next thing she knows they're out onna date. The guy goes nuts in the motel room and pees on her.
I asked the guy telling the story: "So, how's she doing?"
"Still scrubbin' her face," the guy shot back...
- 30 -
Man, That Bonner is a fink, first he dined and wined Chillantra and then he dropped her like a baked potato.
Junior is a guy who knows how to live. There have been a dozen Cilantras in that guy's life. For sure.
Bonner not only writes crazy stories he lives them! Hey, I think I saw Cylnatra at the cofee shop yesterday with another man, this one was a tall Mexican dude with a fat mustache. oh, oh.
Well, Chylantra had to find, what Junior couldn't give her, that poor fat short woman was talking to herself at the morning coffee today. I think she misses Junior, she was with a couple of short fat ladies, eating large bowls of Menudo.
That fat mexican with the mustache will give Cilantra a different kind of ride. We all have our fantasies, El Zorro.
Chylantra wasn't wearing a coat. Bonner took all her stuff. After breakfast she was going to the Harlingen Family center to ask for free hand-outs. Pinche Bonner
She burned the doublewide down, dude! Nothing wa sleft. Bonner wrote about how he only had the clothes on his back during that drive to New mexico. Of course she's now destitute without Junior. That Mexican guy she was with looks like trouble.
Ws that on TV news? Didn't see it. Burned it down, huh? Wow!!!
Well, hell, what did you expect for Sylantra to give him a trophy, when the fink, fathered a child with another woman. Bonner thank your lucky stars you are still alive. I would have castrated your ass, you old goat.
Chilantra had every rigth to burn his clothing and the dump they were living in.
Excuse me, Chavelita, let's get the fact's straight here. Cilantra as his "living" girlfriend has no rights, but to accept Bonner for what he is. This is the Valley's culture, men down here have 3 or 4 women, at the same time. And some have children with all 4.
What Bonner did is nothing to be ashamed of.
Wild Mares as yourself, are the type I like to tame. One night with me, and you be cooking pancakes in the morning for me.
I only hav emy wife and one other woman! Who has my other two?
Gitano is right on message, if you grew up and live in South Texas, as a woman, get use to it. Men down here are womanizer to the bone.
Cylantra needs to be tried as a criminal for burning a Man's palace. Or be sent back to San Salvador.
Junior has every right to be with as many weemin as he can. Come home at six or seven in the morning the following day, and Chilantra, get your rear end up and cook breakfast for man, girl you better learn to live with it.
Mr. Mendigo, you need to find yourself at least one more lady of the evening, No Man, should be restricted to one woman only, NO ONE, that is pure baloney. Bonner, did the right thing.
Agree with Gitano, el primo and plenty of viejas, well said, I have 3 crazy women, plus the old lady, and plenty of viagra, need to keep them happy. Asi me gusta.
Chavela, I can make room for you corazon.
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