Monday, December 19, 2011

Angst & Smalltown Religion

"God is not a Cosmic Bellboy
for whom we can press a button
to get things..." - Harry E. Fosdick, Prayer

The Paz Files

HARLINGEN, Texas - In religion, you live and die with imagery and perception. Faith may be the communal linchpin in this hemisphere, but personal belief makes its own fierce fight. God, someone once said, is merely a concept for how we measure our pain. In some homes, that God is the sole reason for living; in others it is the maker of pain and unrest.

Voters of a humble sector of this Rio Grande Valley community elected a man named Danny Castillo to the Harlingen City Commission on Friday. The election was largely insignificant, regardless of what some of the local mediocre bloggers said for days on end. Castillo, a former chief of police here, like most mortals, has his good side and his bad side. We're speaking morality, but then who are we to judge our fellow man? In any case, it was often said during the heated campaign for the commission's District 1 seat that Castillo harbored harsh feelings against the Catholic Church. In places such as Bangkok or Beijing or Saigon, that would not matter one iota. Here, where the larger perecentage of residents call themselves proud Catholics, Castillo's stance seemed at once insane and dangerous.

What the new commissioner's actual religion is only he knows. Some have speculated that he must be a member of some fringe outfit, such as the severe Jehovah Witness kingdom, or perhaps the more palatable Baptist faith. Who knows?

But in a part of the country where marital infidelity and cash exchanges play a larger role in politics, Castillo's ranting and raving against Catholics proved a bit much for some. In most postings, local Bloggers damned him. Oddly, or perhaps not, Castillo ignored the religious jabbing, saying nothing about it the days leading up to his election night victory. Does it matter that he is so anti-Catholic? It would be nice to get his actual thoughts on his position against the region's dominant church, but, no, it doesn't matter. Not yet. Not until Castillo takes his religion to the commission chambers, which would be his first cardinal sin.

Does it portend to future religious strife here? In politics, anyway?

That would be interesting in more ways than one. Lately, religion and politics have been mixing more and more across the country. Evangelicals dance on the national psyche daily now that the 2012 presidential race has begun. Right-wing zealots are burning Americans at the stake with precious little evidence of some horrible social virus that would threaten mankind's existence. Conversely, those who hold truth that religion is something allowed, but not revered by the collective are themselves dancing with contrarian ideas, ideas that go against the teachings of western religion.

Would it be a sweeter pill to swallow if this community wondered about new City Commissioner Castillo's sexual preferences? Would the voters care if he took the unpopular side of that issue? Is he for the religious tenet that says marriage is only between a man and a woman? Does that matter to the struggling residents of ever-struggling Harlingen? It's something to think about - for one day tops.

Castillo has postured himself for elected office and he has won the peoples' vote.

Whatever else he may - or may not - be likely will surface in the coming months, and, like Catholicism itself, he will be judged on how his dogma plays...

- 30 -


Carlos Meza said...

I have spoken with Commissioner-elect Castillo. He believes that anyone that accepts Christ Jesus as Savior will be saved; including Catholics, Methodist, Baptist, etc. He is not anti-Catholic. The rumor started early in campaign by a supporter or one of his opponents. Now, that the election is over perhaps some of these lies can be put to rest.

Carlos Meza said...

I believe I first saw it on Deal's flyspotted blog in a comment by Rubio. Joe Rubio has a grudge against Castillo. But Chapa picked it up and ran with it as did Deal in several of his comments.

Desi said...

Joe Rubio is a story Jerry deal won't tell. He gets a free shot at everybody on Deal's blog, which has ruined Deal's reputation. That blog has lost a lot of credibility, but the old man doesn't get it.

Anonymous said...

You'd have to be a Valley residrnt to underatand how we practice the religion. Like everyone else, I'ma Catholic only on Sunday. enuf said.

Manuel T. said...

I go to church and all I see is the plate being passed around. God doesn't need my money, the church does! Crazy.

Former old Guard said...

Well, let's wait and see how this guy performs, Castillo was supported by money of the old guard, let me say this, he was bought and paid, by part of the old guard.

Willy said...

The King of the Old Guard, Dial Dunkin, supported Moore.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are right, the king-pin did support Pail Moore, but part of the old guard supported Castillo.
Castillo will be a bought and paid commissioner. He will do what they old guard want's him. He accepted and took their money. Pay back, good by city manager.

El Primo said...

I called the hospital where Junior Bonner is under care. The nurse reported, Junior stated, he was treating the horse, the way he treated Chylantra.
I guess the horse is smarter then Chyllantra.

Anonymous said...

Junior Bonner, looks like Jed Clampett of the Beverly HillBillies.

Anonymous said...

The Old Guard still rules Harlingen. Why lie about it. Tony chapa is stupid to think it doesn't and Jerry Deal closes his eyes on a lot of stuff by Anglos.

Anonymous said...

Religion in the valley is a one-day thing. The rest of the week is playground for sinners. LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

El buttinski is losing his marbles by defending Jerry Deal. On another blog.

Anonymous said...

Why is Ron Mexico wearing women's leotards, he must have just swimmed the Rio Grande. Damn, Hands VEla, LaCandrelle Jefferson, the Avenger, Rudolf VonBulow and now Klements, what are these reporter's, gypsies.

El Que Sabe said...

Ron Mexico was robbed at a health club in Harlingen. I recall he found this outfit and wore it home cause they stole his clotehres that day. Now u know.

Anonymous said... is whipping Jerry Deal. about time!

Anonymous said...

I don't know, but that Ron Mexico looks tutty frutti to me. Man he looks creepy.

Anonymous said...

Hey, lets get Ron Mexico to take a photo with the girl in a mexican hat, wearing a bikini, they both look rediculous.
Ron Mexico wearing weemin's leotards, wow, Junior Bonner would have a heart attack.

El Veterano said...

Ron had his clothes stolen! That's all he had available. By the way, the Tribune wrote he went to a WhiteWings game in this outfit.

Anonymous said...

Jerry Deal, had to respond has been picking on Jerry for awhile, I hear Olivia L. Richardson, and Daisy Gomez, are commenting on Jerry's blog.