To the Editor of The Paz Files:
I'm writing to you today, against the advice of my attorney, Gloria, because in the article you wrote yesterday about Jerry Deal, you called on him to go out and get the facts and listen to both sides. Well I am challenging you to listen to my side, even though I am accusing your writer of date rape.
I don't expect that you will automatically believe me and fire him (although I think that would only be just) but you have stated before, that women in the RGV are often used and abused and I want to know if you will stand by your sense of right and wrong when the wrong-doer is someone you know.
First of all, let me state, that I was taken in by (Rudolf) Von Bulow's charm and attentiveness. He seemed very kind and generous and interested in me as a person. I know that there are people (mostly men) who read your blog and believe that I can be bought, but then those are the kind of people who probably think that it would be alright if I was sold on the meat market, too. It shouldn't matter if I was a nun or a working girl, I have the right to say no and in this case, I wasn't even given the option.
Personally I think he's probably the kind of guy who gets a kick out of taking something by force. If I had consented to relations with him, he probably wouldn't have enjoyed it. Just because he wears a Rolex and smokes cigarettes in one of those fancy holders, doesn't make him a gentleman. A gentleman would never trick somebody, or take anybody by force.
Chances are that Von Bulow is looking into hiring someone like Joe Rubio to look into my past and I'll admit I haven't been an angel. He may be able to find men who say they gave me nice things and that I was intimate with them, but is that unusual for any relationship.
He may say that I have a career in the entertainment industry and SO WHAT? Everybody sells something, whether it's stocks and bonds, perfume in a department store, their voice, looks or personality. It's just women who get called whores for doing it while men are considered to be entrepreneurs. If men want to pay for what I have to offer, that's one thing but nobody has the right to see something that they want and instead of making an offer, they just incapacitate you and take it.
So maybe I'm not an innocent young virgin, but that doesn't mean that I deserve to be assaulted or that it's okay for someone to hurt me and then pretend he's above the law because he's a supposed "gentleman" of a particular class and race. Gloria told me when I first went into this that people would rake me over the coals just like they're doing to the women coming forward about Herman Cain and even the young men finally coming out about the abuses by coaches. Victims aren't always perfect innocents, but that doesn't mean that anybody can do anything they want with them.
I hope you read this with an open mind and heart. I think I deserve justice as much as anyone else and no one has the right to say that anybody can hurt me because of who they think I am.
~ Louise
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[EDITOR'S NOTE: We don't often readily accept that a person is guilty before he or she is tried by a jury of his or her peers. But we have to admit that what we've heard about Rudolf Von Bulow is troubling. His continued position with The Paz Files is being reviewed. And we are glad to offer Ms. Herrera this opportunity to tell her side of the sordid story...]
Von Bulow should be fired and then reinstated if he is found not guilty. Louise sounds credible.
We need more info on the date rape before we can say who is guilty and who is lying. Was she dressed like a slut that night? Some women ask for it.
Hey, Paz, that Gay sheriff in Colorado on the left sidebar looks a heluva lot like Jerry McHale, the Brownsvuille blogger. Wow!!!
Louise Mi amor puedes llorar en mi hombro, you te comprendo Mi AMOR. Eres una mujer vien ehca, pinche viejo aprovechado, I did hear about a disturbance after the pep-rally on 9th and Jefferson. Ojala y los hombres de Harlingen le aigan metido una guena chingisa as este viejo cabron.
I... R. Valentino, challenge Rudolf VonBulow, son of the Nazi clan into a fist fight.
Reason: To defend the integreti and respect of as well developed Mexican woman, low class or not, VonBulow must pay.
Paz-Martinez as editor of this blog, it is your moral obligation to Fire Rudolf VonBulow immiediately.
You must also quit hiring rapist, womanizer,(ouch)abusers, woman beaters. The Paz-files for some reason or another attracts degenerates. Stop this practice now, and fire the H.R. person recommending these creeps for employment.
ALL:...Our Personnel Director, LaVonne Buenrostro, has resigned in the wake of Von Bulow's arrest. Rudolf will be summoned to our office this evening and a decision will be made by morning... - Editor
@ Louis. It should'nt matter how anyone is dressed. Little girls of 12 wear lipstick these days. Does that mean they're asking for it? If somebody is wearing something that you feel is advertising, then you may have a reason to put in an offer but you don't have a right to steal, especially not by force. I've seen men go jogging in shorts with obviously no underwear on. Does that mean that I have a right to do anything I want to them? Usually what I want to do is laugh because it just looks so awkward to be running along with your valuables just dangling in the breeze like that. As for your request for the juicy details, you can follow the trial. I'm not here to inspire your self-entertainment.
Louise, no te enojes MI Amor, no te enojes, naturalmente que tu t puedes vestir como tu quieras mi vida.
Ere un mujer my Linda, pero que bein buena estas, wow,wow. Yo sere tu esclavo mi Amor.
Breaking news, the disturbance last night at 9th. and West Jefferson was two blocks away from the Pep-rally at Boggus stadium. Was classified as a free for all.
Officer in Charge is saying that the man that got his ass kicked goes by the name of, Randolph JanGigalo. He is from Norway. He was beaten because he made a move towards the woman of a gang member from the West side.
No charges were file, because the gangsters ran and hid. Randolph did not file charges. He was beaten pretty bad and a fake Rolex was reported stolen.
If Joe Rubio is hired all he will be able to come up with are lies, runors and pipe dreams. The guy could not investigate his way out of a paper bag.
Rubio cannot help VonBulow or Randolph, Rubio only runs to the table at local restaraunts. You can find him eating at the Rest. at all times of the day or night. Him and Ken Kenton estan igual de pansones.
I hear, Victor Holliday quit eating at las casuelas after a confrontation with 3 guys at the parking lot at las casuelas. I hear nasty words were exchanged. I have a feeling Junior Bonner changed his hame when confronted by three hombres, pues no que eras hombrecito, viejo cuerpo de eskeleto.
Breaking News: A heavy set Police commander reports, Randolph JanGigalo was release from the Hospital after a receiving the beating of his life by three gang members of the West Side A's.
Rudolf, was told to stop flirting with tatooed women accompanied by guys wearing bandanas.
Mr. editor, saw juan el tamalero, eating at a local buffet, he ate tamales, rice and beans, for one whole hour. Viejo tragon.
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