The Paz Files
HARLINGEN, Texas - Bang the drum slowly. The dream is over. It'll go down as the only defeat on the ledger for the 2011 version of the Harlingen High football Cardinals, an ignominious 42-27 drubbing at the hands of those unstoppable San Antonio Madison Mavericks.
They're still sitting in the Javelina Stadium stands this morning, those estimated 10,000 fans who flocked north and witnessed the beating in Kingsville, seated there replaying the many moves of a smallish high school kid named Marquis Warford, seeing him run the Cardinals ragged. (See photo above)
Mavericks running back Warford rushed for 125 yards and a touchdown and had five catches for 117 yards and two receptions for TDs. So long, Harlingen.
What do you say about a football team many said was the best ever produced by the Rio Grande Valley, a shank of land rarely mentioned when Texas football is discussed north of the Mexican border? Was it simply beaten by a better team? Was the squad outcoached by a veteran and savvy San Antonio Madison coach wily enough to know that going 1-3 at the beginning of the season was not the season in its totality?
Why did undefeated Harlingen lose? The Cardinals had run roughshod over all but one of their previous 13 opponents. Who's to blame, if anybody? Was this merely the latest chapter in a long-running series of state playoff disappointments? Is it further proof that Valley teams just cannot compete with the bigger and faster boys who play the same game upstate?
It would seem so.
This morning, Harlingen again mourns the sad and lonely evaporation of another dream. It is a city of losers all over again, if one uses the scoreboard as the only measuring stick. They're not losers. These kids kicked at the state playoff doors and they will be back to kick it again until they kick it down. That's the essence of never, ever giving up. Critics will rise like weeds against lawnmowers and say the Cardinals did not show up to play, that the coach never did coach during the critical minutes, that, well, winning was not in the cards.
Perhaps there is some truth in all of that. Who knows? Harlingen was favored in last night's game, but that's why they play the games. Records go out the window at crunch time. Thousands of fans arriving in support do not make a play, do not make a tackle, do not suck it up when the going gets weird.
Don't weep for Harlingen.
It has learned the way of the disappointed. Indeed, tomorrow is another day...
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Its sad, but there's next year. there's always next year.
In the Valley most teams are one dimensional, Valley teams, are either passing team's like los Fresnos, or a running team like Pharr North who runs out of the slot-T formation, and uses misderection plays, Harlingen had problems with Del Rio. They had a balance attack.
San Antonio Maverick's also had a running attack, they could run and pass.
Jim Streety who coaches the Maverick's said, it only takes 11 guys at a time to win games.
IN the first half, San Antonio threw the flanker reverse play, 3 times, for some reason, the Card's kept missing coverage.
The Mav's were quicker, than the Cards.
There were rumors going around this morning that Juan El Tamalero O. was in route to San Antonio.
Juan eats more tamales in an hour than people eat in a day. Tony C. was going with him. They heard it was free.
What Juan Montoyo going to the county farm club. For non-child support payments. Damn, what is it with these journalist, no jobs, drunks, womanizer, heck why would anyone seek a carrer in journalism, hell you would starve.
Paz-martinez, help Juanito out, he is Jail this morning.
Montoya is a border guy. He drinks and he forgets he has fathered several kids. That's Brownsville for you.
Harlingen got as far as it was going to get. Those boys fro upstate are too tough.
That Montoya is always in trouble. What's with him? Not helping his kids. Hell-o, J.J. Gonzalez!
Season is over, we will see what next year brings. Thank Cards.
At Carrizales life can be difficult. Juan Montoya needs a job, a real job, doing man's work. J.J. Gonzalez brother, only J.J. got the city attorney to bail him out.
Breaking News: Apperantly, someone was asked to leave the Tamalada Fest in San Antonio, because he wanted FREE TAMALES. He was short, fat and ugly, he claimed to be a paratrooper and expected free food. He was accompanied by another short dumb looking man.
Let me see, Brownsville at it's finest, former reporters in jail, another sports reporter runs a blog and wants to transform Browsville as a night club hub, another one operates a blog no one reads, Cameron county court is full of rats. One judge was caught fixing cases. Sallie Gonzalez, is expecting to run against Trejo known well in Primera. Damn, what a screwed up scene.
Gail's Moore buddy wanted to whip Juanon el tamalon's airborne ass, but he ran like a coward and called the police, es miedoso, igual to Tony Chapa, no sirven para nada, neither one.
Juan Montoya is now a jail bird again, what is the matter with that man, all that education, and has no job.
Oye Menso, don't forget you live in the Vallley where people think getting $518 a month on disability is great, plus food stamps, and old car, jeans and a flannel shirt are the dress of the day. Puro low lifes, como Junior Bonner Y chilantrona. AAAYYYYYAAAYYYY
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