The Paz Files
HARLINGEN, Texas - His clamorous critics are loud and nasty, but City Commissioner Robert Leftwich knows there are moments when politics calls and others when it tugs, pulling you in directions defined not by personal wishes, but by the times one lives in. The mayorship in 2013 looms on his horizon like a rising sun greeting this town's new dawn. There are those who say he's the one for the job.
Leftwich is not broaching the topic yet.
Indeed, he has gone out of his way to fend-off rumors and innuendo related to a bid for the office, delaying a decision perhaps just long enough to organize and mount a winning campaign. Harlingen has no other commission member in his position, that of presumed frontrunner. The cards and coffee shop talk say he'll do it.
Leftwich, popular in most quarters of the city, has a year to navigate the local political swamp, to forge a strategy whereby he diminishes the power of the so-called Old Guard, a small group of aging political movers & shakers not shy about saying Leftwich will never gain their support.
Still, Harlingen needs to find a candidate able to move the trains on time, someone who will allow the community a chance at replacing the past with a progressive future. Leftwich has that at his disposal if he wants it. His reputation on the commission points him in that direction.
Will he come out early and set the stage as he wants it? Will he be able to frame the contest on his own terms? Strategizing all angles with plenty of time to amend the campaign would be the best approach. Coordinating support and arranging a public schedule that would hit all areas of the city with mini-Town Hall meetings would serve Leftwich well, allowing him to stay ahead of the relentless salvos he'll get from those opposed to his bid for the city's highest office.
We believe Leftwich has the experience and temperment to effect the needed change, to rid Harlingen once and for all of that "Power Elite Crowd" sentiment that both emboldens some and disenfranchises others. Leftwich has no other rival at present, and no one on the current City Commission is remotely ready for the job.
A yearlong campaign allows him the opportunity to be seen and, better yet, be heard by everyone in town, to take their questions and their praise or complaints, to assuage their worries. Walking the streets seguing into a series of in-depth press interviews, followed at various points by insightful "issue" columns submitted to the local news outlets would get the sort of saturation he'd need to not only make the fight, but win it.
The Year 2012 promises to be a humdinger all the way around from coast-to-coast. National politics will rule the end of the year with the presidential election, but the race for mayor of this struggling Rio Grande Valley town with both an image and an economy problem bodes well for Leftwich. He's been there to see and hear every citizen concern, and he's no doubt had time to form opinions on what has to be done and how.
One would think he's ready...
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Sir, it is nice to find a man so optimistic, full of hope and dreams for the future. I commend you. Now for a little reality, Leftwich is not as popular as he was when first elected to the commission. In his last bid for his seat he squeaked by with a handful of votes after a recount, a recount that some found suspect. This was against an opponent relatively unknown outside of her job and her church. Leftwich can no longer count on his home district and especially not the two East-side districts adjacent to his, nor the more affluent country club set of District 5. Leftwich faces a very steep uphill battle if he decides to run for mayor. Many are hoping he does run for mayor in order to get him off of the commission.
Leftwich! There's no one else I can think of.
Poll Watcher is voicing only one opinion. And the editor is being optimistic. So?
I see Leftwich thinking about it. he's got to be. You go on the commission and then you go for mayor. that;s how it's done around here.
mr. Editor, Leftwich just left the Commission meeting in a huff after the city decided to rescind the de-annex ordinance it had earlier approved. You stil on Lefty;s side?
ANON:...We're okay with his reaction. It'll breed a fire in his belly that will fuel that mayoral campaign. To get what you want, you have to want it all. Commissioner Leftwich will use this action to his bid's benefit when push comes to shove...- Editor
Leftwich's support has been eroding at a steady pace since he was first elected. At this point, any other commissioner could beat him, even the lowly Prepejchal. If he faced Boswell, he wouldn't have any chance at all.
In the Valley, any politician can win any race. They have to get out the vote and when 1,000 votes can get you elected well that's always possible. It's a year-plus away, so a lot will change. Leftwich can make it happen. With a plan, like you say. Good article.
Nixon was Gay? That explains it all. wow!
So is a former Harlingen commissioner. He hung around two city parks in the evenings trying to pick up men.
Anon, which city commissioner was gay? Did that ever come out? Don't recall any such thing.
Dick, I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you. ha ha ha. Joking. a lot of people know who it was, or is. ask around at the coffee shops.
Robert Lefty is a good man, that damn Jerry Prep is a back stabbing idiot. He is not going to win the next election.
That big fat woman, who's name was elaine flores, that ran against Leftwich, was supported by the old damn guard. Yes, Connie De LaGarza, the Boggus people and all of the old guard, slowly the damn city is being taken by the rats. Castillo has become a puppet of the guard. Yessir, the damn old guard.
Need to start making the rounds at the local coffee shop, haven't been by las casuelas, since Junior Bonner was confronted by 3 readers of the Paz-files. (And denied being Junnior Bonner, claims to be some relative of Holliday.)
Mr. Editor, you are causing havoc with your articles.
That Wilona Washington, looks pretty darn good to me, Wilona, how about a date with real man.
You are utterly clueless about Harlingen if you think Lefty could do anything but embarrass himself at the citywide level. He won with 13 votes in his district against a well-meaning but far from strong opponent. His popularity within his district is plummeting and District 3 is where about half the city's actual VOTERS reside. He is LOATHED here.
He will soon enough return to the obscurity he so richly deserves.
Argabright is a real loser. All he does is comment on Deal's bori ng blog. Get a job, argabright!
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