only read radical literature,
and the trouble with conservatives is
that they don't read anything..."
- Thomas Nixon Carver
The Paz Files
AUSTIN, Texas - God-fearing Republicans across the country aren't exactly jumping in the pews these days. Well, a few of them are, but those are the ones squeezing into what they believe is the creator's private box, front row in church, otherwise known as that oft-mentioned extreme right wing of the GOP cathedral. For the larger majority of the party's ever-dizzy flock, this ongoing 2012 presidential nomination process is now a stunning disaster.
Last night, presumed frontrunner Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, eked out a win against his three opponents in the Michigan primary, barely topping former Pennsylvania U.S. Senator Rick Santorum by a 41.1 to 37.9 percentage margin. In the Arizona contest, Romney did a bit better, winning there with 47.3 percent of the vote to Santorum's 26.6. Perennial also-rans Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul arrived in third and fourth place, as they have done in the recent primaries.
What's troubling for Republicans is the lingering image of Romney as a member of the country's wealthiest class, a candidate whose social status will hurt him in the November general election against incumbent President Barack Obama. Romney is not suffering, as is most of America. His manner of campaigning strikes an elitist chord, making him appear to not be someone sympathetic to the plight of the dominant working class, the so-called 99-percenters. At last check, the U.S. counted more Democrats than Republicans in its population, although Independents generally move between both parties in presidential voting.
Romney glowed in his victories last night. Things hadn't been as cheerful in his camp in the days and weeks prior, however, when giddy political pundits opined he might lose his homestate primary in Michigan, something that would have crippled his campaign.
But his chief opponent these days is an idiot by the name of Santorum. He's the one who labeled President Obama a "snob" for daring to wish every American student a shot at a college education. Then he took on former President John F. Kennedy and blamed him for the endorsing the concept separation of church and state in this land. Santorum is in the wrong race. Really, he should he posturing himself as the nation's answer to our lull in good, late-night comedy.
Still, he is, believe it or not, not as bad a candidate as are serial adulterer Newt Gingrich, the last place finisher in Michigan, or Fake Libertarian Ron Paul, the last place finisher in Arizona. Gingrich lives to eat off the public trough and has an annoying wife; Paul still carries the stamp of racist newsletters he published decades ago and the backing of White Separatist groups. Compared to these two, Romney looks like a billion dollars and Santorum like a sane Italian.
This Republican Party is going nowhere in November.
And, worse yet for the Grand Old Party's stalwarts, it is seeding the sort of growing contempt that might spark a credible Third-Party push needed in this country. Thank you. Send in the clowns...
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right on the money. Those republicans are lost. Romney is not the answer.
Damn, didn't know there were so many people in food stamps. America needs jobs, descent paying jobs.
Tony C. es mojao, he knows it, he is from La colonia juares de reynosa.
I can't believe Rick Perry will not re-inburse the state for the security, tax payers are providing to this dufless governor. He embarrassed Texas.
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