Dios, nos vigila..."
- Bob Dylan, Romance In Durango
The Paz Files
BOCA GRANDE, Texas - The blogger was late for work. Eight hours of jobbing in the dirty deguello awaited him, this after he'd spent more than an hour posting a breathless story on his blog, BrownsvilleGarbage.com, about a new bar opening in town. There, he'd written, a chubby, black-haired woman had captured his imagination with talk about border satanism, wild pills and rough sex.
"I was transported to the part of my brain where I'd never been before," he'd written in a burst of perspiration that soaked his $9 orange-striped, Mervyn's shirt. Here, as he walked the lonely streets at midnight for the graveyard shift, the balding blogger inhaled a lungful of warm, humid air and pondered his upcoming date with the woman. She'd said her name was Manuela Ochoa, but that she was better-known by her nickname, "La Negra Traicion."
Lately, things had gone badly for the blogger. He'd written a story about local corruption no one believed. That had been a bummer, but then he'd written another one about snow that fell in his hometown, one far to the northwest. It was all a blur now, but he did feel stupid. At least the stories he'd written about the blues were somewhere back there, thankfully now-forgotten. What's wrong with me, the blogger asked no one in particular. He was almost under a leaning streetlamp when the gunshot broke the evening's silence.
A long gong went off in his brain, like a boxing ring's bell ringing ceaselessly.
He was on the ground, staring at the dust-dulled streetlamp light, his eyes chasing the swarm of gnats playing around the buzzing brightness, the scene seemingly innocent. Blood moved down his face and he lifted a hand to wipe it off his eyes. Am I shot, he asked himself and got no answer. What the Hell. Quien es?
Fear was the worst part about living in Boca Grande. You never knew who was next to die. Everybody laughed laughter of the doomed, even the crippled, aged obreros who walked the streets like mummies, forever mumbling lyrics frlom long-gone Mexican songs. There was a song swirling in the blogger's dying brain, something about Chicano poetry and a Coca-Cola stolen from an adjacent table at a low-rent, Tex-Mex cafe. In his frame, a fattened cop lifted himself off a table over by the corner jukebox, adjusted his flowing pants and cleared his Kingfish-like throat. The blogger could see the cop stuffing a fajita into his shirt pocket, the one fronted by a rusting badge. Life was daily in this lousy bordertown. You could go away for weeks and come back to the same dogshit. He lowered his head back onto the drying weedpatch under his body.
The gnats were flying down in his direction.
He thought he heard the chubby woman's voice before one last shot tore through his skull. He'd been cute with her, flirted and patted her on the ass at the bar. She'd smiled from behind a row of yellowing teeth and thrown her chest forward, slightly lifting her breasts in his direction. The blogger had played along, thinking this one's in the bag, in the sack. He'd been wrong.
Nothing was ever what it seemed in Boca Grande...
- 30 -
Hey, it appears Tony "The Turd" Chapa is reading this blog. Maybe he'll learn something about writing! ha ha ha
Tony Chapa might be reading this blog, but not by himself. I'm sure he has to wait till his wife gets home from work so she can help him sound out the words, his lips working overtime with each syllable. He's too embarassed to ask her what the words mean so he calls up Jake. "Jake, do you think I'm an i-d-i-o-t or just stupid?" he asks. "Yes" answers Jake, "but let me have Isidro check it out to make sure." Jake stoops over (his favorite position) and pulls his left sock off and puts it on his left hand. He then addresses his only friend, Isidro. "Do I think Tony Chapa is a stupid idiot?" "Yes, indeed" replies Jake's left hand. Jake calls up Tony and tells him the sad truth that Isidro read his blog once and has definite confirmation that Tony is not only stupid, but a certified idiot also. Tony whimpers into the phone, hangs up and sits down at his computer for the next 2 hours coming up with a few wretched 3 word phrases with no nouns or verbs. So passes another thrilling day in the life of a mental dwarf.
Just ignore Chapa. he just be lonely. Moron.
I'm enjoying this story. THankz. damned good writing, sir.
Nice photo of von buluou at work. Always good photos on the paz files.
that story sounds too real, mr. editor. like it really happened.
Good post, but it sounds like a story about local bloggers, like Montoya and Jerry, am I wrong???
I wouldn't put attention to tonie Chapete, viejo hoto no vale mas que pura chi**&*&da. Oyiste Chapete, no vales madre.
rEADS like it's about Browntown bloggers, Machale, barton and montoya. who shot Jerry McHALE? ha ha ha
great articles. When's the next one on the lousy Whitewings? can't wait. welfare baseball. Why should we pay for that team to make money? ridiculous. Pay your way, Whitewings! you make us pay admission, don't you?
brownsville is a dirty town. I go there, bt i always take a bath when i get home. how can anyone live there? hijole!
Harlingen is no better, bro.
I want to move to Boca Grande. My kind of f!$#ed up place. Interesting descriptions.
Best blog in the valley! keep up the god work, mr. editor
Best blog, when it comes to writing, great skills, good reads, Anon is right, keep up the good work. and f/k al mamon de chapta..
Lyle looks gansta, like an old gangster.
Okay Alcatraz is that Junior Bonner hi-tailing towards New Mexico. Leopardo, wants to cut him up bad.
He screwed Leopardo Elizondo's weemin, while Leopardo was working like a slave.
Junior could have left some money for the air cond. What a chepo.
Anon, you mean, Junior Bonner, had a fling with Leopardo Elizondo's squeeze, at Leopardo home, using Leopardo's a/c, dranked leopardo's Natural Beer, used his bedroom and didn't leave Leopardo at least $20.00 for the light bill, while he enjoyed Leopardo's weemin.
He will pay, when Leopardo catches him. And he will, Junior has a habit of doing this crap.
Oye "Mojao," you ought to back to Mexico.
Didn't Junior pull this trick to a prostitute in Amsterdam, and didn't some pimp chased his ass all the way back to America, bad habit Junior, real bad.
where's Jr. going in that monster car? rodeo? he needs to keep writing.
8:06 am "Jim Barton" is not me.
That Jim Barton in the cheap suit is not me.
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