The Paz Files
BROWNSVILLE, Texas - They collared and jailed a woman here the other day. Cops said she assaulted her husband, apparently after she caught ear of him talking about another woman. It happens here, perhaps all-too-often.
Only this time, and not that it is all that rare, the woman was an elected official, City Commissioner Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa, a novice at the game of politics, but a hearty woman at heart.
Breathless reporting following her arrest last Saturday has been all over the Journalism map. The newspaper here says she was at home on the phone with her 58-year-old husband, Arthur, when something weird happened. Commissioner Kalifa, shown in photo above, somehow stayed on the phone after the conversation had seemingly ended and overheard her husband and a friend talking about a woman. His line, it seems, had not gone dead after he'd said adieu to his missus. Bad form. She says she heard it all.
It wasn't long, say other reports, before he got home. There, another sordid episode of local spousal sparring moved into rougher words and, say police, then into the physical. Glasses were thrown, glass shards finding their way to the husband's face. The newspaper reported the commissioner then bolted for the bedroom, from where she called police to report the assault. Cops arrived and nosed around, saw bruisings on the husband's face and busted her on domestic violence charges. Later, the plot thickened and the commissioner asked police to note scratchings on her chest. Sometime after that, someone at PeeDee decided they looked very much like self-inflicted nail-scratchings. No sale, wrote the screenwriter.
Tetreau-Kalifa was booked.
The wide-angle camera panned the town and someone said they heard the lady commissioner note that the female arresting officer had been a high school rival and that the arrest had much to do with the officer having it in for Ms. Tetreau-Kalifa. That chicken-on-chicken angle has yet to be confirmed. Observers, however, say the incident is not unlike any of a thousand other such assaults that take place monthly in this wild border town home to some 140,000 documented and undocumented residents. No mention was made of alcohol or drugs being part of this particular husband-wife melee.
It'll be some time before the loose ends are strung together, but things were not looking good for the recently-elected commissioner, owner & operator, it is said, of a car wash business. And who knows how much interest this story will generate in a town used to some of the most mind-numbing, barbaric spousal attacks? The newspaper was doing its part to keep the scandal alive, publishing the distressing police mug as soon as it was able. Story-hungry bloggers quickly jumped in, a few taking full advantage of the situation and making fun of the Kalifa family's foibles.
It was Commissioner Tetreau-Kalifa this time. But, then, a few months back it was the mayor being busted on charges of driving while intoxicated, and before that a city commissioner falling victim to the same. It's a wild ride for anyone wishing to call Brownsville home. Much fun & games comes with the adventure, yet, invariably, it's a mug shot for even the most so-called upstanding citizens.
Epilogue: As we've said a time or two before, and this does not necessarily go to this lady commissioner's case, but it does have to be said that it is unusual to die of shame...
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She'll get off. Husband will drop charges. It's browntown.
this lady is a one-term commissioner. doesm't have what it takes. too emotional.
When this crazy woman got elected the choices were minimal between candidates.
Besides what's a 28 year old woman doing marrying a 58 year old man.
He was thirty when she was born. I know there is a shortage of males. Hell he is old enough to be her grand dad.
This world is crazyyyyy!!!
In the Valley, sex has no age. Men and women here mate like rabbits. All it takes is a beer or a cocktail and it hapens. I know cause I do it every weekend.
Thirty years old and a grandfather - happends all the time in Brownsville, just like the many twenty-eight year old grandmothers. They have to provide dacecare in the middle schools for the students with children.
ha ha ha ha. DP-M's book and the one on the right sidebar go well with the main story about the Brownsville commissioner. It was funny to me. thankz
Heard Charlie Atrkinson is thinking of running against her again for his old commissioner's job. The one he lost to tetreau-Kalifa. He may win it back!
Oh no, watch out!!! Armando Villalobos to the rescue??? Kalifa is accusing the BPD of jumping the gun and arresting her without probable cause??? She claims to be the victim??? Supposedly she has evidence on her chest??? Where are the pictures??? She has a big chest, right??? What would she be saying if they had arrested her husband instead of her??? Doesn't make any difference???
The case will be sent to the CCDA office and Villalobos will take care of it??? The case will be dismissed because the husband will drop the charges on her??? That will be Villalobos' out??? Remember Mando, you have a protocol that defendants and victims follow before you dismiss family violence cases??? Will you make sure that Kalifa and her husband abide by this??? Only time will tell??? Is that Justice??? Shouldn't Villalobos' office make sure that Kalifa is not a future murderer??? Kalifa obviously has "anger issues" and should see someone about it??? She blows a gasket because her husband and a friend are talking about another woman??? She obviously has lack of confidence in her marriage to act out this way??? That woman they were talking must be prettier than Kalifa??? Don't get me wrong, Kalifa is "fugly!!! Anyway, lets see if BPD Chief has the balls to submit the case and find her complaint to be "un-warranted??? What is it with elected officials in Brownsville??? They get arrested for DWI, Theft, Hot Checks and Family Violence???
Kalifa is now blaming the police, what a bitch. She should behave like a woman, instead of acting like street hooker.
I hope the DA indict's her, the word is that indictments are applied into felony cases.
Leave the Bum, and get a life Woman.
Wasn't this the woman, that was the owner of some water mills, or something like that.
She better learn how to behave, she is giving a bad rap to elected officials. (in browntown)
LOL, beating up a man for making a comment about a good looking woman is not a good idea. It is just man talk, nothing more.
28 year old woman, with a 58 year old man, what's the matter can't find man her age???? Crazy female, with over active harmones.
The fix is in??? That so-called "seeker of justice" has already let the public know that the "short fused anger white trash bitch Kalifa" will get off if her senior aged husband signs a "non-prosecution affidavit??? Now, that she has been involved in other incidences since May??? Will the "seeker of justice" make her take anger management classes along with her victim??? That is your protocol, isn't Mando??? Arthur get out while you can??? A wife just killed her husband in Harlingen??? GET OUT ARTHUR!!!
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