The Paz Files
AUSTIN, Texas - He is now known as the candidate who humiliated and took down Country Rick Perry. A political loser himself, Rick Santorum, former congressman and U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania, has been renewed in his longshot bid for the Republican Party's 2012 presidential nomination. It is a sure dramatic rise for a candidate who was thoroughly whipped following the Ames Caucus in Iowa a month ago.
But at the recent GOP candidates debate in Orlando, Florida, Santorum, a lawyer and the 53-year-old son of an Italian immigrant father and an Irish mother, arrived as if a pit bull ordered to maul Perry, the then-darling of the GOP.
Perry has not been the same since that night.
Santorum likely has no real shot at winning the nomination, but he may get credit as the one who took out the brash and blustery Texan who first sought to secede Texas from the United States and then decided to seek its presidency. In pro hockey, they would call Santorum the enforcer, the guy whose skills are lacking, but who is willing to punch-out the other team's villain. He has so far done an excellent job of beating on Perry.
Santorum charged after the stammering Perry on the issue of immigration and on Perry's ridiculous claim that the federal social security program is a "Ponzi" scheme. In machine-gun fashion, he loudly assailed Perry, who uncharacteristically appeared stunned, more like a chump than a champ.
Gary Bauer, one of the GOP's most influential of the Christian conservative leaders, said this about Santorum recently, "He has been impressive in the debates. Eventually one person will emerge as the alternative to Mitt Romney. I think Santorum could easily become that alternative, and many social conservatives would agree."
Still, Santorum was among the Republican debaters who said nothing when the Florida audience booed a Gay soldier shown asking a question via video from his base in Iraq. Santorum later said he got an inkling the booing was wrong, but was caught up in the moment. Bad news. Regret, however, is not something Republicans wear openly.
Santorum has bigger problems, himself.
He still carries the stigma of having been roundly beaten in his 2006 bid for re-election to the U.S. Senate. In that contest, he lost to Democrat Bob Casey, Jr. 59% to 41% - the largest margin of defeat for a senator since 1980. That's an astonishing whipping that came during the Bush Administration's wild rallying of GOP candidates.
So, who knows how much longer Rick Santorum goes in his effort to become the Republican Party's standard bearer against incumbent President Barack Obama.
But the lad should get all the credit he wants for exposing the flaws in Country Rick Perry...
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santorum is way over his head. sorry, dude. you have no karma!
Junior bonner and now Ron Mexico. wow!!! double trouble.
Good article. Perry is getting hammered by his own Republicans. Love it!
I don't see why people vote Republican. They get zero representation. Their congressmen vote lockstep irregardless of their individual district's needs. Their party policies are decided in smoky back rooms. Might as well join the Borg Collective.
Damn, where did Ron Mexico find those rags, at a dumpster??? He look kind of flutie.
Wait, Bonner in Harlingen and Ron in Browntown.
Sorry Jerry Mchale, now you have two guys to corrupt. Not that they need help.
The editor of the Valley Morning Star was charged with DWI. I guess all the crap in town, caused him to drink.
I hear Jr. Bonner was at Baloo's drinking untill closing time. Birds of a feather.
Damn, Mr. Editor, the eyes of Junior Bonner look creepy. Ron Mexico and Jr. Bonner, what a pair..
Da cowboys played horrible last Monday night. If they plan to be on the play-offs they better play at a higher level.
Can you believe this, Tony Chapa is saying Gus Ruiz has lost his vote forever. Wait, Chapa doesn't vote, Tony is from la colonia Modelo in Matamoros. What a sick man.
I say Jr. Bonner, for city of Harlingen city commissioner. I think he will do great.
Ricky James Perry is not going to win, Rick will never be president, he isn't liked anymore. Poor little fool, you thought people really liked you. Chazem, Chazem, as Gomer Pyle use to say.
Michele Bachman, and the rest of the group attrack the worst, "the right wing extremist". Poor silly woman, she isn't going to be president.
Mr.Editor, you were a newspaper man back in the old days. Tell me what causes journalist to turn into drinking.
Jerry Deal bends the elbow, Juan Montoya drinks quiet a bit, and Jerry McHale drinks all the time, as does Jim Barton he frequent's often.
I don't know if you do any drinking, but many are ready to hit the happy hour crowd, right at 5 pm. Just wondering, of course.
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