The Paz Files
AUSTIN, Texas - It was the ugliest murder in modern-day Texas, a crime so horrific that trial juries wasted little time in sentencing the three racist to death. One of them, Lawrence Brewer, shown in prison photo above, dies this evening. There is no room for mercy, no chance of a commutation, nothing but Hell awaiting this animal.
To back up, 49-year-old James Byrd, an African-American, was on his way home along a backroad that took him to his hometown of Jasper, in East Texas, that June day in 1998. Three white men - Shawn Berry, Lawrence Brewer, and John King - thought they spotted an easy target, a Black man they believed needed to be punished. When Byrd asked the three for a lift, they happily obliged. But barely miles down the isolated road, they tied his hands and wrapped his ankles with a heavy logging chain before tossing off and then dragging Byrd behind their pick-up truck along the road's asphalt pavement.
Byrd was pulled for about two miles as the truck swerved from side to side, the three men yelling racist words and profanity at their victim. Slowly, Byrd's arms and legs came off, and then his head. They stopped the truck, unhooked the chain and sped away, leaving a trail of blood and body parts.
Berry was tried and received a life sentence, while King got the death penalty. King, however, is appealing the verdict. He remains in Death Row.
The 42-year-old Brewer is scheduled to be executed tonight at the state prison's Death Row in Huntsville, north of Houston. As is always the case, there will be those protesting the Death penalty outside the prison, and the news media will cover it as such. The execution, painless as it is, is a barbaric result to a barbaric act. But, this time, it is merited.
It is the ultimate punishment for Brewer.
It is justice...
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Firing squad for Brewer. And his entire family should be deported! Miscreants not wanted. DEPORTATION!!!
Agree. All families who have anyone on Death Row should be deported. Immediately!
Two death sentences (King & Brewer).
Shawn Berry sentenced to life in prison.
they should have let the Black community drag Brewer for a few miles. That would have been true justice.
This characters are all screwed up, nothing but trailer park trash in East Texas. Nothing but trash.
"There is no room for mercy, no chance of a commutation, nothing but Hell awaiting this animal."
Ah, but here's the rub: Hell is not waiting for anyone. There is no justice beyond the grave. Brewer committed an evil act, but one that had many East Texas racists laughing. Tonight he will be executed, but the reality is that he did get away with it.
ANON:...Of course, the Rednecks were laughing. And that only cements the idea that these were animals. As for Brewer getting away with it, well, he's been in prison so long that that alone would be justice. But he will open his eyes and see the end coming, and he will know that he is being put to death by the more-civilized among us. Brewer will go to Hell. Rest assured he won't find shelter anywhere else. It'll be a good evening for those who hate the haters. Twist that one around the few cells in your brain... - Editor
Agree. this is a death penalty case. no question about it. HATE CRIME!!!
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