I can't shoot them anymore.
That long black cloud is comin' down
I feel like I'm knockin' on heaven's door..."
- Dylan, Knockin' On Heaven's Door
The Paz Files
COMBES, Texas - Writer Junior Bonner was laid to rest here early Friday morning in a ceremony attended by family and friends, all of whom said humanity and the world had lost a giant. Bonner died last weekend after suffering a heart attack. His body, carried by four Paz Files reporters dressed in World War II uniforms, was walked to a lonely grave in a field behind his doublewide mobile home in this dusty, one-horse town. As a large, bright sunball rose to greet the day, a single bugler played Taps on a nearby hillside.
"He was only 44 years old," Cylantra De la Torre told those gathered at the gravesite. "But Junior lived for centuries. His life will not be defined by his drinking or womanizing, but by his big heart. That is why he left the mobile home and its contents to me."
In the somber crowd was the husband of a woman who claimed to have had an affair with Bonner in the weeks before his death. Leopardo Elizondo, dressed in black, said he arrived to offer a send-off to a man he never met, but had heard much about.
"It's too late for me to be freakin' mad at him, for what he did with my wife," Elizondo told story-hungry reporters. "I think that we could have been friends, in fact." Elizondo confirmed reports that he and his wife, Ruby Archuleta, had called their marriage quits, adding that, indeed, Ruby had moved to Chicago.
At daybreak, soulful funeral music burst from inside Bonner's mobile home, where a woman had been assigned to handle the recordings on Junior's aging turntable. As the dirges played, those in attandance began to leave the home in a single file, women and children leading the way. Reporters kept a short distance away behind barbed wiring all lowered their heads as the procession ambled by, some sobbing heard from a Brownsville blogger who had angered Junior by posting photos of a fake, Gay-like Bonner. Stern-faced Combes police, joined by a few of their Harlingen brethren, enveloped the mourners as they headed toward the humble grave.
There, Father Gamaliel Galindo, read verses from Revelations someone said Junior Bonner often quoted before Cylantra, his longtime girlfriend, gave the signal for the wooden coffin's lowering. It was then that a three-member Mariachi stormed into a traditional Mexican burial tune, spooking a flock of birds from their nests in nearby mesquites.
"He's gone," someone said when the gravedigger filled the final resting hole...
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Junior was a man perfect for his time. The valley loved Bonner.
Wings bringing in 42 year old? What kinda league is that? Not paying to see old timers game.
Mr. Basebal, Old timers game is right. 42 year old pitcher? gimme a break.
ALL:...It's no secret that semi-pro baseball teams not affiliated with major league clubs always stock their rosters with aging players, college players who couldn't make the pros and friends of the managers... - Editor
Alcatraz, get rid of Ron Mexico, he really messed this thing up. How can Junior Bonner be 44 and serve in World war 11. He looked more like 70 years old.
Mr. Editor: Suspend Ron Mexico, he must have been drunk when he posted the picture of a wooden box, saying Jr. Bonner was in it. There are soldiers taking to box to a burial somewhere.
If Jr. Bonner was 44, he must have been in Desert 1 in Iraq, not world war 11. Ron was drunk, when he wrote the article. FIRE HIM, immidiately.
Hidalgo County gets, a hockey team, a baskeball team, and Harlingen gets the Whitewings. HHHeeelllllppp.
Bonner is alive...I know he is. Just wait and he will be back, Cabron se anda escondiendo.
The Whitewings ought to change their name to the OldWings, or SenirWings. LOL
Tony chapas blog no comments, Deal's blog eating his lunch, skyrocketting with comments.
Jerry Deal 40 comments.
Chapa 's blog 0 comments. and the winner Deal, pinche Chapa no vales nada, viejo inutil.
The winner is The Paz Files. Deal comes in a distant second and will be in third place if My Leader News Blogsspot starts up again. Chapa - phooy, 28 articles with four comments, and three of those are his own.
Tony Chapa 4 comments, all by him, esta loco el pinche viejo coyon. LOL.
Tony Chapa is the turd Harlingen wants to keep out of its sewer lines. Turd will clog it forthe rest of the city. Loser!!!
Agree 100 percent on Chapa. He is hated in town. And he won't come out cause he's a coward. Hides at his computer, waiting on Jake or Ortega to posta comment. No one else is doing it. That blog has died.
Chapa reminds of me of Newt Gingrich, losersssss.....
Rick Santorum's daughter sure is pretty. Hopefully, she doesn't think like her old man. She will never be married.
Side bar/Cheney's heart. It's not his first wasted heart. He never really used his original for any worthwhile feeling.
Okay, what happen to the editor of this fine blog. DP-M, there is more to life than foof and wild s&^&x.
Snap out of it, and start writing again.
Blogger M. is correct, Chenney never had a good heart.
I have been killed by many women, specially after they leave with all my cash.
Sorry Cylantra De La Torre, Junior Bonner was 144 years old, and not 44. World war two took place in 1943.
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